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Professional Networking System between

Engineers Customers (PNSEC) Completion


09, September 2014

Admire Telecom
73, Airport Road, Lion Shopping Complex (3RD floor), Tel: 9663400,
URL:,Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215.Bangladesh

It's fair to say that although we had been impressed by ADMIRE, we still had a number of hesitations
before hiring ADMIRE: how would any problems be managed? When developing new service, it is almost
impossible to avoid an element of surprise , how rigid would ADMIRE be in their approach to that? And
would their standards and attention to detail match our own? These were not insignificant issues, so we
decided to move forward with a test project. The test has been a great success, and we have commenced
other projects. It feels like we have the benefits of an in-house team without the fixed cost base! We
expect our model going forward will be a hybrid of part in house and part ADMIRE development, and
ADMIRE is proving to be an excellent partner in that regard. We have found that ADMIRE has been very
pragmatic in accepting that not everything works 'from plan' and have worked through issues with us,
This is appreciated and works very well. I already have recommended ADMIRE's services and will
continue to do so for the reasons that I have outlined above.

Iqbal Hossain
Deputy Manager IT/KT

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