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Dick Tracy

I Vocabulary and speaking:

Read the comics and say if the following statements are true or false: 2p (0.2x10=2)

The witness knows who fired the shot. F

The policeman knows who is the guilty triplet. F

There are fingerprints records which can tell them who' s guilty. F

The triplets doesn't wear the same clothes. F

Dick Tracy agrees with paraffin test. F

The witness doesn't recognise anything about the people who fired the shot. F

The women dressed in red told the police that Groovy should get the credit. T

Dick Tracy says that the paraffin test is helpful. F

The neutron activation analysis is the best way to find guilty people. T

The policeman noticed the scar of one of the triplets. T

2. This comic has 10 boxes. Identify the box that corresponds to the following situation:
1.5p (0.3x5=1.5)

a. The policeman asks the witness who fired the shot. Picture no. 2
b. The witness remembers how the triplets look like. Picture no. 3
c. The woman in red says that Groovy should receive the credit. Picture no. 7
d. Dick Tracy asks who has fired the gun. Picture no. 8
e. Dick Tracy is talking about the paraffin test. Picture no. 10

3. Choose the right answer: 1.5p (0.5x3=1.5)

1. The triplets wear :
a. red T- shirts
b. blue suits
c. green shoes
One of the triplets has a:
The best way to find out who is the guilty triplet is :
a paraffin test
neutron activation analysis

4. Match the two halves of the sentences: 1.5p (0.3x5=1.5)

1. The triplets look a. a scar
2. One of the triplets has b.a good way to discover the guilty
3. There are no c. the prize
4. The paraffin test isn't d. the same
5. She must win e. fingerprint records

1-d; 2-a; 3-e; 4-b; 5-c.

5. Speaking: 1.5p (0.3x5=1.5)

Read carefully the following sentences. Identify the characters involved and the situation of

Sentence Situation Characters

1. I think he shot the shop the scene a. a policeman and a witness
2. You have to gather B. in the police office b. a suspect and a policeman
3. How does he look like? C. on a street c. a police officer and a
4. I didn' t kill anybody. D. in the police office d. a detective and his superior
5. We haven't registered their E. in a shop e. a detective and a witness
fingerprints yet.

1-E-a; 2-C-d; 3-D-e; 4-B-b; 5-A-c.

II Grammar

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1p (0.2x5=1)

a. Look! This policeman [is catching] the thief. (catch)

b. I don't know who [is] your friend. (be)

c. The woman [has been looking] very impressed about that picture for the past few
minutes. (look)

d. He [has been thinking] about her all night. (think)

e. The prize [went] to him because he said the best joke. (go)

Transform the following sentences into reported speech: 1p (0.25x4=1)

a. I have never heard any strange noise. He said that (he had never heard any strange

b. I sometimes watch DVDs with my friends She said (she sometimes watches DVDs
with her friends)

c. We' ve been here for a long time but no one has known about us. They said that
(they had been there for a long time) but no one (had known about them)

d. There will be a problem . She said (there would be a problem)

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