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Uccelli al Kakadu National Park, Australia

Dokku - Your Tiny PaaS

Do you like Platform as a Service? Ever wondered about rolling your
own, especially if you have some capacity that you dont use and you are
always struggling deploying your stuff? Meet Dokku, [t]he smallest PaaS
implementation youve ever seen.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Platform as a Service?
Is it right for me?
I like it, but I have this server
Work On A Project
Starting point
PaaS project setup in Dokku
How to build: .buildpacks
How to run: Procfile
Moar! Moar! Moar!
First, evolve the code
Then, add a new service
Then, learn about scaling!
Then, we think were ready but
It will not take long now!
Backing Services
Encryption Anyone?
Summing Up

Platform as a Service?
Wikipedia describes Platform as a Service (abbreviated PaaS) like this:

Platform as a service (PaaS) is a category of cloud computing services

that provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and
manage applications without the complexity of building and
maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing
and launching an app.

One of the most widely used PaaS platforms that I know of is Heroku.
Once you set up your project on Heroku (which takes very little energy
with a few commands and configuration files), the promise is that your
development/deployment workflow will be this:

# hack on your code

$ vi

# commit your changes

$ git commit -m 'Add killer feature'
[master 7bb308e] Add killer feature
1 file changed...

# push new commit(s) to the repository in Heroku

$ git push heroku master
Counting objects: 6, done.
# ... several lines of automated deployment...
=====> Application deployed:

So yes, the promise is that all your deployment effort is just the git
push command. Nifty, uh?

Is it right for me?

Should you use this? It depends on you, what your goals are and what
level of control you want to retain. Do you have a personal project, or are
just starting a new one and you want to get something up and running
before you lose momentum? Then its probably for you. Do you have a
well-established project with some complex gating rules for going in
production? Chances are you already have something in place, and
switching would not be beneficial.
Unless you want to have a sandbox/staging environment where you
want to be able to hack quickly. So, there are plenty of occasions in
which PaaS can be beneficial, especially if you want to concentrate on
the coding part and have little to no resources to take care of the system
management part.
Public PaaS services like Heroku come with a cost, of course. You
might be a shiny new startup in Silicon Valley and got a voucher for one
of them, of course; in this case you just have to reclaim your voucher.
Like other cloud services (e.g. IaaS), its a nice way for investors to give
you money that they know will be invested in the infrastructure for your
services, instead of parties.
For the average people in the rest of the world, anyway, the story can
be different. Whether its the right choiche to shell out money for a PaaS
service or not is something that only you can assess; its good to know
about it anyway. And also know what the alternatives are.

I like it, but I have this server

Doubts about using PaaS are especially fit if you already have capacity
that you are using, or planning to use, for your project. It feels like a
waste of resources, doesnt it? This is where DIY PaaS projects come to
the rescue: they allow you to setup a PaaS-like workflow but leveraging
on infrastructure that you might already have (or that you feel more
comfortable with).
One use case I find particularly useful is for test services or very little
personal projects. Dynos in Heroku each have a cost, independently of
how much resources they actually consume: in my private PaaS I can
easily stuff a lot of them inside a single VPS, spending a lot less money.
The drawback is more administration on my side and less robustness, of

Dokku is a tiny PaaS platform that you can install on your server. Note
that I used the singular form: its meant for very restricted environments
where all you have and need is one single server; nothing important or
production that you care too much, so.
It is described as:

The smallest PaaS implementation youve ever seen

and rightly so: its a smart integration of other tools that can keep the
project itself up in a few (well, a couple thousand) lines of Bash code.
Its easy to get started so I will not repeat the official steps here.
If you want to give it a try, you can also head to Digital Ocean and
use one of their one-click apps. I dont completely like this approach
because their deployment is Ubuntu (I tend to like Debian more) and
their Dokku version is 0.6.5 (theres 0.7.2 around) right now.
You can find a small project dokku-boot on GitHub that will help you
set up 0.7.2 on a new Debian instance (it should work just fine on
Ubuntu too). Its more or less a simple wrapper around the main
installation instructions, but it also installs a couple of handy extensions
for Dokku, like support for Lets Encrypt (for free and hassle-free SSL
certificates), Redis and Postgres.
From the README :

