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Thank you for choosing Starseed Astrology to interpret your chart!

Astrological Charts are unique from all other

astrology and spiritual readings as they are a tool that we can refer to at any time. Every persons chart in unique
so it is important to understand that we all have positive and negative potentials, and that nobody is perfect- it is
astrologically impossible!

The Natal Chart is applicable to the current life you embody and purpose you lead, and the Draconic Chart is
applicable to your souls journey and destiny. I will be interpreting your Natal Chart and Draconic Chart in a way
that explains your current lifes purpose in the grand process of your souls pathway. The charts are calculated
using the extended chart selection from, and all written information is original.

I will begin with your Draconic Chart, moving onto how you Natal Chart interacts with this, and then a summary of
your Natal dominant traits and energies to assist you in identifying your role in this life. I should let you know that
your Draconic chart is usually referring to your past lives on Earth, but may also be about lives you could have had
on other planets, perhaps when you were not even a physical being. This is up to you to decide the specific
Planets of Draconic Chart

Starting with your souls sun sign, your draconic chart indicates that the life force within, throughout all your lives,
has been very unconventional and idealistic. This can also be described as being a dreamer and a rebel. When
getting in touch with your soul and past, perhaps you feel that you have always been different and unique, with
goals and dreams that no one has understood. This could have dreamt of a better world, wherever that world
may be, but had others tell you that you were thinking too highly of the worlds potential. A prominent pattern
throughout your souls history is that you have always been someone that others see as distant, yet connected.
Someone who has loved the world but wanted to get away. An Aquarius soul sun can also indicate that you have
been through hardships in life that made you want to escape and disappear, and perhaps you did at some time.
You have easily cut yourself off from those who dont believe you, or dont believe in you. You have attempted
helping others, may have been rejected and hence lived for yourself and became self-reliant. This comes naturally
to you even in this life. Although you have put the past behind you, but you may feel some past experiences
bothering you or preventing you from opening up, which you might not be able to explain.

Your souls moon sign, or supporting role, is in Capricorn, so it is likely that whatever has occurred affected you
very deeply. You have likely reacted to emotional circumstances by turning away and closing in. Your Draconic
Sun and Moon are both in the 8th house which is a very secretive house. Maybe the events occurred in the area of
life where you discovered secrets or hid your actions. 8th is also the occult house so perhaps your beliefs were
very different and heretical compared to the society around you which caused you to take this part of life
completely alone. Or maybe this Capricorn wall has built up even against yourself, which can prevent you from
connecting to where your past lives have lead you.

Your Mars and Pluto are also in the 8th house, in Aquarius, which can confirm that it was indeed your actions that
were different, your drive that was unique and the way you transformed which was very deep and hidden from
others and the world. Mercury in Aquarius, 9th house, indicates that your thinking and communicating was
unpredictable and unique which a lot of people would see as threatening. Perhaps you tried to communicate
revolutionising beliefs or philosophy, or were very interested in another culture which caused society to condemn
you and see you as a threat to the conventional patterns of those times. Your entire draconic chart is also centred
around these planets in the 8th and 9th. This would have been difficult for you as the core of your personality was
hidden and deemed unacceptable. Perhaps you even feel self conscious about it now, as if you must still hide
your soul away, since the draconic chart continues to affect us throughout our entire souls journey.

Your other planets are clustered in the 11th house (Aries Saturn and Neptune, Pisces Uranus) and the 7th house
(Sagittarius Venus, Scorpio Jupiter). There is a lot of powerful creative and revolutionising energy within you
because of your Neptune and Uranus. Your soul could give you sudden insights here and there, but also sudden
fears which at times may affect you more than youd like. Your soul idealises a world where there is deeper
connection and understanding and you have always participated in love revolutions and radically accepting others
when they have been labelled as unacceptable by society. This still comes naturally to you, even if it has (or will)
taken some time to go through that process yourself, but it is very personal to you and you do not wish for others
to be treated as you have been treated in rough times. Venus in Sagittarius is what gives your soul the need for
freedom, independence, and free self-expression. Your soul is attracted to energy that is spontaneous and
carefree, and you also deeply value culture, variety and eclecticism. This is especially directed towards partners,
meaningful friendships and soul mates. Jupiter in Scorpio in the 7th is indicative of a very deep philosophical
nature. Your soul has spent a considerable amount of its time in reflection. It may be meditative to simply think,
theorise and discover your beliefs from within. This is something that you can tap into in this life if you wish to
grow from your souls past.
Main patterns in lifes purpose

You can see that all of your planets are in the North hemisphere. This means that your soul personality is focused
on the deep parts of life, since houses 1-6 are empty of planets (as well as house 12 and 10). The empty South
hemisphere reflects that you do not have any specific part of your soul personality that focuses on those regular
areas of life. However, you are strong in reaching the deeper parts of life and this is a pattern that has occurred
throughout your entire existence. There is no limit to what you discover here, and it could be very beneficial for
you to work with your draconic chart if you feel that this pattern is also strong in your current life.

