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Erin Reeves

IR 1/Period 3/11 AP
Project Timeline
My final product will involve compiling all the experimental results I gathered over the year into
a conclusive and organized portfolio that can be referred to easily. That portfolio will include the
raw data, the spreadsheets containing the data and calculations, and the overview of my analysis
for each data collection. From these results, I will program and publish and application including
an unsupervised neuromuscular training program for doctors and patients to use. This application
will be supported by my data portfolio. The purpose of my final product is to give a supplement
or alternative to the rigorous physical therapy course to a busy athlete.

Month goal: Draft survey, begin plans for application
2/24 Advisor contact
2/24 Teacher appreciation event
2/28 Refined project proposal due
2/28 Make plans for display board to be turned in to Ms. Sasser
Ask mentor about vetted survey questions
Continue finding diagrams and visuals to include in project

Month goal: Refine the survey and application
3/10 Organize layout of display board
3/17 Release link to survey to general public
3/20 Aimed to have display board half-complete
3/30 Finalized news clip due
3/30 Final display board
Begin to find trends in the data collected from survey
Learn how professional scientists gather and analyze this type of data

Month goal: Compile survey results, release application
4/3 Write thank you note to advisor
4/14 Release application
Get a group to test application, record process with pictures

Month goal: Presentation and project complete!

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