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Act 2 Scene 3

Anne- Haley N.
Mr. Frank- Jonathan R., Justin B
Mrs. Frank- Emilie D.
Margot- Emma H.
Mr.Van Daan- Alec M., David G.
Mrs. Van Daan- Amani A
Peter- Josh G.
Mr. Kraler- Pranav M.
Miep- Vibha S.
Mr. Dussel- Max J.

Mrs. Frank: *Screaming* Otto! Otto! Come quick!

The rest of the people wake, hurriedly getting up.

Mr. Frank: What happened?

Dussel, followed by Anne, comes from his room.

Mrs. Frank: *As she runs over to Mr. Van Daan* He steals food!

Mr. Dussel grabs Mr. Van Daan. Mr. Dussel gets in an aggressive tug of war for the bread with Mr. Van

Dussel: You! You! Give me that.

Mrs. Van Daan comes in.

Mrs. Van Daan: Putti Putti what is it?

Dussel: You dirty thief stealing food you good-for-nothing

Mr. Frank: Mr. Dussel stop! Peter, help!

Mr. Frank and Peter struggle to get Mr. Dussel off of Mr. Van Daan.

Peter: Let...him..go!

Mr. Dussel: You...

The lights turn on.

Mrs. Van Daan: What is all of this commotion?

Everyone points and looks at Mr. Van Daan with the bread in his hands.

Mrs. Frank: The bread! You were stealing the bread this whole time!

Mr. Dussel: We thought it was the rats...

Mr. Van Daan: I was hungry.

Mrs. Frank: How could you do this? We are all hungry! The children are getting thinner by the minute.
Even your own son moans in his sleep from hunger! And you go and inconsiderately steal the food?

Mrs. Van Daan goes to her husband, defending him.

Mrs. Van Daan: He is a big man, he needs more food than the rest of us.

Mrs. Frank: And you. Youre worse than your husband! You know your sons struggles and even then
you defend that horrible man.

Mr. Frank: Edith! Edith!

Mrs. Frank pays no attention to her husband, continuing to scold at Mrs. Van Daan.

Mrs. Frank: Dont think I havent noticed you! Always being so biased towards your husband. Ive
watched you and youre lucky I haven't said anything sooner, but this is the last straw; Get out!

Mr. Frank: Edith

[Together] Mr. Van Daan: What?

Mrs. Van Daan: Get out of here?

Mrs. Frank: Exactly that!

Mr. Frank: Edith, for two years we have lived together and we have managed to get through it all by
respecting each other, maintaining peace. We shouldnt throw all of that away over one stealing incident.
This wont happen again, will it Mr. Van Daan?

Mr. Van Daan: Of course not, it wont.

Mrs. Frank: He says he wont steal, but soon enough he will do it again! I want to leave now.

Mr. Frank: Please Edith, lets not overreact, lets go to our room and discuss this quietly.

Mrs. Frank: No, I know what I want and I want them out!

Mrs. Van Daan: So that we can go live on the streets?

Mrs. Frank: A cellar, closet, you could live anywhere! If money is what you need I will give it to you.

Mrs. Frank goes to get her purse from the corner.

Mrs. Van Daan: Mr. Frank, you told Putti that you would never be able to repay what he had done for you
in Amsterdam. You said you woul-

Mrs. Frank: Whatever my husband needs to repay he has done it a while back.

Mr. Frank: Edith, this is unbelievable, I have never seen you like this.

Mr. Dussel: You cant be nice to some people.

Mrs. Van Daan: If you hadnt been here Dussel, there would be plenty for us.

Mr. Frank: Talk about Nazis destroying us, we are killing ourselves!

Mr. Frank sits down upset as Mrs. Frank goes over to Mrs. Van Daan. Mrs. Frank enters the scene again
and angrily slams the money onto the table.

Mrs. Frank: Give this to Miep, shell do the rest for you.

Anne: Mother you can not do this to them! What about Peter?

Mrs. Frank: Oh Peter will stay of course. When I meant children, I meant all of the children.

Peter rises to talk to Mrs. Frank.

Peter: I will have to go if my father goes. It doesnt feel right to leave him out alone while I stay.

Mrs. Frank: Very well, then. He is a horrible man, but I understand and Im sorry.

Anne rushes over to Peter as Peter closes the door.

Anne: Mother! I dont care about the food, they can have all of mine! They will be caught at this time of
day, please let them stay!

Mrs. Frank: They are not leaving now. Not until Miep finds them a new place. But he is most definitely
not coming down to where the food is stored until then!

Mrs. Frank turns to Mrs. Van Daan.

Mrs. Frank: You can cook the food for Mr. Van Daan and then bring it up to him.

Mr. Dussel brings the bag of potatoes to the table.

Margot: Oh no, now we have to fight over a handful of rotten potatoes?