Conflictions in planetary signs

You do have a few squares, which indicate the parts that your soul has had to work harder on over many lives.
Your Saturn and Moon can be stressful to each other, and you may have trouble learning from past experiences
that have strongly effected your emotions, or perhaps there are things in your past lives that have been difficult
to deal with wisely- instead you may have tried to forget about them as long as you can. These things may still be
affecting you in this life, especially if you have not yet connected to your draconic chart. These are in the 11th and
8th house, so perhaps it is difficult for you to open up and expand from your deep-seated secrets from past lives-
these can be traumas, private habits or dark fascinations. Mercury is squared to Jupiter, 7th and 9th house, which
may mean that you have difficulty communicating your beliefs or mentally processing them. There could be
lacking clarity within yourself, where you do not understand what you have been experiencing, or perhaps you
have never succeeded in speaking out about your personal growth and what you go through internally. To
overcome this, perhaps you need the opposite side to be on the same level as you, so you do not feel as if you are
being criticised, or the only one that is sharing personal experiences.

Harmonies in planetary signs

Your soul Venus and Saturn are in trine, so you have been able to easily succeed and grow when you are content
and in harmony with your surroundings. To be more specific, when you are free to express your style and are
comfortable (particularly with partners, close friends and family), you are able to accept yourself and really use
your wisdom. Another way to explain this is that when you have been surrounded by people who satisfy your
desire for independence and new experiences, then you have been able to grow alongside those relationships.

Jupiter is in trine with Uranus and Neptune. This is quite exciting for your Jupiter and Neptune as the Scorpio and
Aries energy is very powerful. You are powerfully creative from the soul and this has allowed you to expand not
only outwards, but deeper as well throughout your souls journey. Your Uranus in Pisces with the Scorpio Jupiter
is very powerful too. You have used your ideals to revolutionise with your beliefs, and this has allowed you to
strongly influence others who have been aware and accepting of the transformative energy you harness. Since
Jupiter is in the 7th, this is very strong in relationships and you have always had a strong effect on the people you
have become close with. In many ways, you have helped other souls ascend and become aware of the extents
that dreams, beliefs and ideals can reach. It is possible for you to reconnect with these people you have helped,
whether that be a physical meeting where old familiarity is felt by both, or that could be you reaching them
through meditation work or dreams.

Minor Planets & Asteroids- Hidden meanings in your chart

I find the asteroids to be very important in the draconic chart, even more so than in the Natal Chart. The Lunar
Nodes are usually the same as others in our generation as this is what we must all learn together.


Lilith in Aries is a difficult one to deal with. Aries is very spontaneous and can quickly become consumed by the
dark sides of its energies. Nonetheless it can easily resurface from the darkness, which is a positive side. When
your soul falls into ....................................................[SAMPLE].....................................................................
............. that is inspiring and the very essence of life itself.

Souls Past

South Node in Libra suggests that your past lives have been strongly affected by close relationships so that it now
comes naturally to depend on or hold partnerships in high regard. You have been a giver, which has sometimes
occurred to ...............................................................................................................................................................
........................................... with giving justice to others that you may not know how to give justice to yourself.

Souls main lessons

North Node in Aries indicates that in order to balance what you have learned from the past, you need to pay
more attention to yourself in this life and those to come. To continue carving your own unique path within
............................................................................................................................................................. as this is never
going to allow us to be who we need to be.

Spiritual Healing/Progression

A major part of your souls healing process is to do with partnerships. Chiron in Libra is an indication that we need
to transform our healing process by taking note of those we keep close to us, and what we think of those close
relationships. It is important to notice the energy you take ...............................................................................
........................................ allowing yourself to heal in this way. You HAVE the power to influence what energy
affects you.


Your initial approach and impression through your souls journey is steady, relaxed and down-to earth. This can
mean that you have always started with the physical reality and .................................................[SAMPLE]......
Your valued goods and resources are very personal and private to you, with emotional attachment. Most of our
possessions and things you hold dear have been kept private .................................................[SAMPLE]...............

Your learning potential and mind set is powerful and has potential for great leadership. Your soul has a very
creative mind which you wish to express. But due to your mercury being opposite this house, in Aquarius, you
have had .................................................[SAMPLE]...................................................................................

The roots of your soul are tied to service and duty, and your home patterns are very refined. You are a healer to
yourself and quiet time alone has always been the best way to re-energise yourself and set .......................

Pride, pleasure and creativity are nature-based and perfecting. Your past may have tied in the 4th and 5th house,
so that you were most creative at home, when in private, and that you have been most refined and organised
when in the freedom of your own good company. Your personal expression has always been sophisticated and
polished. Youve taken pride in how well you can improve things.

Health, duty and self-improvement are aimed at relationships and family. You feel a responsibility to those close
to you and your family. You are might feel as if you are the one responsible for keeping a fair, harmonious
atmosphere, or that you need to improve yourself to be a better person for other people. You may have found
that you lose motivation when those close to you are in disruption.

