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August 13th, 1914

To my dearest family,

Oh, how I miss you all so very much. Life here isnt getting any
more than miserable, nor will it ever. Im constantly nauseous from
fatigue and lack of sleep, yet Im to stay awake for days on end with a
clear alert mind that reports to every and any command, even when it
comes from a dimwitted man with the authority of a cow. The boys and I
have been making the most of our time here, especially with Kat
continually surprising us with his spontaneous gifts from Heaven. That
man is a sourcer, I tell you!
Though I am missing the education I so longingly desire, I have
managed to always find time to get out my textbooks and study as much as
I can. Listen, it wouldnt be right to just completely forget about my
education, learning is one of the vital keys to surviving. Anyways, what
would I do after this war without one? Hm, I always ask myself those
types of questions. I like to often share my thoughts with the rest of
the boys and hear out their opinions as well, though, there are times
when they cause small disputes until another brings out a bottle of beer.
Speaking of friends, Kemmerich passed away. Since then, I have realized
the meaninglessness of death and the emptiness of life during this war.
Kemmerichs death was quite a sorrow, but on the other hand, it did gift
me with a fine pair of laced boots. Constantly walking through these
dreaded trenches gave me blisters and sores, these new boots are saints!
Some of the boys thought I was being outright rude, but listen, I was
just being practical.
There are nights when I dream of being back home, taking
examinations and fooling about with the boys. Do you know what Kantorek
called us in a letter he sent out to Kropp? We are the Iron Youth. Ha!
Anyways, I have to get going. Dont worry about me here, these boys are
my family, well take real good care of each other. I know sooner or
later, there will be less and less of us, but Ive learned to accept that
now. What other option do I have? I cant run from the truth, I need to
face head on what's ahead of me, and I know that whats ahead of me isnt
too pretty. Well, I hope you are all doing well. Stay safe for me. Well
see eachother soon.

Lots of love, Fredrich Mller

August 13, 1915

August 13th, 1914

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