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Falling For You

By: Katie Roner

Max told me to fly.. So I did I jumped, I soared threw the light blue sky. I waved to everyone I

saw with a big smile on my face. Ive never felt so alive, my heart was racing so fast and then all the

sudden it was over. I was numb, everything went black, and at that point I knew everything was okay.

All the pain was gone.

Flashback to July 24, 2016

My names Joey, Im your average 16 year old boy, only Im not. My dad is an active member

in the Navy so we move almost every year. Every time we move, my mom says,Were staying here!

This is going to be our forever home! Shes too hopeful that we wont move again but surprise surprise

we move once again. Ive never called anywhere we live home. I have probably already moved more

times than most people have in their entire life. I was born in Kentucky, then we moved to Ohio in first

grade. Halfway through second grade we moved to Florida, and again in the beginning of my fourth

grade year to Texas, and once more in seventh grade to Virginia. My freshmen year of High School I

moved twice, once in the beginning of the year to Oahu and then to Nevada. During the summer before

my junior year we moved to California.

To be completely honest, California sounds good to me: the beach, hot girls, and the ultimate

summer life. We have been here for about two weeks and I havent even been out of the house once,

because Ive been cooped up helping my parents with unpacking. The only good thing about this old

house is my room. Its huge and I even have my own bathroom. After a long debate with my family I

decided I want my room to be painted a dark grey. My mom thinks grey is such an unhappy color and
Im going to become depressed or some shit like that. She honestly bugs me sometimes, she acts like

she knows me so well but she really has no clue who I am or what I like.

Chapter two:
August 14th

I woke up at 6:30am with my mom knocking on my door saying, Good morning sweetie, its

the first day of school! Wake up! At 6:45 I finally got out of bed and picked out some new clothes my

mom bought me for the new school year. I walked into my bathroom and it hit me, Im going to meet so

many girls today. SHIT! I ran back into my room and changed my outfit to dark jeans and a light grey

t-shirt, then I ran back into my bathroom and put on some Fiji Old Spice deodorant and matching

cologne. My mom always tries to get me to wear clothes that arent black or grey, so she buys me

bright colorful shirts to wear. I brushed my hair and teeth, then ran downstairs to eat breakfast. My dad

and mom asked me the stereotypical first day of school questions, Are you nervous? Are you going to

make friends? Will you bring anyone home?

I live five minutes from school so my parents are making me walk, they are literally setting me up

for getting bullied. I walked up to the campus and stopped. It was huge, a long concrete staircase led up

to the huge doors of Liberty High. I walked through the doors and straight to the office. On my way to

the front office I felt harsh eyes staring at me. I finally arrived at the office and got my schedule and a girl

that would tour me around in 15 minutes. The office lady said, Charlotte is a perfect student and a

three sport athlete, they are all super fond of her. I wondered what this Charlotte girl looked like,

probably your average nerd. But then out of nowhere she walks in. Her blonde hair flowing in the wind,

she smiles flashing her white straight teeth.

Hi, Im Charlotte! Your Joey right?

Uh.. Hi Charlotte. Im Joey. I said blushing and stuttering at the same time.

So youre ready for your tour?

Ya, thank you! I instantly regretted what I said.

We were almost done with the tour and the last stop was the locker rooms, the guys football

team was in there freshening up. They instantly made remarks on her body and how they want her.

Hey Charlotte if youre ever looking for a good time call me hot stuff. Ryan shouted and all

the boys laughed.

Ryan you would be the last person I would call. Charlotte fired back and everyone one

instantly started screaming. We left the locker room and walked into the deserted hallway.

Thats Ryan Taylor, hes captain of the football team and an absoulte ass hole. He thinks hes

the shit because his pull out game is weak and hes already got a girl pregnant. The worst part about

that is she goes here and he treats her just like all the other girls hes hit and quit. I can tell youre not

like him. Charlotte said the last part as she looked down and blushed.

Ya Im definitely not like him and I dont play sports. I heard youre a three sport athlete, what

do you play? I quickly said.

I play volleyball, field hockey, and softball. I actually have a volleyball game tomorrow night

you should come! It would be a great way to meet everyone and see what Liberty Lions are all about.

She said flashing her pearly whites.

Her smile drove me insane and the way her eyes light up when she talks. I can sense the pain in

her voice though. I was walking to math class when I ran into a tall toned redhead. I knocked all of the

books out of his hands. I quickly helped him pick them up and introduced myself.

Hi Im Joey Baker, Im new here! I said in a friendly voice hoping he wouldnt beat me to a


I can tell. He said laughing.