Spin up a new VPS somewhere, e.g. Digital Ocean. I usually choose

the latest Debian release. You can select the smallest size if you
just want to give it a try. (And please set up and use SSH keys, its
2016 or later!). Lets say we save the IP address of this VPS in
variable DOKKU_IP

Log in a shell in the VPS as user root and run:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y curl perl
curl -LO

Wait for installation to complete, then go to http://$DOKKU_IP/

and complete the setup of Dokku.
You end up with a reasonably close system (only ports 22 , 80 and
443 will be open for incoming traffic). The last point can be somehow
commented further.
You will land in a page where the SSH keys you defined for user
root are used by default to initialize access to user dokku too. If you
defined more keys, only the first one will actually be used, so ensure that
the one you will use is actually the first one.
Next, you can define the hostname. Here we will assume that you do
own something registered directly after a public suffix. You can do most
of what we describe in the following if you dont (actually, the only thing
you will struggle with is the Lets Encrypt plugin). As of October 2016,
owning one such domain can cost as low as about 3$ (ClouDNS usually
has a few offers in their pricing list). In this example we will assume to
own the ever-present .
After this, you get to decide how your application will appear to the
world. There are two alternatives:

Take the form . This is probably the

most elegant, but it is available only if you actually set a hostname
and not an IP address. We will stick with this as we are assuming to
own (which we dont of course!)
Take the form <domain-or-ip>:<port> , where Dokku will allocate a
port for each application. This will not be described here, as it
requires some additional settings on the iptables firewall rules
for letting the ports to be accessible from the outside.

After all of this, you can just submit the form in the page and you will be
all set (you will be redirected to Dokkus documentation page after this
In the case you actually own a domain and you have control over its
DNS settings (as in our example), you should also set up a wildcard
resolution towards your Dokku installation, with a A record like this:


where $DOKKU_IP must be expanded with your installations IP address,

of course. This setting will guarantee that a resolution for will actually be pointed towards your personal
PaaS system.

Work On A Project
Work On A Project
Now you have your personal PaaS instance up and running, waiting for
your code to come. Im a Perl enthusiast, so my example will be in Perl.
In the following sub-sections, well see:

a few assumptions about how your project is structured

what you have to do for connecting it to your Dokku instance

Starting point
Our starting point is a project that tracked with git. In this example, we
will assume that we want to work on a simple Hello World! application
(what else) built with Mojolicious, and we will see a couple of directions
for evolving to a more complex application. You can find the whole
example in this repository in GitHub if you want to skip its construction.
The application itself (in file ) is quite straightforward:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;
get '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->render(text => "Hello, World!\n");

You are probably already using something to track the automation of

installing the dependencies, we will use a cpanfile because its used by
both [cpanm][] and [carton][] (the former being quite important for our
later automation, as we will see). Its quite straightforward in this case:

requires 'Mojolicious', '7.08';

We can install the module locally and check that it works actually:
$ cpanm -L local --notest --quiet --installdeps .
Successfully installed IO-Socket-IP-0.38
Successfully installed Mojolicious-7.08
2 distributions installed

$ alias ploc="perl -I'$PWD'/local/lib/perl5"

$ ploc get /

[Sat Oct 8 18:40:34 2016] [debug] GET "/"
[Sat Oct 8 18:40:34 2016] [debug] Routing to a callback
[Sat Oct 8 18:40:34 2016] [debug] 200 OK (0.000391s, 2557.545/s)
Hello, World!

We only lack tracking it with git at this point:

# see hint about `git it`
$ git init . && git commit -m Root --allow-empty

$ git add . && git commit -m 'Import initial files'

Up to this point there was almost no overhead related to Dokku: we

would have written or application, installed the needed modules and
tracked changes with git anyway.

