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Alpha testing

Samantha Buchanan:

- The space felt nice even though it was quite empty

- The world was abit glitchy
- The wisp was a nice touch

Steven Weston:

- The environment looked nice

- The collision boxes were abit off
- The pub was nice

Luke Weston:

- The sprint system was good

- The character movement was abit stiff
- The world just seemed empty

Beta testing

Samantha Buchanan:

- The space is less empty. Especially by the pub

- The world is lighter than it was before
- The water looks more realistic

Steven Weston:

- The night sky with the moon overhead looks very nice
- The fire effects were nice
- The collisions were better this time

Luke Weston:

- The characters movement system was abit better

- The level looked better
- The pub was more detailed on the inside

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