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2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Facilities and Operations B Work Order Details NK W1460238: Facilities Services - Internal, EC service,as described in comments,Controls Jgh cubicle 900-5, left fan coil unit making rattling noise Jason R217 is/i7 MSI: East Campus \ Jerome L. Greene Hall (435 West 116th Street) \ 9 [Sched Start: lwo status: [APPR [Sched Fi Bitable frarget Starts Work T Vendor ses \ ¢o Report Date: 3/18/17 3:48:12 PM [Reported By: [s2234 - Louls Santiago [interne Reported By Phone: _|1 212 854 0118 lAssigne [Affected By: Is2234 - Louls Santiago [Assign« [Affected By Phone: _|1 212 8540118. Parent [Permission to Enter: [Yes lwo ow |Glassification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ AS DESCRIBED IN Ticket Description Class Status Relationship $1106788 Facilities Services - Internal, EC service as SR WO — ORIGINATOR __described in comments Controls EMR C aes re rn Wee sist? 7:31 0m aro sf? COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Facilities and Operations Work Order Details MLN A W1460766: Facilities Services - Internal, EC service cold,adjust temerature Too cold in the 3rd floor Lou Gehrig lounge - macs Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Dodge Physical Fitness Center (3030 Broadway) \3\304 Room Desc: Lou Gehrig lounge [Sched Start Wo Status: fWarPR 1/i9/i7 1:as18 PM |CS3397 - Christopher Smith Reported By Phone: laffected By, [CS3397 - Christopher Smith [Affected By Phone: [2ize5434a1 [Permission to Enter: _lves FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ COLD \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE Ticket Description Class Status Relationship $1106977 Facilities Services - Internal,EC SR WO ORIGINATOR service,cold, adjust temerature Stoo knn L 22M. eS", Ssctakiiasra..bD AS. CPE. (e0%. GeBlUNG.. Te Oe MEPLALE.. ECON. PLOB SO COMPLETION DATE: s20/s7 7:28 06 ar ow ‘ COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Facilities and Operations Work Order Details (AQUA 1459915: Facllities Services - Internal.EC service hot,adjust temerature Schermerhorn 803 too hot, go to 826 for access PR2217 4/18/17 MSI Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Schermerhorn (1190 Amsterdam Avenue) \ 9 \ Wo Sta War le Wer Tarpet seat Werk Ty | Target Fin Vendor Actual Stare fu acco: cy] etal Finis Gt sepr ] Report Dater Ser si803 Shop: Oy 50367 ~ Sona Soren internal oy 1212 6546342 assigned q 50367 - Sonia Soren issignes q atteted By Phonar |r 219 Sa e5n2 Parent W q Permission to Enter! Wer Wo Owne ql {Classification: FACILITIES SERVICE: INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ HOT \ ADJUST TEMPE Ticket Description 51106645 Facilities Services - Internal,EC _..Setvice hot adjust temerature. ‘Status __ Relationship WO ORIGINATOR Git to chet to veplace Velvet telcale shah ane ey eed eaten Ce rd A Worked (Ror 0) ani9/17 7:31 AM 42 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Facilities and Operations Work Order Details tN W1460107: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,as described in comments, Controls igh annex restroom exhaust fans not running Andrew PR2217 1/18/17 Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - East Campus \ Greene Annex (410 West 117th Street) Room Desc: Sched start [wo status: Twarer Sched Finish: es Frarget stare: Wor ene my % jes [749/17 42:58:08 PM shop [Ap369 - Anthony Pane inter Reported By Phone: [1 212 854 2630 lAseig Affected By: [aP369 - Anthony Pallone lAssig | Affected By Phone: —|1 212 854 2630, Paren | Permission to Enter:_|ves woo —] )Classification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ AS DESCRIBED 1N || Ticket Description Class Status Relationship $1106726 —_ Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,as sR WO ORIGINATOR described in, con ‘ents Controls, (ese ChE Ek... poled. cahauix KRed....esAs.._™Cuen ofl LEE! OE Blaise... P02. 