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Foundation Course in English2
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Answer all the questions.
Q. 1. Read the following passage and make notes in an appropriate format:
The earliest authenticated human remains in South Asia date to about 30,000 years ago.Nearly contemporaneous
Mesolithic rock art sites have been found in many parts of the Indian subcontinent, including at the Bhimbetka rock
shelters in Madhya Pradesh. Around 7000 BCE, the first known Neolithic settlements appeared on the subcontinent
in Mehrgarh and other sites in western Pakistan. These gradually developed into the Indus Valley Civilisation, the
first urban culture in South Asia which flourished during 26001900 BCE in Pakistan and western India. Centred
on cities such as Mohenjo-daro, Harappa, Dholavira, and Kalibangan, and relying on varied forms of subsistence,
the civilisation engaged robustly in crafts production and wideranging trade.
During the period 2000500 BCE, in terms of culture, many regions of the subcontinent transitioned from the
Chalcolithic to the Iron Age. The Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, were composed during this period, and
historians have analysed these to posit a Vedic culture in the Punjab region and the upper Gangetic Plain. Most
historians also consider this period to have encompassed several waves of Indo-Aryan migration into the subcontinent.
On the Deccan Plateau, archaeological evidence from this period suggests the existence of a chiefdom stage of
political organisation. In southern India, a progression to sedentary life is indicated by the large number of megalithic
monuments dating from this period, as well as by nearby traces of agriculture, irrigation tanks, and craft traditions.
The Sangam literature of the Tamil language reveals that, between 200 BCE and 200 CE, the southern peninsula
was being ruled by the Cheras, the Cholas, and the Pandyas, dynasties that traded extensively with the Roman
Empire and with West and South-East Asia. In North India, Hinduism asserted patriarchal control within the family,
leading to increased subordination of women. By the 4th and 5th centuries, the Gupta Empire had created in the
greater Ganges Plain a complex system of administration and taxation that became a model for later Indian kingdoms.
Under the Guptas, a renewed Hinduism based on devotion rather than the management of ritual began to assert
itself. The renewal was reflected in a flowering of sculpture and architecture, which found patrons among an urban
elite. Classical Sanskrit literature flowered as well, and Indian science, astronomy, medicine, and mathematics
made significant advances.
Source: Adapted from
Ans. Important Dates Developments
7000 BCE The first known Neolithic settlements appeared on the
subcontinent in Mehrgarh and other sites in western
26001900 BCE The Indus Valley Civilisation, the first urban culture in South Asia, flourished in
Pakistan and western India.
Ans. Important Dates Developments
2000500 BCE Many regions of the subcontinent transitioned from the Chalcolithic to the Iron
Age. The Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism,were composed during this
200 BCE and 200 CE The southern peninsula was being ruled by the Cheras, the Cholasand the Pandyas.
These dynasties traded extensively with the Roman Empire and with West and
South-East Asia.
4th-5th centuries The Gupta Empirehad created in the greater Ganges Plain a complex system of
administration and taxation that became a model for later Indian kingdoms.

Q. 2. Write a summary of the passage and suggest a suitable title.
Ans. Ancient History of India
Summary: Evidence of human existence in SouthAsia dates back to 30,000 years ago. Mesolithi crock art
sites have been found in many parts of India.
Around 7000 BCE, Neolithic settlements appeared in Mehrgar hand other sites in western Pakistan which
developed into the Indus Valley Civilisation, the first urban culture in South Asia. It flourished during 26001900
BCE in Pakistan and western India. During 2000500 BCE, many regions in India transitioned from the Chalcolithicto
theIron Age.TheVedaswere composed during this time.Several waves ofIndo-Aryan migrationhappened into the
subcontinent during the period. Between 200 BCE and 200 CE, the southern peninsula was being ruled by the
Cheras, the Cholas, and the Pandyas. In North India, Hinduism asserted patriarchal control within the family,
leading to increased subordination of women. By the 4th and 5th centuries, the Gupta Empire had created in the
greater Ganges Plain a complex system of administration and taxation that became a model for later Indian kingdoms.
This period saw development of classical Sanskrit literature, Indian science, astronomy, medicine and mathematics
Q. 3. Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on any one of the following topics:
a. The joint family system.
b. The value of honesty.
c. A strong leader.
d. Childhood memories.
Ans. The joint family is large in size in comparison to nuclear family. It consists of members of three or more
generations including grandparents, parents and children. Sometimes, other kith and kin such as uncles, aunts,
cousins and great grandsons also live in the joint family. Members of the joint family normally reside together in the
same house or at one particular place. The sessential feature of a joint family is the common kitchen. The members
eat food prepared jointly at the common kitchen. The members hold common property. The head of the family
manages the family property like a trustee.The earnings of the members are pooled into family treasury and family
expenses are met out of that.The Hindu joint family derives its strength from religion. Hence, it is associated with
various religious rituals and practices. It isa feature of joint family system that there is a common mode of worship
and common Gods and Goddesses. The reason for this might have been the practice of ancestor worship and the
custom of Pinda Dana.The ritual bonds of the joint family are considered to be important component of jointness.
A joint family, thus, is bound together by periodic propitiation of the dead ancestors.
Q. 4. Write a composition of 250-300 words based on any one of the pictures given below:

