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Abramelin Oil

part powdered cinnamon bark quill
1 part ground myrrh resin
1 part calamus root, chopped then powdered
1 part cassia
foregoing weight olive oil
Pure grain alcohol
(Parts are by weight, not volume)

Glass vial
Cheese cloth
Loose weave, cloth tea bags
Bath of Mary (double boiler)
Mortar and Pestle

1: Grind all plant material to powder in mortar and pestle

2: Add just enough grain alcohol to cover the powder
3: Mix well and set in warm dark place to macerate for one lunar cycle; works well with covered
mason jar (Be sure to agitate jar 2-3 times per day)
4: Strain resulting mixture through cheesecloth (Results in tincture and dead salts*)
5: Put tincture through reduction in double boiler until highly viscous
6: Pour sludge into jar and put through double boiler again, this time in with warm water in the
top half
7: Pour sludge into cloth teabag and place with olive oil in a jar
8: Seal jar and place in warm dark place for another lunar cycle, agitate frequently
9: Dispose of teabag full of sludge, leftover is the abramelin oil
10: Store in glass vial in a warm, dark space

*The tincture is useful on its own, simply spray or rub on skin. The dead salts can be reused
with more grain alcohol until the alcohol is no longer discolored when mixed with them.

Note: This recipe uses plant material to distill essential oils, purchasing of premade essential oil
is possible. If this is the case, simply combine the following ingredients.
1 part myrrh oil
1 part calamus oil
1 part cassia oil
part cinnamon oil
7x the aforementioned weight in olive oil

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