8440.42 MEET. LE hn. PRISE. Etec) eS syagya7 7:38 06 Brom Fo pa S Hog Be OLUMDIA UNIVERSITY Scanam, Leewnsrry Felines and Operstions Work Order Details “We will AAUE nT Like Aim Mie Fal LAB, & 2 bel Bek oul i A A vb, vreced. Pere aie Gow. Bute 8 Weer 4 LE . Cxeht APH) — en (28H 17 Sin Lagu wf : ST EE Oe 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilites ane! Operacions wn BP COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY paeitiaerand Operations Work Order Details MU W1447536: Facilities Services - Internal, EC service,cold,adjust temerature iahiw teo etd billy PRI217 12/14/16 beet eager een MS: ae Locaticr : Morningside Heionts \ Mi - Off Campus \ School Of Social Work (1255 Amscerazm Avene) ___Room Dese: _ é s [Sched Start: Z [Wo Status: WAPPR Scned Finish. jeillable Work? No. [Target Scart Work Type: vendor: Setual Finish: 7 Report date: (12/14/16 10:36:55 AM [Reported By: [NtS1 - Noris Sehrils Reported By Phens. [1 212 851 2300 fAHectac By: NEI = Haris Schrils [Affected By Phore: lassifiaation lacuiies Seavicts = Internal,EC old, adjust temerature 5 TB Power fA | “Cawrnnee REWRE.. ~cenpondey.. i Fag wane tele Billy + PeTeER a GBP COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY G2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY {ATTA Operions Fults and Opeacions Work Order Details LOA w1447536: “scllities Services - Internal,£C se:vice,cold,adjust temerature 12/14/16 ~ ‘Asset: ~ Ms Location: Morningside Heiahts \ Mit - Off Campus \ School Of Social Work (1255 Amscerd#m Avenve; _Room Desc: _ WO Status: Billable Work? FACILITIES SERVILES - wWiERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ COUD \ ADJUST TEMPS Description Serv'ces - Internal, EC colé,adjust temerature SES LL EIT _Leky Faw Power fA | | Geecten Speen __ Cowrroacer RENE atihiltiy i Salk Red ie Rie Bar. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY fad Mieeard Operations Work Order Details wiss7536: iebty too cate billy PR2217, 12/14/16 MST: de ry Morningside Heiahts \ Mit - Off Campus \ School Of Social Work (1255 4\ _Room Desc: __ [sched Start WO Status: WAPPR Sched Finish. Billable Work? No. hae SES Raperted Sy INtSi = Noris Schrils Reserted By Phena. [i 212 €£1 2300 [Affected By: Affected By Phare: [3 239 651 2300 NRS1 = fuaris Schrils es - Internal, EC just temerature COLUMBIA US jos and Operations IQA Facilities Services - Inte/nal,EC sezvice,cold,adjust temerature ‘2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilites and Operations Facilities and Operations Work Order Details IMA W1459906: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,as described in comments,Controls LERNER, 2ND FLR BWAY ROOM HAS METAL COVER FOR HEATER LOOSE. MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - South Campus \ Alfred Lerner Hall (2: gee vA lwo status [waren Billable Work? ives Work Type: [cm Vendor: (GL Accounts rre26104-COLUM-URDO6001~01 = ll nl 1/18/17 95:12:56 AM lEc-SHOP 953854 — Jaime Sarmiento IEC-GENERAL WORK Reported By Phone:_|1 212 651 9837 ull = null Affected 8 $3854 - Joime Sarmiento [Assigned By: ull = null [attected By Phone: {1 212 651 9837 Parent WO Permission to Enter: _|Yes wo Owner: null = nul [Ciassification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ AS DESCRIBED IN COMMENTS \ CONTROLS. Ticket Description Class Status Relationship '$1106641 Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,as SR WO ORIGINATOR described in comments,Controls Cc COMPLETION DATE: sisyn7 7:38 AM 27 ‘de COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ‘2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Cae > Facies and Operations Work Order Details <2xlefa ANU W1462346: FACILITIES CPM / ENGINEERING USE ONLY \ REQUEST BY PROJECT MANAGER / ENGINEER \ AS DESCRIBED IN COMMENTS Room 1028 Yip ‘ab, original fume hood removed and replaced with new hood in new location in lab. What appears to be control wires were connected to old hood and were disconnected. What are these wires for and do they need to be reconnected? If so, what shouid they be connected too? Faclities may respond to this request in three cays or more, For information on or tc discuss scheduling, please reach out to your Client Services Representative. Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Mudd (S00 West 120th Street) \ 10 \ 1028 Room Desc: Iwo status: [WAPPR Billable Work? ves. Work Type: cm Vendor: [GL Account: 1201101-COLUM-CP001879~60 [GL Segment/initiative: |00000000-00000 1/23/17 4:26:46 PM ‘Shop: [EC-SHOP ))C4776 = Jason Cea Internal Task: [EC-SPECIAL PROJECTS: [Reported By Phone: JAssigned Tc null nul [Affected B; [34776 - Jason Cea lassigned By: ult - null JAtfected By Phone: _ [2128541783 Parent WO [Permission to Enter: [Yes [wo owner: [pull null [classification: FACILITIES SERVICES \ FACILITIES CPM / ENGINEERING USE ONLY \ REQUEST BY PROJECT MANAGER / ENGINEER \ AS DESCRIBED IN COMMENTS Ticket Description Class Status Relationship S1107655 FACILITIES CPM / ENGINEERING USE ONLY SR WO ORIGINATOR \ REQUEST BY PROJECT MANAGER / _ ENGINEER \ AS DESCRIBED IN COMMENTS, Es aut Ze tee hn ok —eutcla ty. tted Fimmiletcl... LAr tthe..Lable.ié.ay_| claim._isgut a the WAV 102% contjollem al chewld Lei eats ted. te uétled..-dune Led. Web Sc eee A Qs. aap) Lae 24/37 7:28.46 LAMA. pihith, i | 4 ‘2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ‘2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Facilities and Operations Work Order Details LOMA 1460173: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,as described in comments,Controls Cepsr room 414 too hot ~ca Asset: MSI: tecation: Morningside Heights \ mH ~ North Campus \ Schapiro CEPSR (530 West 120th Street) \ 4 \ 414 Room Desc: room 414 too hot [Sched Start: [wo Status: WAPPR [Sched Fink Billable Work? No [Target Start: [om [Target Finish: [Actual Start: [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [Actual Finist [GL Segment/Initiative: [null-null Report Date: 1/18/17 2:00:45 PM [Sho FEC-SHOP Reported By: [am4325 - Alexis Moore internal Tasks lEC-HOT [Reported By Phone: _|1 212 851 7724 Assigned To: pull - null JAffected By: |am4325 - Alexis Moore lAssigned By: null - null lAffected By Phone: _|1 212 851 7724 Parent wo Permission to Enter: [ves Wo Owner: [null — null Iclassification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ AS DESCRIBED IN COMMENTS \ CONTROLS Ticket Description Class Status _ Relationship $1106750 Facilities Services - Internal, EC service,as SR WO ORIGINATOR described in comments,Controls Pee | tap tically ok sb. fui —lowestty Sh fio 75" te bE? ks. ns COMPLETION 4/39/17 7:31 am wy ‘de COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations. Facilities and Operations Work Order Detaits INA W1462089: Facilities Services - Internal, EC service,as described in comments, Controls PHILOSOPHY ROOM #408E, NO AIR FLOW FROM THE SYSTEM. YB119 1/23. Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Philosophy Hall (1150 Amsterdam Avenue) \ 4 \ 408 Room Desc: [Sched Start: lwo status: APPR. [Sched Finish: Billable Work? No. [Target sta |Work Type: [cw Target Finish: Vendor: [Actual Start: [ct Account: [o000000-00000-00000000~00 [Actual Finish: [GL Segment/Initiative: [null-null Report Date: [1/23/17 11:44:38 AM [Shop: IEC-SHOP Reported By: DTZ4U6 = Dennis Tenen internal Task: IEC-NO VENTILATION Reported By Phone:_|1 415 215 3315 Jassigned To: foull = null [bT2406 - Dennis Tenen [Assigned By: full = null, 1 415 215 3315 [Parent WO. [Permission to Enter: [Yes jwo Owner: ull = null [classification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ AS DESCRIBED IN COMMENTS \ CONTROLS: Ticket Description Glass Status Relationship '$1107540 Facilities Services - Internal, EC service,as, SR WO ORIGINATOR described in comments,Controls Se Se ca Cr A Worked _(Ror 0) aaps7 7:28 40 zy ow Cored (Te 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY fe COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations ilses and Operations WorkiOrder Details IN W1455047: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,as described in comments, Controls FACULTY HOUSE chilled water supply sensor malfunctioning. Asset: MSI; Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - East Campus \ Faculty House (400 West 117th Street) \ B Room Desc: (Sched Start lwo statu: [WAPPR Bi Work? No. lWork Typ low Target Finish: Vendor: [Actual Start: [Gt Account: [0000000-00000-00000000~-00 [Actual Finish: [Gt Segment/ initiative: [null-null Report Date: iaja7 2:36:12 PM Shop: EC-SHOP Reported B; [cmP2139 - Christopher Prat fTnternal Task: |EC-GENERAL WORK Reported By Phone: foull null [affected By: [CMP2139 ~ Christopher Prat full null laffected By Phone: [Parent WO [Permission to Enter: [Yes Wo Ownel pull nui (Classification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ AS DESCRIBED IN COMMENTS \ CONTROLS icket Description Class Status _ Relationship '$1104632 Facilities Services - Internal, EC service,as SR WO ORIGINATOR, described in comments,Controls Few ConTR cee’ , PuLcen Sev mite Feo Cav Morac dv Peont Ovi Reno oF) evoke FHILED, fom TeAcIne vite Pwo THE ThE of | [Seviek Sot MAVEWT LecdTey 4ET, Wil TRace « on Ebb on LOD tdeelia. Kercace Sse Eres Code Neen 72 QRMye| fon Meee! iad (Roro) Ronis seust pele) SeemstmN | Lowtee | PII LLU CR. J.