Ans. Elephants are classified as megaherbivores and consume up to 150 kg of plant matter per day. They eat
different plant species, most commonly of the order Malvales, and the legume, palm, sedge and true grass families.
They graze on the tall grasses, but the portion consumed varies with season. When the new flush appears in April,
they remove the tender blades in small clumps. Later, when grasses are higher than 0.5 m, they uproot entire
clumps, dust them skilfully and consume the fresh leave tops, but discard the roots. When grasses are mature in
autumn, they clean and consume the succulent basal portions with the roots, and discard the fibrous blades. From
the bamboos, they eat seedlings, culms and lateral shoots. During the dry season from January to April, they mainly
browse on both leaves and twigs preferring the fresh foliage, and consume thorn bearing shoots of acacia species
without any obvious discomfort. They feed on the bark of white thorn and other flowering plants, and consume the
fruits of wood apple, tamarind, kumbhi and date palm.In Nepals Bardia National Park, elephants consume large
amounts of the floodplain grass, particularly during the monsoon season. They browse more in the dry season with

bark constituting a major part of their diet in the cool part of that season. During a study in a tropical moist mixed
deciduous forested area of 160 km in Assam, elephants were observed to feed on about 20 species of
grasses, plants and trees. Grasses such as Imperatacylindrica and Leersiahexandra constituted by far the
most predominant component of their diet.
Q. 5. You are the Sports Secretary of your institution. Write a report in 250 words of a meeting held to
discuss the forthcoming Sports Day.
Ans. A meeting was held to discuss the forthcoming sports day in the institution. It was very encouraging to
note that all staff members and the students are enthusiastic about the event on August 16. The Sport Day will be
inaugurated by the chief guest, the Member of Parliament and attended by MLAs in Noida. The principal will
monitor all the activities from his office and will be assisted with due responsibilities by all the heads of the
departments and other teachers. All the teachers have been given the responsibility to organised and supervise all
the sport events in the field. After the inauguration at 8 am, the students will stage various cultural programmes
including a Yoga show, a dance programme and a musical show. After that, the sports activities will start at 10 am.
The staff participating in the meeting had the view that the senior students have to be made included to monitor
various activities. The meeting also discuss the funds for the sports day. It was decided that the expenditure will be
met from the school budget and expenditure on the dresses used in the cultural programmes, parents have been
requested to pay for their wards. There were also concerned about the security during the event. The chief of
security has been asked to supervise the security during the programmes. No outsiders should be allowed during the
sport activities. For first aid and supply of water, a team of teachers and students have been formed. Two nurses and
a doctor will be on stand to provide the first-aid for any emergency.
Q. 6. Write a report in 250 words of an interview you had with the Principal regarding his/her plans for
improving facilities in your institution.
Ans. The Principal is very optimist about the plans for improving facilities in the institution. He is very much
focused to improve sports facilities for the students. He said he would ensure building of a playground with facilities
for all outdoors games like football, cricket, hockey, lawn tennis, basketball, volley ball and badminton. He also has
a plan to improve facilities for indoor games like table tennis, chess, carom and skating. He said he would encourage
students to participate in sports. In academic, he has plans to improve the school library and science laboratory. He
said that the school would procure about 10,000 books this year from different publishers. The science lab will be
equipped with all modern and latest equipment. The principal also plans to introduce smart board in all classrooms
and projectors for senior classes.
The principal said they are looking for funding. Unfortunately he said, it is very difficult to secure funding.
While we have been working with several private sector partners the need is still too great. This is why we were
extremely happy when Flow made a significant donation.
The principal expects that the school management will cooperate with him to achieve the target in improving
the facilities in the school. Keeping in view the Prime Ministers Swachch Bharat Abhiyan, the principal, said he is
also giving priority to cleanliness and better sanitation in the school. More cleaning staff have been employed for
that purpose. The principal expects cooperation from both teaching and non-teaching staff in the school.

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