Im Jacob Whites and Im late, but Ill see you at lunch dude. He said while walking away and

laughing under his breath.

Chapter three: August 15th

It was the second day of school and I havent seen Charlotte since the tour. I mean I get that its

a big school but youd at least think Id see her passing in the hallway. Its fine though because I know

Ill see her tonight at the game. I walked into my math class and sat down in my assigned seat. My table

consisted of Jacob White, Ryan Taylor, and Abby Evans. I didnt mind it as much as you might think,

they only talk to each other and flirt with the school slut, Abby Evans.

Yo nerd wake up. Ryan said punching me in the arm.

I woke up freaked out and not knowing where I was, I soon realised I fell asleep in Mr.

Rucans boring math class.

Youre the kid that was touring with Charlotte right? Abby said flaunting her boobs.

Ya I am. I said back looking down at the table, hoping the conversation would end.

Dude did you get her in bed yet? Jacob said and nudged Ryans shoulder.
No, I dont even know her. I said defensively.

Neither did Ryan! Jacob said laughing along with Abby and Ryan.

If you have a conversation please say it to the class! Mr. Rucan yelled.

I was walking home and I kept thinking what did Jacob mean? Did Ryan get Charlotte

in bed or were they just joking around? I had so many questions my head felt like it was going to


SHIT! I said to myself, realising I forgot about the volleyball game.

I quickly ran back to school. On my way I saw Ryan, Jacob, and all the other football dwebs drinking

by their new fancy cars in the parking lot. I ran past them and to the gym, once I got inside I looked all

around to find Charlotte but I couldnt find her anywhere. I stood there waiting to see her for twenty

minutes after twenty minutes when I still didnt see her I left. On my walk home I felt like I wanted to

cry, I was so excited to see her and talk to her. Why would she just not go? Maybe shes like all the

other popular assholes.

Joey come downstairs for dinner! My mom yelled from downstairs.

I walked downstairs in my gym shorts and an old Hurley t-shirt. Then I saw the girl that stole my

heart sitting next to my dad laughing and acting like shes known my family forever. I felt my cheeks heat

up as I took my seat at the table. I didnt know what to say or how to contribute to their dying


How was school honey? Did you make any new friends? My mom asked with worried eyes.
School was okay and no not really I didnt even see Charlotte all day. I said and made eye

contact with her beautiful bright blue eyes.

Whos Charlotte? My dad asked.

I laughed a little bit before I responded, Shes sitting right next to you Dad. I said laughing

lightly still. My family looked at the chair and then at me like I was crazy.

Honey there is no one there. My mom said concerned.

I looked back at the chair and noticed no one was there. I felt sweat dripping down my face.

May I be excused? I asked and before they could answer I ran upstairs into my room.

Chapter four: August 30th

Its been a a couple of weeks since I saw Charlotte and my parents have been asking me

about it everyday. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and grabbed it. @Charlotte.xoxo added you on

Snapchat. My heart started racing and I couldnt help but smile. I made a plan to snapchat her at lunch.

I spent the whole period planning what I would send her, should it be something simple like hey or a


It was the last period before lunch and I was sitting in Chemistry alone at a lab table.

Alright everyone you will need a partner, so group up! Mrs. Jules said.

Mind if I partner up with you? This dark haired girl said to me.

I didnt even look over to see who she was, Im way to focused on what I am going to

Snapchat Charlotte. I start working on the Chemistry problem and I feel eyes staring at me. I finally

look over to see big beautiful green eyes staring at me. She has small faint freckles all over her face and

rosy pink cheeks.

Hi Im Joey. I said smiling.

Im Scarlet. She said smiling but slightly blushing.

We chatted the rest of the period until we were dismissed for lunch.

Add me on Snapchat. Scarlet said sounding a lot more comfortable than earlier.

I added her on Snapchat and then we walked our separate ways to lunch, the past couple of

weeks Ive been sitting alone on the staircase but today two kids sat next to me. One was a tall kid with

dirty blonde hair and light brown eyes named Kyle. The other was a shorter kid with dark brown hair

and dark brown eyes named Niko. We laughed and talked all lunch and they even helped me decide

what to Snapchat Charlotte.

It was around 7:30pm when my phone buzzed from a Snapchat. I got really excited when it said

Snapchat from @Charlotte.xoxo. As my heart raced I unlocked my phone and opened it.

Charlotte: Want to hang out?


Charlotte: What are you afraid? Meet me at the boardwalk at 8, dont be late.