PaaS project setup in Dokku

Dokku mostly works sending commands via ssh to the user dokku in
the machine where it is installed. For this reason, its useful to define the
following alias:

$ alias dokku="ssh 'dokku@$DOKKU_IP'"

The following steps are needed whatever application you want to deploy

# we will call our application "sample-mojo"

$ dokku apps:create sample-mojo
# we assume to be in our project sample-mojo directory
$ git remote add dokku "dokku@$DOKKU_IP:sample-mojo"

Are we ready for the first push? Well not yet. We still have to fix a
couple things:

how will Dokku figure out how to build our project? Like installing
the right modules, etc.?
how will it know what to run?

It turns out the heroku-buildpack-perl-procfile project on GitHub can

ease our life for both steps, lets see how.

How to build: .buildpacks

Heroku and Dokku dont support Perl applications out of the box. I
know, its a shame, but its easy to fix this via so-called custom
buildpacks (which are the same as Herokus) and many different clever
persons did this in slightly different ways.
The philosophy under heroku-buildpack-perl-procfile is to make no
assumption on your application, apart that its written in Perl and will
need modules from either [CPAN][] or from some project-local directory.
If you mostly stick with web projects and you want to run them via
[Starman][], you will probably want to look into some other package. I
wanted to keep control, so evolved the awesome original heroku-
buildpack-perl-procfile by kazeburo to suit my needs.
To tell Dokku that you want to use a buildpack you have a couple
options (see custom buildpacks for some alternatives), in our case we
will just add a .buildpacks file in our projects root directory:

# in the project's root directory

$ echo \
> .buildpacks

$ git add .buildpacks && git commit -m 'Add .buildpacks for Dokku builds'

How to run: Procfile

The standard way to describe an application in Heroku is via a so-called
Procfile (so-called in this context means that you MUST call it with
the initial uppercase an the rest, otherwise it will not work!). It contains
a line for each component of your application, so that you can have e.g. a
web part, a database part, some worker s and so on.
You can name components with almost any reasonable name (e.g.
use alphanumerics or look for the rules). Dokku assign no particular
semantic to the names, except to web which has (at least) to attached

one instance of a web service is always started initially (unless

explicitly configured differently or no web is defined)
web instances are accessible from the outside, theres an [nginx][]
reverse proxy that is set-up automatically.

We will start with one single web component, so our Procfile is quite

web: perl ./ daemon --listen "http://*:$PORT"

As you can see, when Dokku starts a new web instance, it also passes the
PORT environment variable so that your application can bind to the
correct port. How this parameter is used is dependent on the specific
application and/or framework that the application is using.
As for the .buildpacks file, we have to add Procfile to our git
project and commit:

$ git add Procfile && git commit -m 'Add Procfile for Dokku runs'


At this point, we are ready for our first push to our Dokku instance, YAY!
In our first push we will also set the --set-upstream so that our
following push es of master will be automatically sent to the remote
dokku :

$ git push --set-upstream dokku master

Counting objects: 6, done.
# ... several lines of automated deployment...
=====> Application deployed:

* [new branch] master -> master
Branch master set up to track remote branch master from dokku.

Now we are ready to send the very first HTTP request towards our new
service. As you can see, theres a couple of lines that tells us where the
service lives:

=====> Application deployed:

So, its easy to send the request:

$ curl
Hello, World!

Seems to work!
At this point you can start hacking on your application and follow
the pattern we described in the beginning:

# hack on your code

$ vi

# commit your changes

$ git commit -m 'Add killer feature'
[master 7bb308e] Add killer feature
1 file changed...

# push new commit(s) to the repository in Heroku

$ git push heroku master
Counting objects: 6, done.
# ... several lines of automated deployment...
=====> Application deployed:

Moar! Moar! Moar!

You can get tired of your single-service application pretty soon. Want to
add a database and cannot live with SQLite for too long? Need to add
some worker process to handle housekeeping or long-running jobs?
Concentrating all in a single instance of a web thingie is clearly not the
right way to go unless youre out of headaches.
This is where your Procfile comes to the rescue. For every kind of
additional service, you just need to add a line with the name of the
service and the command line to start it.