____|__Levalle | | Meret Mt fib MEME 4 fawet | | SeM1S2 Ll 2el2 1 ERAS THA, | Covdese i COMPLETION DATE: CG; ae re CO COPED: a ? COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ‘he COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Faci and Operations Work Order Details OMA W1462343: Facilities Services ~ Internal,EC service,as described In comments,Controls Both FCU are down in room 928 - macS duplicate ticket ‘Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - East Campus \ Jerome L. Greene Hall (435 West 116th Street) \ 9\ 928 [Wo Status: APPR able Work? No. Work Type: low [vendor: [GL Account: [000000-00000-00000000~00 [GL Segment/Initiative: [null-null 1/23/47 4:24:33 PM [Shop [EC-SHOP )8M48 - Joshua Morrison [internal Task: [Reported By Phone: _|1 212 854 2892 Jassigned To: ull - nul faffected 6; [Ls2234 - Louis Santiago JAssigned By: foull = null fAffected By Phone: _|1 212 8540118 Parent WO ission to Enter: [Yes lwo Owner: pull null IClassification: [FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ AS DESCRIBED IN COMMENTS \ CONTROLS wo Description Class Status _ Relationship W1460823 _ Facllities Services - Internal,EC serviceas_ | WORKORDER CAN ORIGINATOR described in comments, SSS Eb LAS.. PiEle. bo OUl2._ YEN TAE MLL Alyy. ip fedé...2%b gM) fin EOC) ra sw rata i EF OMPLETED Gd COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY #2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY and Operations Facilities and Operations = Work Order Details ONDE 'W1461986: Uris 1st Floor Hepburn Lounge ~ Cold Uris 1st Floor Hepburn Lounge - Cold Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Uris (3022 Broadway) \ 1 Room Dese: Uris ist Floor Hepburn Lounge - Cold, [wo Status: [WAPPR Billable Work? No Work Type: [cm [vendor: [Actual Start: [ot Account: [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [Actual Finish: [Gt Segment/Tnitiative: [null-null [Report Date: 1/23/17 10:09:44 AM, [EC-SHOP Reported By: JEEP36 - Eddy Pena fEC-coLD [Reported By Phone: _|1 212 854 0296 pull - null Affected By IEEP36 - Eddy Pena lassigned By: pull null JAffected By Phone: |1 212 854 0296 [Parent WO [ves lwo Owner: pull — null [classification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ COLD \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE Ticket Description Class Status _ Relationship '$1107493___ Uris 1st Floor Hepburn Lounge - Cold “WO ORIGINATOR EI SPALE. Dampof” This...iw 0g ott. Letters Syme Harti oD. A BALE SEF J BUST ee Ten I fer Mia Sen Worked (Ror 0) an CO CUPL 124)17 7:28 4M sy COMPLETION DATE: Ea 20 in coms [FAN Ate ofF Due to. Flee 4onew _SYSTEW z pusteemce mel VCALUMG CENTER _ BYS PM weet alee ee ot — heck. le, Bill » peTees phe (peal aE + |, a i HoA& Fae yt of On Ms START FE ete, Ly Sao ae > cour 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Work Order Details ‘ga COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations 1458055: Facilities Services - Internal, EC service,hot,adjust temerature TAB 3rd fl Lehman Library too hot -ca ‘Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - East Campus \ International Affairs (420 West 118th Street) \ 3 Room Desc: Lehman library. 4/13/17 9:52:04 AM [Wo statu: [WAPPR [1/27/17 9:52:04 AM Billable Work? No. [Target Start: 1/13/17 9:52:04 AM work Type: [em [Target Finish: 1/27/17 9:52:04 AM IVendor: [actual Starts [et Account: [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [GL Segment/Inidative: [null-null [Report Date: 1/43/17 9:52:04 AM [shop: [EC-SHOP, Reported By: fras2i56 - Tracy Sagalow [internal Task: [EC-HOT [Reported By Phone:_|1 212 854 3547 full - null [affected B FTAS2i56 - Tracy Sagalow pull = null [Affected By Phone: |1 212 654 3547 jermission to Enter: [ves ul = nul [ciassification: ea eS SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ HOT \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE. Ticket