I opened my window and took the screen out, Ive never snuck out before but tonight would be

a good night for firsts. I put one leg through the window and my other leg followed, then I slowly closed

the window. I ran as fast as I could so I could get there before her, I figured it would look better if I was

there waiting for her so she didnt have to wait alone. As minutes pass I begin to think what if this is just

like the volleyball game, shes just going to be another no show. As I start walking back I hear footsteps

and the a voice.

Didnt think I would actually come huh? She said.

She was wearing black skin tight jeans with rips at the knees, a velvet maroon crop top, a

black and white patterned kimono, and black ankle boot heels. She looked hot!

Charlotte.. You look beautiful. I said as she inched closer to me.

Before she could respond I quickly said, Im sorry I dont know why I said that.

Dont be sorry Joey. She said whispering in my ear as she walked away.

She walked past me indicating for me to follow her, she walked down to the sand. We sat

down looking at the dark waves crash against the rocks. We chatted for a of couple hours before I

eventually walked her home, she made me so happy I could fly. We arrived at her house, it was small

and had a rose garden covering the front window.

Thank you, I had a lot of fun. Charlotte said while looking at the ground. I could see her

moving her right foot back and forth in the dirt, when she finally looked up I moved my face closer.

Any time Char. I said.

She smiled as she looked into my eyes, I lowered my face so our lips were lined up and slowly

moved in. My lips touched her soft lips and I felt electricity move through my body.

CHARLOTTE GET INSIDE IMMEDIATELY An old lady yelled from the front door.

She had red hair and a cigarette in her hand, she looks about 50 years old and had a raspy

smoker voice. Charlotte ran inside without even saying goodbye, the old woman stared at me then

slammed the door. I ran home as fast as I could and eventually got here at 4:30am. I layed in my bed

wondering if Charlotte is getting in trouble?

You should kill her, shes in the way of your happiness with Charlotte. I looked all around my

room and turned on my light.

What the hell was that? Who was that? I said to myself.

No one replied, I was alone. Alone like always, I decided to Snapchat in our group chat which

consisted of Kyle, Nico, and Scarlet. Its nice having friends who are always up because they are huge

gamers. It makes me feel like Im not completely alone.

Chapter Five: September 23rd

Ive been dating Charlotte for about a month and Ive never been happier. She lights a fire

inside of my heart that warms my whole body. Ive also been hearing the voices, I hear him about 4

times a day. When Im stressed, angry, or sad I hear him even more. I even named him Max, if that

doesnt make classify me as crazy I dont know what does.

I walk into the school at 6:45, class starts at 7:15 so I have some time to talk to Charlotte. I

walk up to her, but I see her kissing Ryan Taylor.

What the fuck? I say angrily to Ryan and Charlotte.

Whats wrong? Charlotte says concerned.

I start clenching my fists, Ryan notices and says, Dude chill the fuck out I was just talking to


Just talking my ass! I saw what you guys were doing! I shout at them. Everyone in the

hallways start looking at us.

Babe he was just asking me about the History test that we have to take in 3rd period. We

werent doing anything. Charlotte says trying to calm me down.

I saw you kissing Ryan! Why the hell would you do that to me? I shouted once again.
Woah woah woah dude I wouldnt kiss her, not again at least. Ryan winked at Charlotte just

to piss me off and then left.

We walked into the gym and Charlotte explained that they didnt kiss and I eventually realized I

was hallucinating. I apologized and explained how Ive been hearing voices. I thought for sure she

would run but she just grabbed my hand and listened. She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and

continued to comfort me as I walked her to class.

The next week Max started to talk to me even more he even influenced what I say and do. I

felt inclined to do everything and say everything he told me to do, I cant get him out of my head no

matter how hard I try. Charlotte and I were getting closer and closer every day, I want to tell her I love

her because shes the only thing that makes sense to me. I texted her to meet me in the courtyard after

school and that I had a surprise.

I was walking out and I saw her sitting under the oak tree reading a book, I went up behind her

and wrapped my arms around her torso. I kissed her cheek and sat down next to her.

Char. I said seductively.

Ya. She said looking up at me.

I.. I love you. I said quickly and looked down.

When I looked back at her she looked shocked, but she soon smiled and said it back. She

kissed me and and grabbed by hand.

Lets go to my house my parents arent home. She said and winked at me.

We walked to her house and got there at about 4:10pm, my mom wanted me home at 5pm so I

texted her saying I would be missing dinner. We went up to her bedroom and sat on her bed. I looked
around at the light pink walls, she had painting on her walls and books all over the floor. She kissed me

and ran her small hands through my hair.

