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Gentrification: Contemporary debate and a Latin American overview

Neoliberal urban policies and their social and political transformations

are altering
Profoundly the current structure of certain metropolitan areas of Spain.
The most important consequences are the recovery of urban centers for
And attracting private capital investments, which
Social effects such as displacement and segregation of the popular classes,
Which has generally been termed "gentrification." Compared with the
The theoretical and practical studies on gentrification in the Anglo-Saxon
world, in Spain
Has paid little attention, at least in detail. This thesis project
Attempt to reduce this gap by providing a comprehensive review of the
Anglo-Saxons, as well as those developed in Spain during the last
Decade, in order to contextualize the discourses of gentrification in Spain
within the
Of its specific social, economic and political framework. It will also seek
Aspects that we consider still too little traveled, such as urban policies
Which lead to the displacement of the population with fewer resources. This
effect has been
Little studied not only by those who carry out these public policies of
Revitalization of certain urban areas but also from the social sciences,
which reveal
Its own limitation to observe other forms of displacement, beyond direct
Expulsion of its residents, through perspectives such as displacement by

Consumption or public space.

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