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Simple dialogue introduction

John : Hi, how are you today..??

Ejo : How do you do??

John : My name is john, may I know your name?

Ejo : My name is Emilio, everybody use to call me Ejo

John : Nice to meet you Ejo

Ejo : Nice to meet you too, John

John : Anyway, where are you from Ejo?

Ejo : I am from TLS. What about you John?

John : I am the native here. I am an Australian. What are you looking for

Ejo : I am looking for a job and just spending holyday here

John : Anyway, where do you stay Ejo?

Ejo : I am staying in Colmera. What about you??

John : I am staying in Vila-Verde, are you an University student?

Ejo : Yes Im. I study in National University of Timor-Lorosae. How about


John : I study in University of Melbourne. What faculty do you take Ejo?

Ejo : I am an Economic faculty

John : It seems great. Well, if you want to go to the beach, I will be so glad
to be with you, its pleasure you dont mind, lets go!

Ejo : All right

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