Deseription Class Status Relationship ‘51105823 Facilities Services - Internal, EC SR WO ORIGINATOR Service hot, adjust temerature Cerne nen COMPLETION DATE: sytays7 3:07 Hours ee) 2 ‘de COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY de COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations. Facilities and Operations. Work Order Details W1460215: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,hot,adjust temerature MUDD rm 535 too hot -ca ‘Asset: MSI: [Wo Status: WAPPR ble Work? No. [Target Start: [Work Type: om frarget Finish: Vendor: [gt Account: [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [GL Segment/Iitiative: [null-null 4/18/17 3:07:49 PM IEC-SHOP, [S02506 - Sharnice Ottley lec-HoT 1212 853 1322, [null - null [s02506 - Sharnice Ottley [Assigned By: [null = nul [Affected By Phone: [1 212 853 1322 Parent WO mission to Enter: [Yes Wo Owner: foull = nul [Classification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ HOT \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE Ticket Description Class Status _ Relationship 51106778 Facilities Services - Internal,EC SR WO ORIGINATOR _Service,hot,adjust temerature Sn re Worked (Ror 0) COMPLETION DATE: \-26°17 syagj37 7:32 08 wy om 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Facilities and Operations. Work Order Details AEM AAA W1459845: Facilities Services - Internal, EC service,hot,adjust temerature Chris, ¢53397 reports that the 1st floor s. {J pool room temperature is too hot. ~fc MSI: lwo status: [WAPPR Billable Work? No lWork Type: low Vendor: [et Account: [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [GL Segment/Initiative: [nul-nutl fyae/47 7:17:50 AM [EC-SHOP, [$3397 - Christopher Smith [EC-HOT. Reported By Phone: ull ~ ll lAffected B [C5397 - Christopher Smith [null = null lAffected By Phone: [Parent WO jrmission to Enter: |¥es [wo Owner: foult null Iclassification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ HOT \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE Ticket Description Class Status Relationship 51106616 Facilities Services - Internal,EC SR WO ORIGINATOR service hot,adjust temerature Ee EO remmc i (Ce) conruion ares yz COMPLETED syasya7 7:31 8 ge COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Txiltes and Operations WANNA GB COLumsia UNIVERSITY Work Order Details EH, WES ra |W1462622: Facilities Services - Internal,EC sc'vice,hot,adjust temeratpre ENGINEERING TERRACE 398C LAB TOO HOT INFORMED SWIFT AT DESK SWIFT REFERS TO DST f JASON DISPATCHED No, Hates oa i nT Assets i 3.\398C Room Dase: Sched Start: Two sts WAPPR 1 Sched Finishi ~Tettisbie work? INewenraect i [ork Tope: cH e ull-null EC-SHO? | I | aeauis | ae [Venger | a eee 12 854 4443 Giica Seen Terz2i7— |: 212 854 4443, | Tull sul a SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ HOT \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE a caren ag Lows necks fo be 65 Ticket b jean Class Status _Reletionship Si107807 Facilities Services - Intern), EC SR <0 ORIGINATOR temescture service hot adjust ok Mes Ls. Wh dn Nace wie Ta, poly TY essngs Wir. Chita t Liable #2. oe ie ACLS, a SAME 2. tke ~ oe eM. ng OK LA LAM AME Fak Ope. Leb mg © COMPLETED 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ‘de COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilites and Operations Facilities and Operations Work Order Details MONO W1458247: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service hot,adjust temerature BUS LAW Classroom L107 too hot. -ca ‘Asset MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - Off Campus \ William & June Warren Hall (1125 Amsterdam Avenue) Room Desc: classroom L107 [Sched Start 1/13/17 2:44:11 PM wo Status: [WAPPR. [Sched Finish: 1/27/17 2:11:11 PM Bitlable Work? No [rarget Start 1/33/17 Work Type: [cw [Target Finish: 3/27/47 2: [Vendors [Actual Start [GL Account: [o000000-00000-00000000~00 [Actual Finish: [GL Segment/Initiative: [null-null Report Date: 3/43/17 2:11:41 PM shop: JEC-SHOP Reported By: pR2462 - Juan Rivera [Internal Task: [ECHOT Reported By Phone:_|1 212 654 7020 [Assigned T [pull - null laffected By: pR2462 - Juan Rivera [Assigned Byi ull = null [Affected By Phone: |1 212 854 7020 Parent WO Permission to Enter: [ves lwo Owners full null [ciassification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ HOT \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE Ticket Description Class Status Relationship 51105905 Facilities Services - Internal,EC SR WO ORIGINATOR service hot adjust temerature Eee Peg Ore Code Worked (Ror0) COMPLETION DATE: tie arnayn7 3:07 PM >t. JL ws oR 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilites and Operations Facilites and Operations Work Order Details IO W1459570: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,cold,adjust temerature JOURNALISM 302A-£ TOO COLD OVERHEAD BLOWING COLD AIR PR2217 yara7 Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - South Campus \ Pulitzer Hall (2950 Broadway) \ 3 Room Desc: 302A-E Iwo Status: [WAPPR Billable Work? Ino [Target Start: Work Type: [cw frarget Finish: [vendor: [Actual Start: [gt Account: [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [Gt Segment/ Initiative: [nul-null i/A7/A7 3:18:25 PM [Shoy [EC-SHOP [sro2108 - Scott Osborn Linternal Ta: [EC-COLD [Reported By Phone: _|1 212 854 3596 lassigned Te fault - null [Affected By: [sr02108 - Scott Osborn. lassigned By: pull = null fAffected By Phone: _ [1 212 854 3596 Parent WO [Permission to Enter: [Yes lwo Owner pull - null [Classification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ COLD \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE. Ticket Description Class. Status _ Relationship '$1106518 Facilities Services - Internal, EC SR WO ORIGINATOR service,cold,adjust temerature ene eee re ia Worked (Ror 0) sy1g)17 7:34 08 i [ve : a a ‘2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ‘ COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Facilitics and Operations Work Order Details I W1458137: Northwest Corner 11M - Cold Northwest Corner 11M - Cold ‘Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Helghts \ MH - North Campus \ Northwest Corner Building (550 West 120th Street) \11 wf Room Desc: Northwest Comer 11M - Cold [Sched Start: 1/13/17 11:55:23 AM [Wo Status: [WAPPR. [Sched Finish: [1/27/17 11:55:23 AM Billable Work? Wo. 3/13/17 11:55:23 AM, Work Type: lcm [5/27/47 13:55:23 AM vendor: [GL Account: [o000000-00000-00000000~00 [GL Segment/Initiative: [null-null 1/13/17 11:55:23 AM Shop: |EC-SHOP [FC2499 - Fiona Clowney finternal Task: [EC-COLD . [1 212 853.0410 [Assigned Tot null = nul FC2499 - Fiona Clowney [Assigned By: full = null [1 212 853.0410 Parent WO Permission to Enter: [Yes lwo Owner: full = null [classification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ COLD \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE Ticket Description Class Status Relationship. '$1105865 Northwest Corner 11M - Cold SR WO ORIGINATOR ic CEC ates ecu Come Goo ro Worked __(Ror 0) -| J COMPLETION DATE: aynaya7 3:07 Pm 7 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ‘de COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Facilitics and Operations Work Order Details AOA 1459527: Facilities Services - Internal, EC service, hot,adjust temerature cepsr. 415 is hot. Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Schapiro CEPSR (530 West 120th Street) \ 4 \ 41 Room Desc: [Sched Start: [wo status: [APPR [Sched Finish: Billable Work? No Target Start: [Work Type: cM, [Target Finish: Vendor: [Actual Start: [GL Accounts [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [actual Fis [Gt Segment/ initiative: [null-null [Report Date: 1/47/17 2:45:42 PM IEC-SHOP. Reported By: [MR3389 - Monica Rouco Molina EC-HOT. Reported By Phone: _|1 845 365 8165 JAssigned To: ull = null laftected By: IMR3389 - Monica Rouco Molina__|Assigned By: ull = null [Affected By Phone: _|1 845 365 6165 [Parent Wo Permission to Enter: [Yes jwo Owner: il = null [Ciassification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ HOT \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE Ticket Description Class Status Relationship '$1106502 Facilities Services - Internal,EC SR WO ORIGINATOR service,hot,adjust temerature Ust Extra Parts and comments ES auld cL Leas. ; ch HS Lee [td CaM. Pttveh, eA 2/2, ee wee ae, att Pel, ‘hate DAL Ee PS pate til fetid ane us Te ie" Tes ae ter. aa eh Een eee Code Worked 2bSE, COMPLETION DATE: ayagyn7 7-34.06 48 SE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Cotumsia