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25 Recruiting Innovation

Strategies 2017
Use recruitment marketing to nurture
long-term relationships with talent.

1. Add recruitment marketing to accelerate hiring

Many companies are building Develop an annual talent community

comprehensive recruitment marketing content calendar
strategies which means bringing Take a proactive approach to
together their employment brand, recruitment marketing by defining your
career websites, email campaigns, annual plan. Set goals, define key
diversity hiring, university outreach and targets, and design campaigns. Be sure
other career events into one cohesive to define your measures of success.
strategy. New roles that feel more like
marketing than recruiting are being Gather content and partner with
created with the charter of establishing content creators
and managing talent-nurture Great content can come from anywhere.
campaigns to engage passive Youll find it in your companys
candidates. Here are some tips to get marketing and communications
you started: including recent news and brand
outreach. Other times, hiring managers
Define and setup pipeline categories or executives are willing to write blog
Work with your workforce planners to articles or even set up an Ask-Me-
take a broad view about future company Anything event about a relevant topic.
hiring needs. Structure your pipelines Many times, the content is already there
around those needs and begin and you just need to repurpose it.
systematic outreach. Prospects should
receive regular, personalized content
based on their interests to keep
them engaged.
2. Improve the candidate experience

Candidates should be impressed at their Candidates should get plenty of

first interaction with your brand. When confirmation communication, when
youre trying to hire the best people, they join, when they apply, when there is
great brand expression means a great a job that is the ideal fit, when there is
candidate experience. Review these 15 an upcoming career event that they
areas of your candidate experience to would be interested in. Of equal
evaluate your companys performance. importance, they should not receive any
We recommend surveying candidates, information that would not be relevant -
post-interview, for critical feedback on especially a job opening that is not in
your process. their interest area

Your brand story should be clear and When they visit your career site or even
consistent in your career portal and apply to a job, they should be able to do
recruiter dialogue. Be sure both are it from any device (mobile, tablet,
telling your story succinctly and desktop), with an easy resume/cv upload
accurately process or apply with LinkedIn. Make
sure your processes dont include
All job descriptions should be clearly redundant questions or requests for
written and describe the role, information that should have been
responsibilities and qualifications. parsed in from their resume in the first
Include a video from the hiring manager place
or pictures from the team and office for
added appeal When setting the first screening call,
the candidate should be able to easily
If the candidate cant identify a job schedule with the recruiter by selecting
thats a perfect fit for them, they should a time from a list of open times
be able to join a talent community to
express interest in working for your They should be able to save
organization so they can stay connected opportunities to their favorites, and
to your business conversely, they should be able to
withdraw their application if theyre no
Your talent community should allow longer interested in a particular role
the candidate to establish and manage
their profile so they can express their
history, interests and competencies
Before the interview, they should be 3. Build talent communities
able to learn about their interview panel
to nurture talent
in advance. Include links to the panels
LinkedIn profiles to set them up for
To attract future talent, youll need to
The interview should feel structured. start the conversation early. The days of
Each interviewer should have specific posting a job to find the ideal candidate
questions to assess the candidates skills are behind us wherever talent is in
with no redundancynothing is more demand. Todays best talent
frustrating than answering the same communities have well-defined
question over and over pipelines and hiring plans aligned with
workforce plans. They actively engage
If there are any assessments or take
talent, both inside and outside the
home projects, these should appear on
organization, with relevant information
the candidate dashboard for completion
and coordinated events including
employee thought-leaders to discuss
relevant topics of the industry.
Offer letters should be available to be
reviewed and signed right away from
their mobile device

Once the offer letter is signed,

4. Automate recruitment
candidates should receive a seamless marketing
onboarding experience in the same
dashboard theyve become familiar with

Everything is moving toward

automation: from drone deliveries to
autonomous cars. Many recruiting
platforms have the ability to pre-screen
candidates so that the best people filter
to the top. Establish regularly scheduled
email campaigns to nurture these
relationships. Send reminders to inform
people of critical reviews or approvals.
Automate triggers that launch upon
task completion. Teams are small and
resources limited, so put routine
functions on auto-pilot.
5. Get more exposure for job Here are some examples of how
openings companies are incorporating their
diversity initiatives directly into their
overall recruiting strategy:

More job boards will be acquired next

year, resulting in a continued decline of
this channel. Your teams needs to
transition to new models. Youll need
faster, easier, less expensive tools to
distribute jobs to not only the major job
boards, but also to diversity sites and
smaller niche boards. Your own career
site will become a more central core for
job opening information, so make sure it
is SEO optimized and built mobile
responsive to engage talent on the

6. Drive diversity initiatives

Companies with diversity programs

outperform less diverse organizations.
Diversity initiatives are a growing trend
at most large companies. Whether
attracting women in technology,
connecting with military veterans, or
engaging minorities, consider
establishing unique talent communities
to attract and engage specific talent
7. Align university recruiting 8. Strategies to attract
to your strategy millennials

