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David Jurek

American Lit.

The Rule

Doing the proper thing is hard to consider, particularly when attempting to chose the best
result. There are distinctive contemplations to be made when choosing what to do in a situation,
one can be a spectator or an upstander.Unlike natural duties, voluntary obligations are
particular, not universal, and arise from consent (Sandel 9). There are two altogether different
perspectives, however that does not imply that possibly one isn't right. To settle on choices that
will have a final product of the most advantage. This govern is otherwise called the
Consequentialist Framework.
In the book "Of Mice and Men" George, one of the fundamental characters shows the
lead of turning into an upstander . George, even though he is quite a small and fragile man, can
simply deal with his kindred companion Lennie, whose huge, relentless but then not all that wise.
George is an upstander by having the capacity to make a move and be Lennie's "guardian" as
observed from the earliest starting point of the book. For instance, while going to look for some
kind of employment, Lennie continued overlooking where they're going so he swings to George
and says "Tried and tried [to remember]...but it didn't do not good (Steinbeck 4). This quote is a
roundabout portrayal that shows how moronic Lennie is. Another part is when Lennie was
convoluting with curley's better half and got excessively forceful while stroking her hair. The
lady attempted to pull away and Lennie accidently snapped her neck , George needed to settle on
a choice amongst life and demise, he must be the upstander to change the result of what might
sneak later on as appeared in the content it says "And George raised the gun and steadied it, and
he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennies head He pulled the trigger
(Steinbeck 106). This benefited more people as he would have not harmed anymore living
In conclusion living by my lead influenced George and Lennie's relationship in light of
the fact that occasionally in life penances must be made for more prominent benefit and that
discloses all the thinking to why George needed to put him down. If George did not take after
this govern than he may have needed to manage Lennie harming more individuals, and George
would be to blame since he could have ended Lennie.

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