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CU tep vocabulary

abduct (v) = kidnap

abrasive (adj.) = rubbing away , tending to grind down
abridge (v.) = shorten ,limit ,
abrupt (adj.) = happening or ending unexpectedly
absolute (adj.) = irrevocable ,
absorbed (adj.) = engrossed ,
abstain (v.) = refrain , withhold from participation ,
abundant (adj.) = plentiful
accede (v.) = comply with , consent to ,
accelerate (v.) = move faster ,
accessible (adj.) = easy to approach , obtainable ,
accessory (n.) = additional object, useful but not essential thing
( )
acclaim (n.) = loud approval , applause ,
accommodate (v.) = furnish something as a kindness of favor ,
accompany (v.) = go with someone as a companion
accomplice (n.) = co-conspirator , partner-in-crime
accomplish (v.) = achieve
accurate (adj.) = correct, exact ,
accuse (v.) = blame for wrongdoing
achievement (n.) = accomplishment
acquaintance (n.) = someone you know a little, who is not a close friend
acquire (v.) = get as ones own
acrid (adj.) = sharp , bitter , foul smelling , ,

acute (adj.) = quick to notice things and able to think clearly and intelligently

adapt (v.) = modify
adept (adj.) = skilled , practiced ,
adequate (adj.) = sufficient
adjacent (adj.) = next to or near something else
adjoining (adj.) = neighboring ,

adjust (v.) = change or regulate so as to improve ,
admire (v.) = look at something with pleasure
adopt (v.) = take on ,
adore (v.) = love someone very much and feel very proud of them ,
adulterate (v.) = corrupt , debase , or make impure ,
adversary (n.) = an enemy , foe
adverse (adj.) = negative ,
advocate (n.) = supporter , defender
affair (n.) = matter ,
affect (v.) = act upon ,
affiliate (v.) = connect or associate with , accept as a member ,

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