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Nu gim kho cp n 50 years ago (50 nm trc), when your parents were

young (khi b m em cn tr) hoc when you were a child (khi em cn l a tr), khi
y chng ta nn chn th QU KH N
Nu cu hi yu cu chng ta phi d on, hoc nu n cp n in 50 years (trong
50 nm ti) hoc in the future (trong tng lai), th mnh s dng th TNG LAI
N (will + infinitive)

Do you think people had easier lives 50 years ago?

Yes, maybe life was simpler and less stressful 50 years ago. The mobile phone didnt exist, so I
suppose it was easier to forget about work at the end of the day because people coundnt contact
you so easily.

Do you think life will be more stressful in the future?

Yes, it probably will be more stressful. As the world gets smaller, employees will probably have
to travel to different countries more often and stay in touch with colleagues and clients all over
the world. There will also be more competition for jobsand the cost of living will keep going up.

Cc cu hi v tng lai

Khi gim kho hi 1 trong cc cu nh di y, cc em nn nh rng, gim kho mun nh

gi kh nng a ra cc tng mi, dng th tng lai n

How do you think the design of homes will change in the future?

Cu tr li mu:
I dont think there will be much changes in terms of what houses look like from the outside. In
this country, people still like traditional brick or stone houses. Having said that, the design of
apartmen blocks will probably continue to develop, with more and more experimental or
futuristic buildings made of glass and metal. I imagine that it will be the insides of homes that
change the most; houses will no doubt be full of technological devices to make our lives easier.
Maybe well have things like voice-controlled doors, lights and appliances.

Nu chng ta khng th tr li cu hi

Lm cch no chng ta c th tr li cu hi m khng c tng g v ch nh cc em?

C 2 iu sau chng ta nn lm nu ri vo trng hp nh:
1. Hy thnh tht v gii thch vi gim kho rng cc em khng bit cu tr li
2. Hy phng on v ni vi gim kho rng em ch ang on m thi

Cu hi mu:

How has technology affected the kinds of music that young people listen to?

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