First, evolve the code

In our example, we will add support for a Minion worker trying to
replicate the example in the DESCRIPTION, with just a little twist in the
database used (were going to use SQLite in this example). This is how
we transform our into:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;

plugin Minion => {SQLite => 'sqlite:test.db'};

# Slow task
app->minion->add_task(poke_mojo => sub {
my $job = shift;
$job->app->log->debug('We have poked for a visitor');

# Perform job in a background worker process

get '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->render(text => 'We will poke for you soon.');


Of course we will need to make sure that the needed plugins are
correctly installed, so our cpanfile becomes:

requires 'Mojolicious', '7.08';

requires 'Minion', '6.0';
requires 'Minion::Backend::SQLite', '0.007';

Again, we can install them locally and make sure that everything works

$ cpanm -L local --notest --quiet --installdeps .


Now, lets make a little local test: we first generate a get to the regular
web application, then we start the minion (we might make it in two
different shells but it will work anyway because Minion is decoupled
through the database):

$ alias ploc="perl -I'$PWD'/local/lib/perl5"

$ ploc get /

[Sat Oct 8 22:53:42 2016] [debug] GET "/"
[Sat Oct 8 22:53:42 2016] [debug] Routing to a callback
[Sat Oct 8 22:53:42 2016] [debug] 200 OK (0.012938s, 77.292/s)
We will poke for you soon.

$ ploc minion worker

[Sat Oct 8 22:53:47 2016] [debug] Worker 18861 started
[Sat Oct 8 22:53:47 2016] [debug] Checking worker registry and job queue
[Sat Oct 8 22:53:47 2016] [debug] Performing job "1" with task "poke_mojo" in process 1
[Sat Oct 8 22:53:47 2016] [debug] We have poked for a visitor

Then, add a new service

Now, we make sure that the Minion worker is defined in Procfile :

web: perl ./ daemon --listen "http://*:$PORT"

minion: perl ./ minion worker

Then, learn about scaling!

At this stage, we just need to commit and push, right? Lets see:
$ git commit -am 'Evolve example to use Minion'
[master af4ba9d] Evolve example to use Minion
3 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

$ git push
Counting objects: 9, done.
#... some building happens here...
-----> Discovering process types
Procfile declares types -> web, minion
#... something else happens...
=====> web=1
-----> Attempting...

So, it seems that Dokku knows about our minion service type, but it
starts none. Now you understand what we meant before when we said
that web is special because Dokku starts one by default!
A quick look to the current scaling setup is worth the time as a
double check:

$ dokku ps:scale sample-mojo

-----> Scaling for sample-mojo
-----> proctype qty
-----> -------- ---
-----> web 1

So no minion , no party? Fortunately, ps:scale is not only for

querying the current status, but for changing it as well; lets bump
minion then:

$ dokku ps:scale sample-mojo minion=1

-----> Scaling sample-mojo:minion to 1
#... some lines...
=====> web=1
=====> minion=1
#... some lines...
=====> Application deployed:

Now thats right!

Then, we think were ready but

Then, we think were ready but
Are we ready now? Well lets see!

$ curl
We will poke for you soon.

# now we wait a few seconds to give the worker process the time get hold of the
# new task. The number of seconds might be reduced but let's play safely
$ sleep 5

$ dokku logs sample-mojo

2016-10-08T21:10:42.160743389Z app[minion.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:10:42 2016] [debug] Worker
2016-10-08T21:10:42.182393541Z app[minion.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:10:42 2016] [debug] Checkin
2016-10-08T21:10:30.978550240Z app[web.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:10:30 2016] [info] Listening a
2016-10-08T21:14:44.107362361Z app[web.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:14:44 2016] [debug] GET "/"
2016-10-08T21:14:44.108955921Z app[web.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:14:44 2016] [debug] Routing to
2016-10-08T21:14:44.127066080Z app[web.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:14:44 2016] [debug] 200 OK (0.0

Uhm the worker seems still unaware of the request from the
frontend whats happening?
It turns out that its a database issue here. When we run the example
in our development box, both the web service and the minion worker
were running in the same directory of the same box. On the other hand,
in this case the two are running inside two separate Linux containers
created via Docker, so its like they are running in separate hosts.
Fact is that SQLite is a single file database: for our system to work,
both the web and the minion services MUST operate on the same file!
Now you understand why dokku-boot includes Postgres and Redis
plugins, dont you?

It will not take long now!