Campus recruiting is a great place to By 2030, millennials will make up 75% of

start building your employment brand. the workforce. A study by Deloitte found
Its a great opportunity to showcase your the majority of millennials want to work
culture through the people you send on for a company because it gives them a
campus to engage with students. Here sense of purpose. A study by McCann
are some best-practices that will help WorldGroup shows that their greatest
you win over young minds: need at work was connection and
community which shows how much
Identify key schools and build they value relationships over power or
relationships with faculty influence. Here are some ideas to
explore to connect with (and retain) the
Have a year-round presence to stay top next generation:
of mind
Set competitive pay and offer growth
Build a campus recruiting calendar of opportunities
Invest in training and development
Develop brand consistency in programs
recruiting collateral
Create mentoring programs to pair
Get executive support and them up with executives
Clearly share (often) your mission and
Send representatives on campus that purpose
represent your brand
Build trust through transparency and
Measure and track performance openness
against goals
Engage employees and help them see
Integrate campus efforts with broader their contributions
recruiting initiatives
9. Connect with hard to
reach talent

The market for great talent is changing

and getting their attention will become
increasingly difficult. Youll need to get
creative with your content and
messaging. Youll need to go where they
go, whether thats niche sites or social
networks. Find a way engage talent in
something they valueindustry news,
thought-provoking content or an
invitation to a meet-up at your office for
pizza and a presentation. Make it fun.

Youll need to get creative with your

content and messaging. Youll need to
go where they go.
Improve team collaboration, streamline
recruiting processes and deliver better
hiring outcomes.

10. Improve team collaboration

A recent study showed that a key Make engaging in candidate profiles

determinant of quality of hire was how and feedback easy. In todays world, that
strong the relationship was between the means via mobile device
recruiting and hiring manager. Yet, at
most companies, these relationships are Hold weekly briefings with managers
frayed. Hiring managers are usually (daily on tough assignments) and
disappointed at the quantity or quality elevate the communication with
of candidates that are provided and progress reports and analytics
recruiters are frustrated by the lack of
feedback and support. Many of these Use @mentions to keep the
challenges can arise if teams simply communication rapid and efficient
cant agree a job description and
approach. Here are some tips that can
help you get on the same page with
your hiring manager.

Start out with an intake form that

captures everything about the role: draft
of job description, salary, required skills,
expected level, location, and where to
find top talent
11. Enable everything from a 13. Proper use of text
mobile device messaging in recruiting

Many studies show that the average Text messaging is a powerful

person spends up to 90 minutes per day communication channel. Over 95% of
on their mobile device. The mobile text messages are read and in most
device needs to be considered first for cases within the first 3 minutes. Text
engagement with recruiters, hiring messaging is rapidly becoming a
managers and candidates alike. Every preferred form of communication, but
aspect of the experience should be be mindful in your approach. Be sure to
accessible on a mobile device. establish permission first. If they text you,
permission has been granted.

Use text as communication channel to:

12. How to leverage social
networks Tell them about a new job opening
that is a perfect fit

Coordinate and set interview

Build a Facebook careers tab and schedules
engage potential candidates that are
already a fan of your brand. Ask Send reminders about an interview
employees to post news and hard to fill day/time
job openings over their social networks.
Leverage employee referrals through Ask for additional information you
social networks to drive down recruiting need, such as a resume/CV
costs and increase time to hire. Be sure
to consider appropriate social networks Share exciting news with a candidate
including Instagram and Pinterest. that an offer letter is pending

Remind others on the interview team

to provide feedback

Obtain the necessary internal

approvals on job reqs. or offer letters
On the other hand: 14. Launch (or relaunch) your
employee referral program
Never text a candidate without getting
their permission first

Never text message as your initial Employee referrals are an amazing

outreach. Start with email, phone or source for talent. In many cases, referral
social connection before sending a text. hires work harder, stay longer and fit
Over half of people consider getting a the company culture better and the
cold text from a company too invasive cost of hire is minimal. Here are some
important considerations if you are
For compliance reasons, make sure launching an employee referral
your system has the proper program.
permissioning protocols and allows
individual users to set how theyd like to Make sure accessing and engaging the
be contacted. There are serious privacy program is easy and available on mobile
compliance implications with texting devices
candidates and youll want to be sure
youre following proper procedures Set and track a company goal such as
an Increase in referral hires from 10% to
30% over the next 12-months

Tie the employee referral program to

the same system where employees visit
for internal mobility - you need plenty of
reasons for employees to visit the portal

Make it easy for employees to find jobs

and refer them out over social networks
or directly to people they know with just
a few clicks

Keep referring employees in the loop

with automated emailseliminating the
black hole on referrals
Send monthly or quarterly reminders 15. Search internally and
company-wide with hard to fill roles and externally at the same time
ask for help filling the opportunities

Make it competitive and rewarding.

Rather than setting a dollar amount on Enable recruiting teams to search for
a role, reward employees for activities at people inside the organization
each stage. Points can be awarded for (including employees, contractors,
various behaviors that produce results interns and temps) at the same time as
along the way. Then, allow employees to prospects outside the organization to fill
redeem points for cash or prizes openings. Recruiting inside the
organization supports career growth,
Set up and publish a leaderboard and succession planning, leadership
celebrate the victories of the top programs and other talent management
performers initiatives.

