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CST 338 Final Project:

Texas Holdem

Full implementation of texas holdem

cardgame with dynamic AI
AI will change tactics based off of
randomized personality traits and the
current flow of the game
Game will continue until the human
player is eliminated or beats out all
The Known: Implementing classes
Card, Hand, Deck, GUICard, Timer,
and CardTable
These classes are used almost
wholesale from previous projects with
a few differences:
Timer has been altered to allow
incrementing and decrementing for
countdown timers for players.
Cardtable has cut out unneeded
New Class: Player & CompPlayer

compPlayer extends player to play

itself with personality
boldTimid covers how big a risk they will
fastSlow covers how quickly they will
Tilted is a one round condition that will
make them play in the extreme
opposite of their current personality
Keeps track of hand strength to inform
betting decisions made in makeMove
The Meat of the Game:
CardGameFramework, BuildGame,
and GameController
CardGameFramework: contains the
bones of the game
BuildGame: helps with generation and
GameController: contains main and
runs the match recursively until there is
a winner, the player loses, or we exit.
FlowChart of Control

The basic flow will have the gameController as the

backbone of the program.
BuildGame will cover many functions like dealing out cards
and things
CardGameFramework will contain visual updating and the
players themselves
Players will make their moves using their hand
Control will generally flow up and down this flowchart with
timers being called on each turn as well as a global timer
showing in the GameController
Build and Testing

We will build this incrementally out of the well tested codebase of Card,
Hand, Deck, GUICard, and Timer as well as modified Cardgame
First test the systems ability to build the best hand out of a combination of hole
cards and community cards.
Next test the systems ability to correctly score hands and declare winnings
Next test actual rounds of gameplay with different personality types.
Lastly, test the game as a whole for any gameplay tweaks or issues.
Notes and Extensions

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