UNIV Frilties and Oper work Order bette Corflle IE MSI: Asset: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Mudd (S00 West 120th Street) \ 5\ 5356 Room Desc: room 5356 Sched Start: [wo Status: [WAPPR Sched Finish: [Billable Work? No. Farge! Start iierk Tes ox Farge Finish Vendor actos Start Gi Account ao0000e-00000-20006000=06 etual Finish? Gi Segment/Faiative Jun 1/26/17 9:10:56 AM Tshop: JEC-SHOP. [C3827 - Agostino Capponi [internal Task: Ec-HOT 1212 854 2942 [Assigned T [C27 - David Cordero |AC3827 - Agostino Cappent [Assigned By: [CA2665 - Cynthia Almodovar “|i 212 $54 2642 it WO I a i Gunes Inco — INTERNAL \ EC Si ‘ORIGINATOR caship Faciities Services - Interne), service hot,adjust temerature bee He Sef 4 eset Gea Seer S82 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ‘a COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations. Facilitics and Operations Work Order Details Comb ME W1457634: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,hot,adjust temerature BUS LAW 8th fi too hot -ca Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - Off Campus \ William & June Warren Hall (1125 Amsterdam Avenue) Room Desc: 8th fl Wo Status: WAPPR Hi Billable Work? No Target Start: Work Type: lcm Target Finish: Vendor: [Actual Sta [Gt Account: [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [Gt Segment/tnitiative: [null-null /az/a7 13:35:22 AM Shop: lec-SHOP [AP369 ~ Anthony Pallone [EC-HOT [i 212 854 2630 ull = null [AP369 - Anthony Pallone ull null, 1 212 854 2630 yes il — nul [classifications FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ HOT \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE Ticket Description Class Status Relationship 51105660 Fadllties Services - Internal,EC SR WO ORIGINATOR service hot,adjust temerature SOMO ae ec COMPLETION DATE: 1/13/37 10:08 4M wr de COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ‘he COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Facilities and Operations Work Order Details Coanfole tL 1458059: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,hot,adjust temerature cepsr. ac 4 Is discharging high temps dave c Asset: Msi: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Schapiro CEPSR (530 West 120th Street) Room Desc: [Sched Start: 1/13/17 9:56:26 AM [wo Status: [WAPPR. [Sched Finis 1/27/17 9:56:25 AM. Billable Work? No [Target Start: 1/13/17 9:56:25 AM. lWork Type: [om [Target Finish: 1/27/17 9:56:25 AM. Vendor: [Actual Start: [Gt Account: [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [actual Finish: [GL Segment/ Initiative: [null-null Report Date [1/13/17 9:56:26 AM Shop: [EC-SHOP [Reported B FR2178 - Franklin Rodriguez [internal Task: JEC-HOT Reported By Phone: [assigned To: [bc27 - David Cordero [affected By: FR2178 - Franklin Rodriguez [assigned By: 11¢2252 - Iris Calderon Jaffected By Phone: Parent WO Permission to Enter: |ves [Wo Owner: pull - ull (Classification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ HOT \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE Ticket Description Class Status Relationship '$1105827 Facilities Services - Internal,EC SR WO — ORIGINATOR hot adjust temerature Coe ead COMPLETION DATE: saysaya7 3:07 PH Tr me ‘de COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ‘2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY fi ‘and Operations Facilitics and Operations. Work Order Details IM W1463625: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,cold,adjust temerature GYM 1* fl swimming pool water temp too cold Informed Mingo at desk PR2217 1/28/17 ‘Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Dodge Physical Fitness Center (3030 Broadway) Room Di [Sched Start: [Wo Status: [WAPPR [Sched Fini Biliable Work? No [Work Type: [cm lVendor: [et Account: [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [GL Segment/ Initiative: [nul-null 4/25/47 4:31:45 PM [Shop [EC-SHOP, [C5397 ~ Christopher Smith [internal Task: fEc-coLD [Reported By Phon: pull - null, [affected B [C3397 - Christopher Smith ull = null JAffected By Phone: [43441 Permission to Enter: [Yes [null = nul (Classification: [FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ COLD \ ADJUST TEMPERATURE Ticket Description Class Status _ Relationship 51108130 Facilities Services - Internal, EC SR WO ORIGINATOR service cold adjust temerature Bact. wasitt....1nelle.. L i = 126/17 7:06 4m as ja ‘de COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ‘he COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations dies and Operations. Work Order Details IAA W1463648: Facilities Services - Internal,EC service,as described in comments,Controls ROOM 417 BETWEEN 6 TO 8 IS TOO WARM 3Has7 DISPATCHED RICH ‘Asset: MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - East Campus \ International Affairs (420 West 118th Street) \ 4 \ 417 Room Desc: [Sched Start: lwo Status: [WAPPR. [Sched Finish: [Billable Work? No lWork Type: lew Vendor [Actual Start: [ct Accoun [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [Actual Finist [Gt Segment/initiative: [null-null Report Dat 1/25/17 5:16:42 PM [Shop: [EC-SHOP. Reported By: L355 Lily Su {internal Ta [EC-HoT. Reported By Phone: [Assigned To: IREM3 - Richard Mingo laffected By: S355 - Uy Su [Assigned By: [24457 - Juliette Hutchinson JAffected By Phon Parent WO [Permission to Enter: [Yes lwo Owner: faull null [Classification: FACILITIES SERVICES - INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ AS DESCRIBED IN COMMENTS \ CONTROLS Ticket Description Class. Status _ Relationship '$1108143 Facilities Services - Internal, EC service,as, SR WO ORIGINATOR described in comments,Controls fee ee Se nti ca Ai cn Worked (Ror 0) 1/26/17 7:06 AM Big PB COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 2 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Fails and Operations Facilites and Operations Work Order Details “aad bite Fej- “AE cilities Services - Internal,E¢ described in comments,Controls OM CEILING CONDENSATE! Asset MSI: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Schermerhorn Extension (1200 Amsterdam Avenue) \ 3 \ 354A Room Dese: Sched Start: Two status: [wapeR ed Finish: [sillable Work? [No iWork Type Tew vender: [ [et Account: [oas0s00-0000-coc0000~c0 ope Ge Segrnent/initiasiver [null-null Tec-SHoP 7 Michael Heber TeCLEAK i : Tfiezses ~Joson Eastnen | MRPSESS - Niches! Hetee= has? -sulleme Hutchinson | ale i 1 [ves . Tauit - nett | 1 FACILITIES INTERNAL \ EC SERVICE \ AS DESCRIBED IN COMMENTS \ CONTROLS. class Status Relationship Faclities Services - InternalEC service SF WO ORIGINATOR : ribea in comments, Contr CLATAy | sees Ger of Gyles LAS mek eff pap ise Garmnh > de COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations ‘de CoLuMaiA UNIVERSITY Facilities and Operations Work Order Details W1459121: AIR CONDITIONING/HEATING \ NOISE \ EXCESSIVE NOISE FROM FANCOIL UNIT ops/task# 170764 - Dean's office 101, high pitched sound coming from ceiling, vents or light fixtures. Check and fix ASAP. Facilities may respond to this request in three days or more. For information on or to discuss scheduling, please reach out to your Client Services Representauve. MST: Location: Morningside Heights \ MH - North Campus \ Uris (3022 Broadway) \ 1 \ LOA Room Desc: 101, Dean's Office [Wo status: WAPPR Billable Work? No [Work Type: lcm [Target Finish: vendor: [actual Start: [Gt Account: [0000000-00000-00000000~00 [at Segment/ Initiative: [00000000-00000 1/17/17 9:03:00 AM [Shop: [EC-SHOP [DSH3 - Dwayne Hugh ftnternal Task: |EC-NOISE FROM SYSTEM [Reported By Phone: _|1 212 8546117 ruil — nui [Affected By: INN4 - Neera Nischal pull - null laffected By Phone: _|1 212 654 6113, Permission to Enter: [Yes [null - null Classification: FACILITIES SERVICES \ AIR CONDITIONING/HEATING \ NOISE \ EXCESSIVE NOISE FROM FANCOIL UNIT Ticket i Status Relationship 51106334 WO ORIGINATOR Orr Ce iad Worked (R= 41) ¥ sys 720 SXHIZ ZOD EELLZEERE vein & Coiums Facile A UNIVERSITY oe COLUM iA UNIVERS! d Operations | Work Order Details Nv \s described in comments,Controls 1/26/17 ‘Asser: ne: Location. Morningside Heights \ =. East Cacnpes \ Gast Cainpus (70-72 Morningside Drive) [Senee = Hees fwABPRe o-cee esti sree Sched : No i Prarget Start: a iverke Tyeee [cM | dort [Target Finish: [Actual Sta: [xeural Fini nert Ba, Joo00000-0000¢-c0090000~0 ull-null 1 fEC-SHOP [Permission te Ent Iotnas Class Status _Relatipu SF WO ORIGINATOF '§1108250 Facilities Servic descrived in ecir 950 fer FPACILID — RDRIGUEZ. Bhe

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