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1. Desenvolvimento de projeto em Interpretao- a transcrio

Explicar um projeto de transcrio e definir as bases de trabalho.


A cada dia, a rea da traduo e da interpretao trabalha a partir de projetos. Os projetos

geralmente acontecem nas agncias de traduo ou so executados por profissionais para
clientes particulares. O maior objetivo finalizar um trabalho dentro do p razo estabelecido e
com qualidade.
Discutiremos um tipo de projeto especfico em interpretao: o da transcrio.
Como estudaremos a transcrio de textos falados, devemos entender como desenvolver a habilidade
de Listening em lngua inglesa.

To understand the nature of listening processes, we need to consider some of the characteristics of
spoken discourse and the special problems they pose for listeners. Spoken discourse has very
different characteristics from written discourse, and these differences can add a number of
dimensions to our understanding of how we process speech. For example, spoken discourse is
usually instantaneous. The listener must process it online and there is often no chance to listen to it

O exemplo abaixo o discurso de George Clooney proferido no United Nations Security Council
Address on Darfur, em 14 de setembro de 2016, em Nova Iorque:

Well, first I want to thank Ambassador Bolton and all of you for inviting us here today and taking the
time to talk with us.
I'll make you two promises: The first is that I'll be brief; and the second is that I won't try to educate
you on the issues of Darfur and the regions around it. There's nothing I can say that you don't already
know. You know the numbers. You know the urgency. And you know how bad this is likely to get.
I'm here to represent the voices of the people who cannot speak for themselves. And from our side,
we're not so naive either. We know how difficult a task this is. We understand how many issues are in
front of you this moment, each needing great care and attention. But you are the U.N. and this is a task
that you have been given. You have to decide what's most urgent. You have responsibility to protect.
In the time that we're here today, more women and children will die violently in the Darfur region than
in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Israel, or Lebanon. The United States has called it "genocide." For you
it's called "ethnic cleansing." But make no mistake: It is the first genocide of the 21st century. And if it
continues unchecked it will not be the last.
Now, my job is the come here today and to beg you on behalf of the millions of people who will die --
and make no mistake; they will die -- for you to take real and effective measures to put an end to this.
Of course it's complex, but when you see entire villages raped and killed, wells poisoned and then filled
with the bodies of its villagers, then all complexities disappear and it comes down to simply right and
wrong. It's not getting better. It's getting much, much worse. And it is only the international community
that can help us.
Now, I know there are members of you here that, for what I'm sure are sensible reasons, have failed
to use leverage at times to keep the -- to get the peacekeepers on the ground. Well, we now have a
date. The date is September 30th. The 1st of October will leave these people with nothing. Whatever
the reason, it's not good enough. On October 1st, it won't just be the Janjaweed murdering and raping
with impunity or Minnawi's SLA slaughtering the Fur tribes. With no protection, all the aide workers will
leave immediately, and the two and a half million refugees who depend on that aid will die. Jan Egeland
estimates 100,000 a month.
So, after September 30th, you won't need the U.N. You will simply need men with shovels and bleached
white linen and headstones. In many ways, it's unfair, but it is, nevertheless, true that this genocide
will be on your watch. How you deal with it will be your legacy, your Rwand a, your Cambodia, your

We were brought up to believe that the U.N. was formed to ensure that the Holocaust could never
happen again. We believe in you so strongly. We need you so badly. We've come so far. We're -- We're
-- We're one "yes" away from ending this. And, if not the U.N., then who?
Time is of the -- of the essence.
I'm going to give this over to Professor Wiesel.
And I'm going to thank you again for your time.

Voltemos ao mesmo discurso, mas dessa vez em udio:

Discurso Oral x Discurso Escrito

Percebemos que a entonao e a forma de falar conferem sentido ao discurso, o que vai muito alm
das palavras.
Como desenvolver a estratgia de listening em lngua inglesa?
De acordo com Buck (2001:104) h dois tipos de estratgias: as cognitivas e as meta-cognitivas.
As estratgias cognitivas esto relacionadas aos processos de audio e de memria.
O processo de compreenso envolve o input de udio e o processamento.
A memria envolve ao armazenamento e a retomada da informao. Assim, aps o input, ocorre o
armazenamento na memria. Os componentes armazenados podem ser retomados, quando
J as estratgias metacognitivas envolvem as experincias as quais o aprendiz ou ouvinte est
exposto. necessrio que haja uma compreenso da situao de comunicao, o ouvinte poder
utilizar recursos internos e externos.
Para exemplificar o uso dos recursos, leia a frase abaixo:
"And I can pledge our nation to a goal: When we see that wounded traveler on the road to Jericho, we will not
pass to the other side."
Source: 100 American Rethorical Speeches

A frase em negrito uma aluso passagem bblica do bom samaritano. Caso o ouvinte desconhea,
ser mais difcil entender o discurso. A dificuldade no reside no conhecimento do idioma ingls ou
de vocabulrio.
Para que isso seja possvel, o aprendiz deve estar em contato com diferentes tipos de texto, de
diferentes reas e sotaques.
Atualmente, fala-se muito sobre os gneros do discurso. Segundo Koch (2005:53) a competncia
textual de um falante permite-lhe, ainda, averiguar se em um texto predominam sequncias de carter
narrativo, descritivo, expositivo e/ou argumentativo.
por isso que ao nos depararmos com um texto, geralmente conseguimos identific -lo. O que
precisamos -como intrpretes- estabelecer a mesma relao com os textos medida em que
ouvimos. No texto falado, o ouvinte no tem chance de recuper-lo, como fazemos no texto escrito.


Ao transcrever um texto, o entendimento do texto oral e o rigor sero importantssimos para a boa
qualidade da transcrio. Assim, indicamos que voc treine bastante, no somente ouvindo, mas
tambm transcrevendo adios dos mais variados assuntos.


BUCK, G. Assessing Listening. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.


KOCH, Ingedore Grunfeld Villaa. Desvendando os segredos do texto. 6. ed. So Paulo: Cortez, 2005.

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