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Main, Daniel
English 12th
Date: 5-10-17
Rough draft accomplishment

The Goal

An accomplishment I had was when I was young; playing the sport I loved which was

hockey. I was playing for the Watertown Rapids and I played forward. During the regular season

of hockey I scored 20 goals and we made it to the playoffs which took place in Ottawa, Canada.

During the playoffs which were single elimination and three games I scored five goals and we

made it to the championship game against a rival, the Cobras. The last time we played the

Cobras was in the regular season in which we lost 6-2 so we wanted revenge in the most

important game of our season.

The game was about to start and I was taking the faceoff for the championship game

which was also my last hockey game of my hockey career. While at the faceoff the puck dropped

and we lost the faceoff and the Cobras had the puck, during the first the puck had gone back and

forth on both sides of the ice, during the first our goalie had an amazing glove save by the

Cobras best player. At the end of the first period the score was 0-0 and there was still two more

periods left. In the second period both of the teams scored and at the end of the second period it

was 1-1. The third period started and it was tied 1-1 during the third period with only three

minutes in the game and I had the puck with a two on one.

Across the ice from me were my teammate and in front another player from the Cobras.

While having the puck I passed it to my teammate and my teammate passed it back to me and I

shot the puck and scored the game-winning goal in which we won 2-1 in the championship game

against our rival the Cobras. After the game we shook hands with the Cobras and then was

awarded the championship trophy. The whole team was excited has we were handed our trophy
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and took pictures of the whole team with our trophy.

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