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"The Role of Divination in Assyrian Intelligence Services"

During Sennacherib's Levantine campaign, information was not just an interesting

feature of the imperial age; it had become one of its driving forces. The Assyrians
received information from human sources ("human intelligence") and divine sources
("divine intelligence"). Human intelligence was based on an intricate network of
informers and agents whereas divine intelligence was based on observation and
learned interpretation of celestial and terrestrial signs. At first, human
intelligence and divine intelligence served as independent sources. In practice
both systems became inseparable parts of the decision-making process. Intelligence
reports coming from different sources were exposed to divine judgment, guaranteeing
an ulterior verification of information. Extispicy was used for the verification of
information coming from other sources. Divination techniques, usually extispicy,
also had to confirm decisions taken on the basis of both divine intelligence and
human intelligence. This system brought several Assyrian campaigns to their
successful end.
(Information has been obtained from "Sennacheribs Invasion of the Levant through
the Eyes of Assyrian Intelligence Services" by Peter Dubovsk);jsessionid=1lbg

The Rephaim, Jezebel, Nineveh and Babylon the great:

1. A deep pit is the mouth of a strange woman, those with whom Yahweh is angry will
fall there. (Proverbs 22:14)
2. for her house sinks down to death, and her paths to the REPHAIM; (Proverbs 2:18)
3. Whoever wanders from the way of understanding, in the assembly of the REPHAIM he
will rest. (Proverbs 21:16)
4. And he said, What peace is there while the prostitutions of your mother Jezebel
and her sorceries are numerous? (2 Kings 9:22, LEB) [Jezebel]
5. Because of the continual prostitution of the prostitute, the attractive mistress
of sorcery, who betrays nations by her prostitution and clans by her witchcraft,
(Nahum 3:4, HCSB) [Nineveh]
6. And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: Babylon the great, mother of
prostitutes and of earth's abominations. (Revelation 17:5, ESV) [Babylon the

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