The problem still remains though: how do I manage to share
files/directory across services? Thats simple use persistent storage !
They are directories created in the Dokku node that will be mounted in
your services, lets see how to do this.
First, we need a place where our shared directory will live. It MUST
be accessible with full permissions by user dokku , so we will stick with
the best practice (as of October 2016, at least) of using
/var/lib/dokku/data/storage and we will ask Dokku to use sub-directory
sample-mojo inside it:

$ dokku storage:mount sample-mojo \


The command above tells us that the host directory

/var/lib/.../sample-mojo will be mapped to directory /app/shared
inside the containers (all of them) where the application will run.
As of version 0.7.2 , you dont need to create the shared directory
beforehand: Dokku will take care to create one for you. The directory will
be created only when the first container will need it.
Now we just have to tell our application where to put/look for the
shared database, which is a single-line change:

$ git diff
diff --git a/ b/
index 70b7418..25183d8 100755
--- a/
+++ b/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #!/usr/bin/env perl use Mojolicious::Lite;

-plugin Minion => {SQLite => 'sqlite:test.db'};

+plugin Minion => {SQLite => 'sqlite:/app/shared/test.db'};

# Slow task
app->minion->add_task(poke_mojo => sub {

$ git commit -am 'Change position of Minion database'

[master 8a139bc] Change position of Minion database
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

Now lets push and try again:

$ git push
#... wait for it...

$ curl
We will poke for you soon.

# now we wait a few seconds to give the worker process the time get hold of the
# new task. The number of seconds might be reduced but let's play safely
$ sleep 5

$ dokku logs sample-mojo

2016-10-08T21:53:17.079481775Z app[minion.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:53:17 2016] [debug] Worker
2016-10-08T21:53:17.106477103Z app[minion.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:53:17 2016] [debug] Checkin
2016-10-08T21:54:42.166105068Z app[minion.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:54:42 2016] [debug] Perform
2016-10-08T21:54:42.245450605Z app[minion.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:54:42 2016] [debug] We have
2016-10-08T21:53:05.831553141Z app[web.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:53:05 2016] [info] Listening a
2016-10-08T21:54:41.207238916Z app[web.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:54:41 2016] [debug] GET "/"
2016-10-08T21:54:41.210001387Z app[web.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:54:41 2016] [debug] Routing to
2016-10-08T21:54:41.221802741Z app[web.1]: [Sat Oct 8 21:54:41 2016] [debug] 200 OK (0.

It works! As you can see, there are two logs line from the minion.1 app
component that say:

[...] [debug] Performing job "1" with task "poke_mojo" in process 143
[...] [debug] We have poked for a visitor

which tell us that the minion received the task and executed it.
Its instructive at this point to take a look at the directory that was
created as /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/sample-mojo ; we will need to
impersonate root on the Dokku node this time:

$ ssh "root@$DOKKU_IP" ls -l /var/lib/dokku/data/storage

total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 32767 32767 4096 Oct 8 21:53 sample-mojo

Whats this thing with user and group ids 32767 ? Simple: when Docker
is instructed to run containers by Dokku, it is told to start them as these
user and group id. They are different enough from what you have in the
machine (the highest user id is dokku s at 1000 , the highest group id is
still dokku s at 1000 except for a few service group ids that are at
65534 , so still very distant from 32767 ) so that you can be reasonably
sure there will be no clash or overlapping by chance.

Backing Services
As we saw in a previous section, each service instance runs inside its
own container and is quite isolated from the other ones, even though
they actually run on the same node. Thats what makes Dokku powerful:
it allows you to run multiple services, which might each have their own
quirk about filesystem, configurations, running processes, library
versions and so on, but still guarantee that they will play nicely in the
same host.
One of the consequences is that you have to take explicit actions to
have them share files/directories: in our case, we wanted the web and
minion services to share a common directory where they would be able
to operate on the same SQLite file. We were lucky that there is the
storage management to help us with this.
What if we want to connect services differently? For example, we
might need to use a different database technology, and choose
PostgreSQL instead. Heroku and Dokku can get you covered for a lot of
technologies, and lucky for us theres the Postgres plugin that will help
us right out of the box.
The initial Dokku tutorial help us here, so we will just take the
relevant command without too many comments. First, we take care to
see whether the plugin is really installed or not:

$ dokku help
Usage: dokku [--quiet|...

