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Games to practise speaking

1. One person thinks of an object (person, place, thing). Everyone takes turns asking
"yes/no" questions. You can't ask "wh" questions. For instance, the object is
"pineapple". Students can ask questions like "Does it talk? Does it make life easier? Do
you eat it?.... The game is played till students guess the object. A student who asks
more leading (fishing) questions (questions which helped everyone guess the object) -
2. "Can't say yes/no game" Everyone is given a certain number of coins or squares of
paper. Everyone moves around the room starting conversations and asking each other
questions. The only rule is that you can't say 'yes or no'. If you accidentally say one of
these words, you have to give a coin to the person who asked you the question. Try to
trick each other by asking questions that you would almost always answer 'yes or no'. If
it seems too complicated - just choose a person (but usually students are eager to play
themselves) - and everyone in turns asks him/her questions. The game finishes when
the student says 'yes or no'. It can be tricky because sometimes students ask too
personal questions. If students get on well - the game can be lots of fun.
3. "Hot seat game" A student sits with his/her back to the board or the teacher. The
teacher displays a word or a flashcard. Other students describe what is on the card to
enable the student to guess what it is.

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