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figure out What is more valuable. ‘The painting and the human life are put up against one another ‘when a fire makes us consider what we would save, the narrator the realizes “that woman and Painting and season are almost one” (Pastan 24). All of the objects that Pastan compares all can not be replaced so once they are gone you can not get them back but only remember them which is why human life should be valued because you can recreate a painting but you can not recreate Person. While many people believe human life is valuable others believe some humans are worth more than others or that life itself should not be valued. The human life should be valued because it is one of the most precious, and priceless things we have on this planet. In “Hamlet” by Shakespeare Hamlet states “To be or not to be...” (Shakespeare 1) which is Hamlet considering suicide or not. Hamlet wants to use suicide as a way to escape all the bad that is happening in his life but he is not considering that if he does kill himself he would just be bringing sadness to everybody around him and he also can not get past all the bad things and experience good again if he dies. If Hamlet looked at life the same way Roger Ebert does in “The Essential fan” by Chris Jones, Hamlet would know that he can move past all the sadness like Ebert did when he said “when i am writing my problems become invisible and I am the same person I always was.” (Jones 18). If Hamlet kills himself he won't be able to experience joy in a hobby like Ebert did after his fight against cancer. All human lives should be valued no matter who the persion ‘much money they makely sgenderete, because every human isthe same so they should all be valued the same. If people were nicer to one each other nobody would feel entitled to thinking they are better than one another. Humans should all be valued the same because everybody goes through sadness and

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