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Alejandro Salgado

Mrs.Carroll & Mr. Kelly

Per. 6
Justification Paper

There is such thing as rules to be able to follow as human to be considered moral and
ethical among others and yourself. Various cases these rules show up in many sources, such
as Of Mice and Men, but these rules are unique in their own way because they follow a certain
category of duty framework and natural duties. This is such because each rule as either to do
with ones self or the people around you and all of helping others or showing some type of
respect to others. It doesnt always have to be everyone, but it can be narrowed down to family,
friends, and the elderly can be included.
First rule, being respectful to everyone in sight and the only exception to this rule is only
if they are a complete stranger to their appearance. The purpose of this rule is that there are
several cases of disrespect from reasons because of sexual orientation and race of person. This
is common sense and everyone being an equal human being is deserved the same amount of
respect, unless they are wronged to not deserve it because of their character. An example
would be Curly from Of mice and men, and because Curly was an arrogant man who would
use vulgar language about what he does in privacy, which is unnecessary and uncalled for. In
this case people that are similar in character to Curly then they dont deserve respect because
they need to be able to return it.
Second rule, helping others in their time of need because it is the right thing to do and
everyone has their bad days, and need someone to comfort and listen to all their problems. This
for most people would be applied to when its friends or family because that's where the issues
mostly occur. For instance, George has been broken in end because he killed Lenny, but his
reason was end his life quickly before Curly and his men would torture him. George could have
used someone he could tell what he did because after leaving the scene, Curly had noticed that
George was expressionless and Candy had said something along the line as what is biting him.
Third rule, when talking to someone, it would be kind to be careful of ones word choice
because a situation can get ugly with poor word choice. In the book A raisin in the sun, it seem
that Walter and Ruth are brutally honest with each other because Ruth is a bit grumpy in the
first act and basically says everything honestly. While Walter in the first act attempts to get a
Ruth in the morning, but obviously Ruth wasnt interested, not one bit. In this world, not
everyone can hold back their words because it could be something bothering them, so they say
it anyways without thinking about the outcome.
Fourth rule, being mindful of ones own actions because the outcome can be worst than
the action at hand. The other persons feelings can be hurt or even physically hurt and that is
something that shouldnt be on your conscience. By being careful it wont hurt the other person
and wont fill you with regret afterwards, and that is something to remember that regret is a
powerful emotion that can rise within anyone that has done wrong. In the last chapter of Their
Eyes Were Watching God, Janie had killed Teacake because he was going insane from rabies,
and Janie buried him, but after that she didnt say a word and walked back home with a feeling
she couldnt describe. Janie knew it was her only option because there wasnt anything she can
do about the rabies and Teacake was about to kill her, so she shot first to protect herself.
Fifth rule, honesty is important when responding only if meant in a positive way because
it can misinterpreted. The confusion begins because honesty can hurt sometimes, but its better
to be told the truth than to live with lies. For instance, in Of Mice and Men George would
always lie to lenny about the farm they would have in future, but that didnt turn out how they
wanted it because Lenny is dead, filled with happy lies that Lenny told him. The worst part is all
those lies must have an affect on George because after he killed Lenny, everything he had told
him was hurting him, even though he had his reasons of killing Lenny.
Sixth rule, doing no harm to the people around you is a rule that many of the other rules
can fall into this rule as being a group because doing can be physical pain or emotional pain.
Being honest, certain actions that are taken upon, being careful for word choice, all these rules
all fall into the category of doing no harm because these rules can cause harm when they arent
upheld correctly. The only reason to do harm to anyone is if they give you a reason to, so
another to think about is the other person has to strike first before anything can continue.
Seventh rule, judging others isnt right because all the harmful words that might have
been said can come back as karma. So it would be the moral thing to do to keep all comments
to ones self for the safety of yourself and others around you. In the book Their Eyes Were
Watching God, at the first chapter Janie was walking back into to town with raggedy type
clothes and she usually wearing elegant clothing. That day it was different because she was
carrying a shovel and mud all over, but once the townspeople saw her they began to judge her
looks in her head and also her love life, and those people dont know the reasons behind her
look that day, so there shouldnt be any reason that the townspeople should judge Janie at all.
Eighth rule, being true to ones self is an important rule for building character because
changing one thing can affect the way someone is as a person. Being a true person takes a
strong character to do it by staying as who you are and remembering everything about your past
to keep sanity within ones self. The younger family from A raisin in the sun, have not changed
at all after they found out about the $10,000 because Walter, Ruth, and Beneatha dont have a
greedy wish. Even though they think about their own wish to fulfill, but everyone has a wish that
can benefit everyone from a house to tuition money for medical school to owning a business are
not bad wishes to ask for.
Ninth rule, making the right choice can affect an outcome of the situation whether it
being good or bad. In Of Mice and Men, George made the choice of killing Lenny because he
knew that if Curly and his men caught Lenny, that they would torture him to death. So George
took it upon himself to make a choice to kill Lenny, so that he doesnt have to endure any pain.
Making the right choice can end happily or in tragedy, but as long as there is reason to back it
up then it would be the right thing to do and being considered a moral person.
Tenth rule, getting back up when you are down is such a rule that is a meant to be a
motivator because everyone has their times of keeping their heads down constantly and need a
little pick me up. For instance, in A raisin in the sun, Travis felt a little down because he didnt
have fifty cents, which he needed for school and his mother continuously told him no and to not
bother his grandmother. Soon enough Walter lifted Traviss mood by giving him 2 fifty cents and
that instantly changed his mood after receiving the money. That would mean that every can use
something to pick them back up and smile.
Something that can be taken accounted for is that most of these rules are very similar to
each other, but other then that, there isnt much to argue because all these rules seem to make
sense. But for certain people that wouldnt understand would probably consider these rules as
being useless and stupid, but a large majority would be indifferent in saying that these rules are
very important and can keep this world at ease. When thought about for a minute there are
probably some small details that can noticed, like all the rules that are listed have had to been
misused in the wrong at some point during someones daily life.
In conclusion, these rules show an importance that by following these rules carefully,
then there shouldnt any issues because these rules would maintain a balance between each
rule and how it is applied to real life. By showing respect, honesty, and confidence then every
single person can live morally and ethical when considering these rules because as human
beings, we deserve a better life and what better to do it then to make it happen ourselves.

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