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America is known how the land of opportunities.

For this reason America

have been through the history one of the societies with mayor number of

immigrants into own nation. How an action in favour to maintain of national identity

and national security they created and implemented some policies for gave a

status of citizens to foreign people. However, these policies only was a flag for

political purposes and it a form to improve the international relationships, so it had

a counterproductive results that gave born to fears and insecurities against

immigrant people into the United States by native Americans. In this way the

unintended consequences of U. S. immigration promoted the creation of racist

movements against foreigners, and these were characterized by used techniques

that it did not have respect for life or human integrity. Americas immigration and

border policies have took an increasingly restrictive position against human rights.

In the first place, Native American have create a political to hate against

foreign people. Since 17th century movements as Ku Klux Klan have established a

political to terror into the American society through xenophobic exclusion, so they

only guaranteed privileges for white people as education, heath, jobs and

socioeconomic equality. For that they used criminal actions for reach this propose.

For example, black people do not have right to entry in the same places that white

people as they have been considered like slaves. In the same way today is

possible identify the same attitudes the police arrest black and Latino people only

for suspect, and they have used force extreme that some cases finish in murders.

Statistics how the elaborated on 2015 by the daily British The Guardian registered
near to 1146 murders of Black and Latinos into the United States. It is possibly to

say that today America continue a policy against Human Rights specially rights as

right to life, dignity, security and liberty, so American native continue trying to

consolidate a traditional society that preserve the contemporary American social

customs through Anglo Saxon style of life.

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