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Figure 1: diagram on the left shows the area and overview of the GPS, accelerometer

subsequent unit. The picture on the right shows the GPSports Vest and the field of the sensors
among the trials

Information has been gathered by the researches to utilize a GPSport's Wi SPI (1 Hz) GPS.
As stated before, this unit contains a GPS sensor that will be used in order to organize log at
5Hz to join with three axis of maximizing the speed. This will be calculated up to +/ - 8g and
the details will be logged at 100Hz. Besides that, the weight of GPSport's Wi SPI is about
100g. This GPSport's Wi SPI will record all the details constantly for four hours. Later, the
data that recorded will be put away on the electronic devices and downloaded to a computer
after data sent to the researchers to examine further via a USB link.

As per the trial of the paper, the review was done into two different arrangements.

Firstly to discover the connectivity of advanced recurrence to increase the measured using a

Then to discover the connectivity of advanced recurrence to increase the measuring a GPS.
Sonic Golf System-1 Data Analysis
Golfing is one of the literatures that are available for this scenario. In this case, in order to
detect the movements the accelerometers are attached to the head of the club. This
assignment examined golf swings with the help of two accelerometers. These accelerometers
are attached to the grasp and head of golf club. An accelerometer is utilized to measure the
speed up of the golf club head. Therefore, it is located on the club head. Information that
gathers used to investigate the samples of golf swings and separating the attentions in the
swing. These focuses are the initial point, moving point to the downswing from the
backswing and the effect point. All these points are shown in diagram 1(a) below. The one is
used to decoding the progress of hand like in diagram 1(b). The paper is also documented and
calculated the swing span such as the downswing, backswing and finished the use of
accelerometers. This investigation is depending on Sonic Golf System-1.

Figure 1: (a) The fast moving of the club head (b) The maximization speed of the hands

The Sonic Golf System-1 is used in the printed paper. This published paper provides constant
inputs consistently that using the music tones. This music tones are the indication by the
swing speed. For example, the golfer can hear the tone of piercing if he quickly swings. The
golfer will get enough understanding about his swing beat and cadence with the help of the
framework via the sound criticism.

Thus, this literature somehow related with the sport players rapid body movement together
with the dimension of the speed which can be done by utilizing this techniques yet for this the
sensor is placed on the sport players body.

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