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About Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle is a strange triangular area on the Atlantic Ocean where many
ships sailing through it or planes flying over it have apparently disappeared
without a trace. In few of such cases where wrecks could be found, the crew had
vanished. And such incidents have been happening since centuries. More than
1,000 ships and planes have disappeared in the triangle area over the past five
centuries and such mysterious incidents on the Atlantic continue to take place
even at present days.

So, getting excited already? Well, the facts however are quite far from what is
generally known or believed to be true. Many stories and myths have been
created by writers through sheer imagination which they used rampantly to draw
publicity to their books. In many cases, the facts got blurred. Many theories,
controversies and counter arguments have come up over the years challenging
the mysteries that created fear psychosis among people since ages.

So what is the fact? Is it at all true? Partially true? Or all nonsense? Let's dig
deeper to understand that while keeping in mind that far too many incidents
have taken place in this area for it to be ignored.

How did it all start?

It all started by authors who were novel writers, and the mystery was initially
perpetuated by them. But don't jump into a conclusion yet. While we all know
that novel writers are good in wild imaginations, but many of these writers were
actually popular and well respected authors of their times.

The abnormalities on the sea was first noted in 1950 by Edward Jones in the
daily newspaper Miami Herald published in Florida. However the mystery started
catching wide-scale attention in 1952 when George Sand wrote in Fate magazine
about incidents like Flight-19, a training flight of five torpedo bomber planes, all
of which went missing during a routine training session in 1945 and never
Subsequently several authors wrote about various other mysterious incidents in
the triangle area. While some of such reports were dubious or without much
substance, several incidents had actually occurred and remained unexplained.
The words around the mystery started spreading fast, and soon Bermuda
Triangle was a reality, at least in the minds of millions all over the world.

Where is Bermuda Triangle?

By the simplest of all definitions, Bermuda Triangle is located off the South-
Eastern coast of the United States and forms a triangular zone in the Atlantic
Ocean. The three corners of the triangle are: Miami (in Florida); San Juan (in
Puerto Rico); and Bermuda (a north-Atlantic island on which it has been so
named). The American author Vincent Gaddis was the first to define this
boundary in 1964 in an issue of the magazine named Argosy and called the area
'The Deadly Bermuda Triangle'.
Below are some amazing stories of planes and ships that disappeared or met
with ill fate while crossing the triangle area. As you visit the links, you will also
see my findings behind such great mysteries of all times. In most cases I have
discussed and explained the possible causes, in some cases I have also given
excerpts from official reports that were produced by US Navy, US Air Force or
US Coast Guards after completing the search operations. And in several cases,
I have given updates on further findings.
Theories explaining the mysteries
So what caused the ships and aircraft to disappear mysteriously? There have
been many research and explorations done to uncover the mystery. There is no
single theory that can explain all the incidents of disappearances. The ships and
aircraft could have been victims of different circumstances, and things would
have happened quickly and unexpectedly.

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