Are you sure youre ready? I said and she nodded and smiled.

I woke up the next morning with Charlotte in my arms and about a million messages from my

mom. I kissed Charlottes forehead and left a note before I left. On my walk home I felt like I could fly I

was so happy. Charlotte made me feel alive and I dont ever want to lose her. I opened my front door

and my mom and dad were sitting on the couch, my dad was comforting my mom as she was crying.

Im sorry Mom and Dad. I said looking down feeling like I was going to cry.

Where the fuck were you? My Dad yelled.

Im sorry, I was at Charlottes and we fell asleep. I promise it wont happen again. I walked

over to my parents and sat next to them. They wrapped their arms around me.

Just please let us know where you are. My Mom said.

Chapter Six: October 1st

I woke up at 4am with rocks being thrown at my window, I looked out to see Charlotte crying.

I opened my window and climbed out as fast as I could. I ran up and hugged her, she was crying so

hard she was choking on her tears.

Whats wrong Char? I said concerned.

Im pregnant.. What are we going to do? She said crying.

Shes trapping you, she just wants you to have no way out. Shes trying to hurt you, she wants

to have something against you! Max said so loudly I couldnt hear what Charlotte was saying.
Why? How? Why are you doing this? I said while still trying to comprehend the last sentence

she said.

I dont know why, you know how, and its just as much my fault as it is yours. You said you

loved me and dont want to lose me what happened to that. She said crying even harder now.

I do love you, I dont want to lose you, but you cant be pregnant! I raised my voice slightly.

It started to sprinkling and then it poured, by the time Charlotte left it was time to go to get

breakfast. My heart felt like it froze. I cant think and I just want to relieve my pain. I walked back into

the house to eat breakfast with my family. My family made the usually small talk, but I cant help but feel

like Im drowning.

Charlotte doesnt make you happy, you dont even love her. Max said.

Sometimes I can shake Max off, but hes become a part of me that I cant ignore any longer.

Honey youre going to be late to school and considering how your grades are doing you need

to be there on time. My Mom said obviously annoyed with my grades.

She kept rambling on about how Im going to go nowhere in life if I keep this up and Charlotte

is the only thing that is holding me together.

Pour the water on your Moms head and then tell her Charlotte is pregnant. Max said.

I walked past my mom and when she wasnt paying attention I dumped my ice cold water all

over her head and said, Oh by the way Charlotte is pregnant, just in case you wanted to know.

My Mom looked at me with the most disappointed face Ive ever seen and my dad looked like

he was going to kick my ass. I ran out the door and could hear them yelling my name. I wanted to leave,

to go, to never see anyone ever again. I walked into school to find Charlotte wasnt there. When the

first period bell rang I decided to write her a note and put in her locker.
Dear Char,

Youve trapped me and now youre trying to ruin my life. I dont know why youre so

crazy, all Ive been is nice to you and now youve drove me to kill myself. You single handedly

ruined my innocent life ever since you walked in to be my tour guide. I shouldve dated Scarlet

she wouldve never been as malicious as you are. I hate you Charlotte Rose Andrews, you

ruined me! Youre a horrible person who deserves everything coming towards you.


Joey <3

I stuck it in her locker and went to the front of the school to wait for Charlotte to come. When I

saw her walk up, I kissed her and walked her to class. I then walked to the bell tower. I looked up and

from down here I felt hopeless with this skyscraper sized tower in front of me. I broke the lock of the

door and climbed the stairs to the top. I stood on the top of the tower with my toes off the ledge. By the

time I got to the top people started gathering at the bottom.

They are cheering you on to jump Joey, nothing can stop you know. Max said.

As Im getting ready to jump I hear, I know you didnt mean what you wrote, the voices in

your head are trying to turn you into someone youre not Joey. You love me and I love you, no one

wants you dead other than Max. We want Max dead not you. I love you Joey please dont do this.

Charlotte said with bloodshot eyes and a mascara stained face.

I looked back down and then back at my beautiful girlfriend and said, I love you Char please

dont ever forget that.

As she started walking towards me Max said, Fly Joey, jump off and fly!
Max told me to fly.. So I did I jumped, I soared threw the light blue sky. I waved to everyone I

saw with a big smile on my face. Ive never felt so alive, my heart was racing so fast and then all the

sudden it was over. I was numb, everything went black, and at that point I knew everything was okay.

All the pain was gone.

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