Primary help options, ...


apps L...
certs M...

Community plugin commands:

letsencrypt <app> ...

postgres ...
redis ...

Fine, we do have plugins for Lets Encrypt, Redis and Postgres, listed in
the Community plugin commands section.
These services provided out of the box are called backing services;
there are quite a number of them (e.g. see the official ones) and they
should get you covered in most situations.
Lets define one backing service for our application then, by first
creating it and then linking to our application:
$ dokku postgres:create sample-mojo-pg
Waiting for container to be ready
Creating container database
Securing connection to database
=====> Postgres container created: sample-mojo-db
=====> Container Information
Config dir: /var/lib/dokku/services/postgres/sample-mojo-db/config
Data dir: /var/lib/dokku/services/postgres/sample-mojo-db/data
Dsn: postgres://postgres:1b8c1fb63db2cbee3c407c8fd815152a@dokku-p
Exposed ports: -
Id: ecaf7be1f12cc146da63c2da1b4f9c737e26ccce6f3aef27d7af302feb1d
Internal ip:
Links: -
Service root: /var/lib/dokku/services/postgres/sample-mojo-db
Status: running
Version: postgres:9.5.4

$ dokku postgres:link sample-mojo-pg sample-mojo

-----> Setting config vars
DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgres:1b8c1fb63db2cbee3c407c8fd815152a@dokku-postgres
-----> Restarting app sample-mojo
... other lines about application restart..

As we can see, the plugin took care to set the environment variable
DATABASE_URL in our application to the right value for consumption by
the application itself. We can now use it in our code then, so the
file is modified as follows:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;

my $dsn = $ENV{DATABASE_URL} || 'sqlite:/app/shared/test.db';

my $type = ($dsn =~ m{^postgres:}mxs) ? 'Pg' : 'SQLite';
plugin Minion => {$type => $dsn};

# Slow task
app->minion->add_task(poke_mojo => sub {
my $job = shift;
$job->app->log->debug('We have poked for a visitor');

# Perform job in a background worker process

get '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->render(text => 'We will poke for you soon.');


This will make sure that we can continue to use SQLite locally and
PostgreSQL remotely (even though you should strive to have perfect
alignment across all your deployment environments!).
We just have to make sure that our Perl application will be able to
use PostgreSQL now, so the cpanfile becomes as follows:

requires 'Mojolicious', '7.08';

requires 'Minion', '6.0';
requires 'Minion::Backend::SQLite', '0.007';
requires 'Mojo::Pg', '2.30';

Commit, then push:

$ git commit -am 'Add support for PostgreSQL backing service'

[master 4ad17b9] Add support for PostgreSQL backing service
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

$ git push
Counting objects: 7, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 578 bytes, done.
Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
-----> Cleaning up...
-----> Building sample-mojo from herokuish...
-----> Adding BUILD_ENV to build environment...
-----> Multipack app detected
=====> Downloading Buildpack:
=====> Detected Framework: Perl/Procfile
-----> Installing dependencies
Successfully installed DBD-Pg-3.5.3
Successfully installed Mojo-Pg-2.30
2 distributions installed
... all good up to now...
remote: App container failed to start!!
=====> sample-mojo web container output:
Invalid PostgreSQL connection string "postgres://postgres:1b8c1fb63db2...
... last message repeated a few times...
! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined) error:
failed to push some refs to ...

