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Black Sexualities:
- Finish reading Zami
- I lost my sister, Gennie, to my silence and her pain and despair, to both our angers and
to a worlds cruelty that destroys its own young in passing - not even as a rebel gesture
or sacrifice or hope for another living of the spirit, but out of not noticing or caring
about the destruction. I have never been able to blind myself to that cruelty, which
according to one popular definition of mental health, makes me mentally unhealthy.
- Write reflection B paper
- Begin reading Nobody is supposed to know
Mad Beats:
- Thoroughly explore
o Rebel music, chapters 1 and 4
o Bean nation, all artists
- Surviving Disappearance, reimagining and humanizing native peoples: Matika Wilbur
- Annotated Bibliography entry #2
- Read Chapter 4 of Mertens Developing the Focus of Research/Evaluation Studies
- Research topic & Question
Women of Color Ptix:
- Read Audre Lordes the Masters Tools Will Never Dismantle the Masters House
- Read Andrea Smiths The Three Pillars of White Supremacy
- View The Edge of Each Others Battles
- Complete worksheet that accompanies film and post to Canvas before next class @
- Contact the diversity center with questions about the diversity center.
- Plan agenda for next e-board meeting
- Talk to

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