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Are my launch dates suitable?

10/11 People said my launch dates were suitable because they were at good times the one
person who did it think they were suitable said I started to early and finished to soon

Dose my campaign message appeal to my target audience

My campaign message does appeal to my target audience because Younger people wont
be earning as much this was said by one of my viewers

Why is my advertisement location suitable for my campaign?

My advertisement location is suitable because it gathers from the public and I bring more
people into the local area

Are all the legal and ethical issues met to my campaign needs?
I have met all the legal and ethical issues and have not done anything offensive or done
anything UN professional

Does my slogan represent the campaign correctly?

My slogan represents my campaign because it is catchy and shows meaning to my campaign
my viewers have said it explains what the campaign message is

Why have I set my colour scheme to vibrant?

The reason for me setting my colour scheme like this is so I will stand out, catch consumers
eyes, and make them walk over and have a look
Do you think my total cost is an average cost for a first photoshoot?
I have been told my cost for this production has been a reasonably price and it wasnt over
or under funded it was just right, my viewers have said it was just enough

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