Ouch! Well, I think Mark Jason Dominus got it right at this point:

Simply put, the DATABASE_URL environment variable will need some

adaptation before we can use it, right? This error at least told us one
thing though: the application we are trying to deploy is actually
attempting to use the PostgreSQL database backing service after all!
It turns out that we just have to force the URL scheme to
postgresql (with the final ql part):

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojolicious::Lite;

my $dsn = $ENV{DATABASE_URL} || 'sqlite:/app/shared/test.db';

$dsn =~ s{^postgres.*?:}{postgresql:}mxs;
my $type = ($dsn =~ m{^postgresql:}mxs) ? 'Pg' : 'SQLite';
plugin Minion => {$type => $dsn};

# Slow task
app->minion->add_task(poke_mojo => sub {
my $job = shift;
$job->app->log->debug('We have poked for a visitor');

# Perform job in a background worker process

get '/' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->render(text => 'We will poke for you soon.');


As of release 2.31 of Mojo::Pg this should not be necessary any

more, although its still not out as of 2016-10-16 . See Updates for

Again, commit, push and check:

$ git commit -am 'Adapt DATABASE_URL to Mojo::Pg URL scheme'

[master c7f2d50] Adapt DATABASE_URL to Mojo::Pg URL scheme
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

poletti@Polebian2:sm (master)$ git push

=====> Application deployed:

# deployment was fine, let's send a GET

$ curl
We will poke for you soon.

# take some time

$ sleep 5

# check logs
$ dokku logs sample-mojo
... app[minion.1]:... Worker 8 started
... app[minion.1]:... Checking worker registry and job queue
... app[minion.1]:... Performing job "1" with task "poke_mojo" in process 145
... app[minion.1]:... We have poked for a visitor

The fact that its performing job 1 again is another hint that it is
actually using PostgreSQL, because the jobs numbering was restarted.
Anyway, we dont need the persistent storage any more at this time, so
we can double check by just removing it:

$ dokku storage:list sample-mojo

sample-mojo volume bind-mounts:

$ dokku storage:unmount sample-mojo /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/sample-mojo:/app/shared

$ dokku storage:list sample-mojo

sample-mojo volume bind-mounts:

$ dokku ps:restart sample-mojo

... usual stuff here...

$ curl
We will poke for you soon.

# take some time

$ sleep 5

# check logs
$ dokku logs sample-mojo
... app[minion.1]:... Worker 7 started
... app[minion.1]:... Checking worker registry and job queue
... app[minion.1]:... Performing job "2" with task "poke_mojo" in process 145
... app[minion.1]:... We have poked for a visitor

YAY, its still working indeed!

Encryption Anyone?
Up to this point, all our traffic has been left into the wilderness of plain
text. If you think that encrypting communications can be a good thing,
though, you probably already started wondering how to add TLS to the
Dokku provides you means for managing certificates via the certs
group of commands:

$ dokku certs:help
Usage: dokku certs:COMMAND

Manage Dokku apps SSL (TLS) certs.

Additional commands:
certs:add <app> CRT KEY Add an ssl endpoint to an app. Can also import f
certs:chain CRT [CRT ...] [NOT IMPLEMENTED] Print the ordered and complete
certs:generate <app> DOMAIN Generate a key and certificate signing request (
certs:info <app> Show certificate information for an ssl endpoint
certs:key <app> CRT KEY [KEY ...] [NOT IMPLEMENTED] Print the correct key for the
certs Manage Dokku apps SSL (TLS) certs
certs:remove <app> Remove an SSL Endpoint from an app
certs:rollback <app> [NOT IMPLEMENTED] Rollback an SSL Endpoint for a
certs:update <app> CRT KEY Update an SSL Endpoint on an app. Can also impor

This is definitely the way to go if you are using a domain where you cant
define a wildcard resolution or its not immediately below a public suffix,
or more simply you want to use your homebrewn self-signed certificates
(which is perfectly secure if you have full control on all clients, of
If you instead:

have control over your domain DNS configurations

the domain is immediately below a public suffix

then you can enjoy the services of the Lets Encrypt plugin. Lets see
The only real setup you have to do is define an email address; this is
used by Lets Encrypt to notify you about certificates that are about to
expire (this will be our safenet, because we can setup the plugin to renew
the certificates automatically). Then you just have to activate the plugin.
If youre lazy like me, you can set the email address up as a global
variable, so that every project will use the same. You can still override
this on a per-project basis, anyway.

