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Lorena 1

Lorena Barrera


English Period.1

07 November, 2016


Eboo Patel, a famous author once stated not the old idea that we are better apart, but the

high hope that people from the four corners of earth can do remarkable things

together..(Patel 5). Several people think that individuals can not live together as one human

race and find common ground within each other because they live by the old idea that we are

better off apart as Eboo Patel said. I n my opinion I strongly believe that individuals can find

common ground. We as humans can find common ground due to the values unity, respect,

and tolerance.

People can find common ground due to unity. In the article Making the Future Better,

Together the author Eboo Patel states This nation could well have been a house divided, but

today we stand as one (Patel 6). By looking at this quote the readers can assume that even if

we have difficult times we wont let hard times break our country apart. In addition the speech

Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address by Bill Clinton said Today our nation joins with you in

grief we mourn with you (Bill Clinton 19). This shows that we as humans have sympathy and

emotions that are alike to others and those emotions bring us together as one. This qoute

matters because we are all here to share emotions and help others with their emotions,

console them and show them that they are not alone during a tragic moment.
People can find common ground due to the values respect and tolerance. In the play A

Raisin in the Sun the character Walter Younger says We dont want to make no trouble for

nobody or fight no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors (Hansberry 100). In this

example the audience learns that even though Walter and his family are not wanted in the

new neighborhood the Younger family will try to be good neighbors like Walter said so they

can live peacefully like sivel humans. This demonstrates the value respect because Walter is

willing to give respect to his new neighbors even when the neighbors were trying to buy the

Youngers home so that the Youngers wont move into the neighborhood. Furthermore in the

play A Raisin in the Sun the character Karl Linder demonstrates tolerance and how people

can find common ground by having tolerance. Karl Linder tells the Younger family Well if are

that final about it...there is nothing left for me to say(Hansberry 100). By looking at this quote

the audience can learn that having tolerance is the key to finding common ground. We can

find common ground with having tolerance because if we dont have tolerance we are a very

reactive human being and reactive people fight a lot, are very negative and see things in a

negative way unlike a proactive person who has tolerance for others.

One should acknowledge that unity, respect, and tolerances affects people finding

common ground and living as one human race. Unity helps keep our country together.

Respect helps keep humanity sivel. FInally tolerance helps us understand each other's

opinions, ways of being and thoughts. The point remains that we can find common ground

and unity, respect, and tolerance are just a few values that can bring us together as a race

and as a country.

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