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Robert Eastwood

17/10/16 session 1
Aim: Listen to the introduction to the assignment and set up all the documents that this
assignment requires.
Evidence: I have created the documents I need for this assignment and put them in my unit
32 assignment 4 folder then I reviewed my brief and updated my ILP.
Learnt: I have learnt what Im doing in this assignment.

session 3
Aim: Start the Tv ident for The Grid on director
Evidence: I have started by breaking my logo into so the first page just says The for 1
second and then the next page says just Grid for another second.
Learnt: I have learnt some more about director and how it works
18/10/16 session 3
Aim: Continue making the TV ident for The
Grid on director.
Evidence: I have decided to use the song
Good Time by Jamie xx and making a 10
second clip of this song by using Premiere to
do so.
Learnt: I have learnt how to export a video
onto director.
18/10/16 session 4
Robert Eastwood

Aim: Continue making the TV ident for The Grid on director.

Evidence: I have put in a clip from
friends and a clip from James
Cordons chat show into the
same Premiere as the Good time
song was in and now I have a clip
overall that is 27 seconds long. I
have also decided to add some
video transitions into the clip
called Iris box and Iris round. I
have now put the video onto
director for my Tv ident and I
have made it the right length of frames. Then I added 3 pieces of text that just says what the
kind of content it is showing on the screen at that time.
Learnt: How to put transitions into your video.
19/10/16 session 2
Aim: Continue making the TV ident for The Grid on director.
Evidence: I have improved my logo on Photoshop so it has a bit more going for it and put
logo at end.

Learnt: More about Photoshop and effects

Robert Eastwood

19/10/16 session 4
Aim: Continue making the TV ident for The
Grid on director.
Evidence: I have finished my TV ident by
finishing with putting my logo at the end and
adding a page what says coming soon. I have
published my ident and printed all my work
Learnt: how to publish on director.

20/10/16 session 1
Aim: Finishing assignment
Evidence: I have put all my work on the drive and now I have finished all my work.
Learnt: If I work hard I can finish everything before the deadline.

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