$ dokku config:set --global

-----> Setting config vars

Then, you just have to activate the plugin for your app:

$ dokku letsencrypt sample-mojo

=====> Let's Encrypt sample-mojo
-----> Updating letsencrypt docker image...
latest: Pulling from dokkupaas/letsencrypt-simp_le
420890c9e918: Already exists
e4a2ae244258: Already exists
5c6ac6d1c950: Already exists
Digest: sha256:18a19b34beceba79dd5be458abe7e132fc7486da1da19cc4d0395ad4578031ef
Status: Image is up to date for dokkupaas/letsencrypt-simp_le:latest
done updating
-----> Enabling ACME proxy for sample-mojo...
-----> Getting letsencrypt certificate for sample-mojo...
- Domain ''
darkhttpd/1.11, copyright (c) 2003-2015 Emil Mikulic.
listening on:
2016-10-09 07:05:42,620:INFO:__main__:1211: Generating new account key
2016-10-09 07:05:44,514:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:44,762:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:45,019:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:46,032:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:46,762:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:47,015:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:47,283:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:207: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:47,359:INFO:__main__:1305: was successfully sel
2016-10-09 07:05:47,381:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:47,749:INFO:__main__:1313: Generating new certificate private key
2016-10-09 07:05:48,211:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:52,438:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:52,693:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:53,007:INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:758: Starting new
2016-10-09 07:05:53,260:INFO:__main__:391: Saving account_key.json
2016-10-09 07:05:53,261:INFO:__main__:391: Saving fullchain.pem
2016-10-09 07:05:53,262:INFO:__main__:391: Saving chain.pem
2016-10-09 07:05:53,262:INFO:__main__:391: Saving cert.pem
2016-10-09 07:05:53,263:INFO:__main__:391: Saving key.pem
-----> Certificate retrieved successfully.
-----> Installing let's encrypt certificates
-----> Unsetting sample-mojo
-----> Unsetting DOKKU_NGINX_PORT
-----> Setting config vars
DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP: http:80:5000
-----> Setting config vars
DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP: http:80:5000 https:443:5000
-----> Setting config vars
-----> Setting config vars
-----> Configuring built-in template)
-----> Creating https nginx.conf
-----> Running nginx-pre-reload
Reloading nginx
-----> Configuring built-in template)
-----> Creating https nginx.conf
-----> Running nginx-pre-reload
Reloading nginx
-----> Disabling ACME proxy for sample-mojo...

So, after a bunch of back and forth with Lets Encrypt, the plugin took
care to reconfigure the reverse proxy to:

redirect all traffic from port 80 to port 443

accept traffic on port 443

Lets see the redirection part:

$ curl -v
* About to connect() to port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.26.0
> Host:
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Server: nginx
< Date: Sun, 09 Oct 2016 07:09:55 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html
< Content-Length: 178
< Connection: keep-alive
< Location:

Lets follow the redirection now, note that curl does not complain at
all about the certificate:

$ curl -L
We will poke for you soon.

Last thing we want to do is to set up automatic renewal of the

certificates for all applications, because they expire every 90 days (this
short time is to encourage automation):
$ dokku letsencrypt:cron-job --add
-----> Added cron job to dokku's crontab.
no crontab for dokku

Done! Dont worry about the last line, it appears if our Dokku instance is
brand new and no previous crontab setting was present for user
dokku .

Summing Up
After this (admittedly) long journey, we got to this point:

we have a Dokku node where we can easily deploy our applications

- the Perler, the better in my opinion, but youre not necessarily
limited to it;
we know how to share a directory across different components of
an application
we know how to connect to backing services, like a PostgreSQL
database for example
we secured our application web frontend communications via TLS

This is probably something that should get you more than started! For
going beyond, you should definitely check the excellent documentation
in Dokkus website.
Have fun!

2016-10-09 a change for supporting the postgres:// url scheme
in addition to postgresql:// is on its way (see this commit). This
makes using environment variable DATABASE_URL a breeze (see
Backing Services) as it will be immediately consumable by Mojo::Pg
and the associated Minion backend, YAY! (We will have to wait for
the new release of Mojo::Pg though!).
2016-10-16 most of the stuff in this article has been compressed
in a cheatsheet available in this wiki. Nice thing about GitLab is
that its possible to also whip up a few snippets.
2016-10-16 added a Table of Contents for better navigation of the
2016-12-23 added note on Debian 8 in Vultr.

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