Mr. Dussel starts to divide the potatoes out evenly to everyone. Soon after the buzzer sounds.

Mr. Frank: Its Miep!

Margot: At this time?

Mrs. Frank: It has to be trouble.

Mr. Frank: (Unlocking the door) Please dont let her see us like this.

Mr. Dussel continues counting potatoes.

Margot: (To Mr. Dussel) Stop the counting!

Mr. Dussel continues counting.

Mrs. Van Daan: Look at you! Youre keeping all the big ones for yourself!

Mr. Dussel continues counting. Peter emerges from his room. Mieps excited voice can be heard in the

Miep: Mr. Frank, the invasion has begun!

Mr. Frank: Go on Miep, tell them the good news!

Miep: Did you all hear that? The invasion has begun!

Everyone stares at Miep in disbelief. Peter comes to his senses.

Peter: Where?

Mrs. Van Daan: When? When Miep?

Miep: The invasion began early this morning

As Miep continues to talk, the good news finally sinks into the family members. They begin to

Mrs. Frank: Oh, Mr. Van Daan isnt this wonderful!

Mr. Dussel hugs Mrs. Van Daan, Peter holds a frying pan and marches around the room, Anne and
Margot sing while weaving through the excited group of people. Margot then approaches Miep, takes the
flowers and distributes it to everyone.

Mrs. Frank: (To Miep) How do you know?

Miep: It was on the radio, B.B.C.! They said they have landed on the coast of Normandy!

Peter: The British?

Miep: The British, Americans, French, Dutch, Poles, Norwegians...everyone! More than four thousand
ships are at the shore. Winston Churchill and General Eisenhower call it D-Day!

Mr. Frank: Thank God the time has finally come!

Miep: Im going to tell Mr. Kraler, he will be so delighted.

Mr. Frank: In what part of Normandy did they say they landed in again?

Miep: Normandy is all the radio said. They dont know much else but Ill get more news soon.

Mr. Frank: Edith, what did I tell you?

Mr. Frank hurries down to bolt the door. Mr. Van Daan suddenly breaks into a sob. Everyone looks at
him in confusion.

Mrs. Van Daan: Putti! Putti! What is it? What just happened?

Mr. Van Daan: I am so ashamed, please.

Mr. Frank re-enters.

Mr. Dussel: Oh!

Mrs. Van Daan: Putti, Dont.

Margot: It doesnt matter now!

Mr. Frank: (Going to Mr. Van Daan) Didnt you hear what Miep said? The invasion has come! Were
going to be liberated! This is a time to celebrate! He embraces Mrs. Frank and then hurries to the
cupboard and gets the cognac and a glass.

Mr. Van Daan: To steal bread from the children!

Mrs. Frank: Weve all done things that were ashamed of.

Anne: Look at me, the way Ive treated Mother so mean and horrid to her.

Mrs. Frank: No, Anneke, no.

Anne runs to her mother, putting her arms around her.

Anne: Oh, mother, I was awful.

Mr. Van Daan: You arent as bad as me. No one is as bad as me!

Mr. Dussel: (To Mr. Van Daan) Stop! Lets be happy!

Mr Frank: (Giving Mr. Van Daan a glass of Cognac) Here! Here! Schnapps! LChaim!

Van Daan takes the Cognac. Anne puts up her fingers in a V-for-Victory sign. As Van Daan gives an
answering V-sign, they started to hear a loud sob from behind them coming from Mrs. Frank.

Mrs. Frank: (Through her sobs) But when I think of the horrible things Ive said

Mr. Frank, Anne, and Margot hurry to her, trying to comfort her. Mr. Van Daan brings her his glass of

Mr. Van Daan: No! No! You were correct!

Mrs. Frank: I shouldnt of spoken that way to you!.. Our friends! Our guests! (She starts to cry again)

Mr. Dussel: Stop crying... Youre spoiling the good news.

Annes Voice: (Faintly at first and then with growing strength) Were all in better spirits these days.
Theres still good news of the invasion. The best part about it is that I have a strong feeling that friends
will be coming back. Who knows? Maybe Ill be back in the school by fall. Ha ha! The warehouse man
doesnt know a thing and were paying him all that money!... Wednesday, the second of July, 1944: The
invasion seems temporarily obstructed. Mr. Kraler seems to have an operation which doesnt look so well.
The Gestapo have found the radio that was stolen. Mr. Dussel says theyll track down the thief and it is
only a matter of time before they inform us. Everyone is in a solemn mood; even poor Pim cant raise
their spirits. I have often been despondent myself, but I have never been in despair. I can ignore
everything if I write but that leads to another question: is it possible for me to write well? I want to. I want
to live on, even after my death. I just turned fifteen and I already know what I desire. I sustain a goal, an

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