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1. List five differences between SI engines and CI engines.

Differences SI engines CI engines

Fuel Gasoline fuel Diesel fuel
Intake system Use of carburetor or fuel Use of fuel injection on intake
injection on intake system system
Air intake Intake an air-fuel mixture Intake air only
Ignition Use spark plug Self-ignition
Combustion Combustion at constant volume Combustion at constant pressure

2. Why do most small engines operate on a two-stroke cycle?

Most of the small engines operate on two-stroke because the weight of the engines. The two-
stroke engines are lightweight and suitable to operate small systems such as chainsaw,
lawnmower, RC helicopter and others. All of these considered mass to power output ratio is
considered as the important effects. Besides that, there are fewer mechanical parts compare to
four-stroke system. Therefore, the mechanical efficiency is higher.

3. Why do most large engines operate on two-stroke cycle?

Large system has a maximum revolution of 200 RPM. Because of that, two-stroke engines
delivered three firing in a second, while four-stroke delivered only one firing in a second. Due to
the slow revolution of the massive engines, more power that can be delivered will be a huge
advantage and also important factor for the system. Thus, most large engine use two-stroke

4. Why do most automobile engines operate on four-stroke?

There are several reasons on choosing four-stroke engines against two-stroke. First of all, the fuel
efficiency of the four-stroke is higher compared to the two-stroke. The exhaust gasses produced
by two-stroke sometimes contained fuel due to its incomplete combustion. This is an important
factor because there is an emission control regulation for all modern vehicles.
The biggest reason of all is that, it is easier to precisely control the air-fuel injection in the four-
stroke system compared to the two-stroke systems.

5. Why it would desirable to operate automobile engines on a two-stroke cycle?

More power obtained from the same weight of the engines.

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