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Main, Daniel
Final draft FFCS
English 12th
Due date: 5-24-17


I have been attending Faith Fellowship Christian School for fourteen years (Pre-K to 12th

grade). Throughout that span of time, I have been saved by the help of Faith Fellowship

Christian School and have grown in my Christian walk. Faith Fellowship Christian School

developed me in becoming a Christian and getting saved here by a sermon in chapel when I was

in first grade. In the sermon the preacher talked about salvation and how Jesus died for us on the

cross and that Jesus loves us all and he wants to make a plan in your life to share the word of

God to others. On that day I thought about that message the whole day of school and I wanted to

become saved so that night I went up to my parents and I got saved that night.

Faith Fellowship Christian School has been the only school I have gone to and it has been

very comforting, (I have heard of kids who have come here after coming to another school and

there old school isnt comforting by the sounds of it kids arent taught to respect others) and at

this school the teachers and other adults here have been a help in teaching me to respect others.

Faith Fellowship Christian school has taught me to talk to others and to respect others. Faith

Fellowship has had a big impact on my life, and it has taught me to be grateful for what I have

and that I have a family that cares about my spiritual walk to send me to Faith Fellowship

Christian School.

Faith Fellowship has shaped my character by helping me become a better Christian, Faith

Fellowship has helped me trust in the Lord always and the Lord has been good to me, the Lord

has given me parents who have helped me to grow in my spiritual walk and he has given me a

Christian school to attend and a school family who have helped me to help others and never
Main 2

forget that God is always with you and to stay focused on God and his word and not take the

wrong path.

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