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Kim !

Doyeon Kim

Professor Puente


27 March 2017

International News and Kwame

In Moral Disagreement, Kwame Anthony Appiah writes that we are far off from a

Cosmopolitan world. If we were to become a society of one, cultural differences need to be

overcome. However, cultural values are easily misunderstood by many people. Our cultural

values are given to us mostly by our family and the customs of the society in which we are

raised. The news article I read was titled Iran imposes sanctions on 15 US companies. The

reason behind Irans action was they claimed that some US companies were supporting the

terrorist group. The terrorist attack described is the recent one in Westminister. This article shows

how Iran sees the US as a country trying to impose their beliefs to another country. There are too

many cultural differences for people to set aside for the world to become Cosmopolitan.

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