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Scientific improvements have changed human being life

If we look life one hundred years in the past, we can see how easy and
simple it was. People were farmers. They used to live in rural areas, they grow
vegetables, they breed cattle to feed themselves and their family. Life was very
ordinary and unpretentious. With the daybreak of the Industrial Revolution
within the 18th century, the effect of science on human life rapidly changed. In
my opinion, scientific improvements became us their slaves rather than help us
to improve.

To begin with, we fall into the trend of consumism, and we only by things
that we want but we do not need. Nowadays, everybody has one cellphone, it
is true that it makes communication easier, but we are unsettled or worried
about if it is the latest cell-phone, if it has a high definition camera rather than
to use it to communicate with our relatives and friends. Cell phones were
created to connect people, but we are more connected with them than with

Scientific improvements are neccessary in a society that desires to

progress. For example, there have been many discoveries in the fields of
medicine, against some diseases. But, the reality is that exist many corrupt
people, who use all these improvements to hurt someone, for instance we can
talk about abortion. Medicine helps to heal people, but to kill them too, by way
of illustration, we can talk about the eutanasia.

To sum up, scientific improvements really have changed human life. But,
societies are every time more and more bad-tempered, because of we go head
to head with each other to have many and many contemporay and innovative
stuffs, like cars, gadgets, computers; we are just leaving aside the humanity
and the true values that really have an significance, such as respect,
responsability, live, friendship. In my opinion, an incomplicated life is better
than a advanced-technological one. It is more peaceful and we can be healthier
than we are now.

Claudia Patricia Gonzalez

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