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sarwary8a humanities 16/5/17

Ancient japan
1. During the Tokugawa Period could you move from class to class? So,
when you get a job e.g. farmer you have to stay a farmer, so when youre
a farmer your next son will be a farmer so it does not change the job.
2. Who were the samurai? Who did they serve? The samurai were man
that will protect everything and the lands.
3. Of 30 million Japanese, how many were samurai? So, the amount of
samurais in japan was about 2 million.
4. What was the national crop of Japan? The national crop was rice and
there are lots of koku and one koku can feed one person for a hole year.
5. Describe what life was like for the farmers during the Tokugawa period?
The amount of rice about 25 million koku. The most power full daimyo had
1.3 million koku so the farmer did not have a lot of rice.
6. What were some of the common crafts done by the craftspeople? So,
there was merchants and people how sell lots of things.
7. Although the merchants were at the bottom of the social hierarchy, why
were some tempted to accept this lower status? So, they made money out
of productive labor of other.
8. Why was it sometimes advantageous to live outside the class system?
What types of people were they? So, they are good people and they were
actors, entertainers, priests.
9. Who are the eta? Why are they at the bottom of Japanese society? So,
they had their own communities and other members , so, they were

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