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Robert Eastwood

Client Liaison Diary


Linda Griffiths | Creative Media | October 17, 2016

Contact Log

Name of Date and Reason for Result of contact

contact time contact

LGS 13/10/16 Meeting with client to Discuss logo and dope sheets
discuss logo with client

LGS 18/10/16 Progress Meeting Discuss with client

LGS 20/10/16 Progress Meeting Discuss with Client

Client Liaison Reports

1 Comments from meeting with Client

I showed the client my sketch for my logo. It will be black and white, client liked the
idea. She through it worked well. Showed the client the full version and was impressed
with it. Then we discussed the dope sheets and the client enjoyed what Im planning on
doing. With the music fading out when the clips start playing.

2 Comments from meeting with Client

I showed the client my progress on director and she said that it is great because there
have been problems with getting videos to work but I put all 3 videos into one clip on
Premiere then just had to put one video on Director; the client thought this was a good
idea. I have also made my logo on Photoshop which will be shown at the start and at the
end of my TV ident which the client is happy about.

3 Comments from meeting with Client

Client impressed with everything that has been done and pleased all the videos and
sound works and is happy I have made a page just for screenshots of my TV ident. So
now I can completely finish my deadline for my TV ident by publishing it and putting it
on the drive. I put some transition effects after the videos had finished on the logo
for it to go from one side of the ident to the other and then from the top of the ident
to the middle then it stop and you can look at the name for a few seconds, the client
likes this.


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