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left on the way

still no faded
its a long time
but it still remain

engraved in my heart
don't try to find it
because it like silts
that can be returned

seeking 3x
for a way
who do i love
but a scared 3x
that really pain
will there be someone know?
the ugly truth
the false niceness
what happiness do my heart
is waiting for right now?

the ugly truth

the faded niceness
the pain is breaking my hearth
do you know how i fell

it's not good enough

i still don't care
and don't know a way
my hearth is eroded

it've been angraved for too long

and hidden inside
beacuse my life falling apart
therefore, it return

seeking 3x
for a way
will there be someone know?
the ugly truth
the false niceness
what happiness do my heart
is waiting for right now?

the ugly truth

the faded niceness
the pain is breaking my hearth
do you know how i fell

what do i waiting for ?

do you know how i fell

the ugly truth

the false niceness
what happiness do my heart
is waiting for right now?

the ugly truth

the faded niceness
the pain is breaking my hearth
do you know how i fell
what do i waiting for ?
do you know how i fell ?

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