As you onboard new employees, ask

them to refer other candidates in their 16. Find a platform designed
network. Make it an onboarding task around people, not
Provide employees with a pre-written
email and social posting template they
can use to promote the companys job
openings, save them time and avoid off-
Most applicant tracking systems were
brand messaging
designed around a requisition first and
people second. In fact, some legacy
software still consider the job to be like a
shopping cart. That makes people hard
to find and nearly impossible to
categorize or pipeline. It also becomes
very hard to see the complete history of
a candidate across multiple requisitions
and interactions. And when some
candidates never even apply to a job,
and only join a talent community, this
legacy architecture breaks down quickly.
Recruiting is about engaging people
and people should be the focus.
17. Optimize workflow and
save everyone time

Most employees need to move quickly

through the work in front of them. Take
the time to audit how long each task
takes and identify a more streamlined
workflow. Consider how you might
automate to save everyone time:
automated workflows, triggered task
management, pre-written job
descriptions, pre-configured approvals,
and competency settings. Work with
your system administrators or bring in
an outside consultant who can
streamline your sourcing and recruiting
workflows and run programs more

Consider how you might automate

to save everyone time: automated
workflows, triggered task
management, pre-written job
descriptions, pre-configured
approvals, and competency settings.
Gain powerful recruiting insights and make
better, data-driven hiring decisions.

18. Become a data-driven recruiting function

Recruiting analytics are key to Sourcing reports: what positions need

measuring success and streamlining the most help
processes. Metrics-driven organizations
perform better. Reporting can be Ratios: how are some groups
achieved at every stage: performing against benchmarks

Pipeline reports: health of talent Goal performance: how are we doing

pipelines relative to plan

Workflow stages: where candidates

are in the process

Activity reports: how much work is

going into the effort

Source of hire: where are we getting

our best candidates

Time to hire: how long does it take us

on average
19. Improve quality of hire 21. Get more out of
onboarding programs

The secret to making better hiring

decisions lies in your process. Often, A great hiring experience isnt over until
companies rely on a free-form interview your new employee is delivering value.
process where a hiring team will make Onboarding consists of more than
decisions based on feelings and not asking employees to fill out legal
facts. Start with a structured interview documents and delivering a computer.
process where the position, Today, onboarding is an ongoing process
qualifications and competencies are that continues through the first few
well-defined. During the interview months of employment. Studies show
process, distribute competency that an employees first 90 days have an
evaluations and questions amongst the immense impact on their retention
hiring team to avoid duplication. If rates.
youre hiring engineers. incorporate a
coding exercise, if youre hiring
marketing folks, conduct a review using
samples of your companys own
materials. Remember, one of the best
22. Leverage data teams to
improvements comes from stronger develop insights
collaboration with your hiring managers.

Be sure to leverage in-house data teams

that pull data together from different
20. Deliver best-practices
systems to help you understand better
and training how recruiting data can inform other
aspects of the business and conversely,
how other plans in the business
We suggest you hold training sessions (workforce plans, headcount reductions,
with your team in order to re-instill the succession programs) will influence
values and best-practices of your recruiting activities. Most large
recruiting organization. Things change, companies now have a data group
systems evolve and what worked inside the organization, so be sure to tap
yesterday, may not work tomorrow, so into those resources to connect your
adapt. Your approach to hiring great mission to the overall vision of the
talent should always be evolving. Take company.
the initiative to keep abreast of the latest
recruiting practices, technology and your
companys sector.
23. Stay compliant with the 24. Consolidate vendors and
European Union technology

As a global organization, you need to Your organization may have dozens or

stay compliant with international laws. even hundreds of apps, systems,
The EU recently adopted Privacy Shield, solutions and integrations to support.
which will replace Safe Harbor as a The burden of complex integrations can
compliance mechanism for personal be overwhelming for small technology
data transfers from Europe to the United teams, not to mention expensive. So,
States. Organizations are either working consolidate. Consider which systems
toward Privacy Shield or adopting Model would perform better if they built
Contracts. Check with your legal and together and what features your teams
compliance teams to ensure that all can give up to reduce complexity.
your vendors have up-to-date standards
around data privacy. Here are some
additional considerations around EU
compliance: 25. Machine learning to
make smarter decisions
If youre emailing or texting citizens in
the EU, youll need to go through a
double-opt in process before you can
send recruitment marketing related The advent of machine learning has
materials been one of the most exciting areas of
innovation to watch over the last couple
The websites and landing pages you years. There are a few early technology
build as part of your recruitment providers exploring technologies within
marketing efforts will need to disclose recruiting. Ask your vendor about their
the use of cookies and what information future vision for using the data thats
is collected captured in your platform to discover
and explore patterns in recruiting,
The vendors you work with will have trends in the workforce, and the state of
data-related responsibilities, such as the talent market. Data supports
providing access to any data collected smarter decision-making. Data isnt the
on an individual, when requested by future, its right now.
that individual
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