Significant relationships, personal alliances and conflicts are very deeply effecting to you. Scorpio in the 7th
means that you attract the deep secrets of the universe in every life you lead. Sometimes you dont even have to
search as they .................................................[SAMPLE]..................................................................

Intense emotions, depth of interactions and experiences are deep and kept personal. You are not one to share
your personal experiences in great detail to others, and you are a very trustworthy person. You have avoided
people who kiss and tell, those who gossip and .................................................[SAMPLE]..................................

Personal expansion, belief and long journey are revolutionary, enlightening and unconventional. Your life
experiences are very unique and you learn a lot from what you encounter, whether they are good or bad
experiences. You are not one to look back once you have let go, and you can move on with strong determination
if you know you need to. You have radical beliefs and have been determined to share this with those who are
interested. Your mercury in this house also supports this.

Achievements, status and guides are to do with connecting, understanding and acceptance. You do not boast
about your status. In fact, a lot of the time you have been the underdog in society. This .........................................

Community and universal awareness is focused on higher connection and understanding. You have connected
many people over your journey, especially those who are also awakened (either that or you have been
instrumental in awakening others). While living your own life and moving along on your own journey, you are able
to serve others and at the same time serve the universe and its grand purpose for you.

Yielding to greater cause comes naturally and service to the universe warrior-like and pioneering. Your soul is
naturally a warrior of the universe and its truths. You may not realise it a lot of the time, as the 12th house is the
neglected and repressed house, but you are always constantly .................................................[SAMPLE].......

Toughest journey obstacles

Saturn opposite Chiron indicates uncertainties where your personal wisdom and spiritual wisdom interact. You
may be unsure if discipline is what you need, or if healing is what you need. You may jump back and forth
between fighting obstacles in the outside world vs. the inside world. The truth is, they can both work at the same
time, hence overcoming two obstacles at once. This can be very hard to get going as it is difficult to identify and
separate each energy in the first place! But it would be interesting to keep in mind... whenever you notice one of
these issues occurring- when Saturn is facing difficulty, Chiron may be involved beneath the surface.

Chiron square Sun, Moon, Mars means that it has been hard for you to begin spiritual healing due to a large part
of your personality (your core, emotions and drive) being elsewhere, or wanting to focus on other things. Over
your souls journey it may be difficult to motivate yourself into really sitting back and working on your spiritual
healing, so this can best occur when there are no troubles or stresses occurring to your emotions and drive.
Planets of Natal Chart

The first thing I notice is that your Natal planets actually do have very specific roles to help progress in your
Draconic chart. This is due to the zodiac signs shifting by about 2 (e.g. Ascendant in Taurus to Pisces, shift by 2
signs), which indicates that your current life is learning from the other perspective (e.g. Earth to Water, Air to
Fire) which will really help you move along on your journey. Your Natal Sun, Mars and Pluto are all in Scorpio,
before the degrees of your Draconic Jupiter in Scorpio. This tells me that these planets in this life are trying to get
you to develop further and satisfy your Draconic Jupiter. This life is instrumental for you to make it to the next
stage of your souls journey, and the main theme is to do with beliefs, personal growth (especially spiritual) and
experience. In this life, you are to experience many things that assist your spiritual wisdom. Your reflections and
intuition (Moon) are supporting the core of your personality (Sun), which is lead by your drive and actions (Mars)
to do this. Pluto, being the closest to your Draconic Jupiter, means that there will be a transformation (more than
one probably) which allows you to take the next step. Do you have any wonders about life that you really want to
answer? What have been the main themes of your beliefs in this life? What more do you want to know? These
are the planets that will help you progress here.... How do you feel about the questions youre trying to answer?
What do you want to do once youve found your answers?

Your Natal Jupiter is in Virgo, which indicates that you have certain goals you want to meet and that you are very
good with the details when processing through these. This is a good support for Scorpio planets and the process
of meeting your Draconic Jupiter. Virgo and Scorpio can work well especially in this respect.

Your Natal Mercury is in Sagittarius, which is great for your Draconic Mercury in Aquarius. This means that in this
life, your mind set is very free and inspired, which is very lucky and exciting to satisfy your Draconic Aqua
Mercury, which has these traits naturally. In this life, you are thinking about the broad picture and thinking ahead,
which is preparing you for the next step in your journey. Being in the 9th house again, this is even more exciting as
it connects well with your Jupiters.

Your Uranus and Neptune are in Capricorn 11th House, which is both great and challenging for your Draconic
Aquarius Sun. The 11th house is where Aquarius rules, so your inspirations, dreams and beliefs in this life are
strongly connected to our Draconic sun. Yet, having your Natal 11th house ruled by Capricorn causes there to be
some kind of strain which you may not understand. You may feel held back by society and the outside world and
it could be very tempting to run away into your own world. Yet a sense of duty to this world keeps you here and it
is vital that you stay. Your Saturn is in Aquarius in the 11th house too, which means that you have a strong
superiority complex over others, even though you may not show it. You have a lot of wisdom, high logic and a
desire to improve the world around you and share your thoughts about it. This connects to your Draconic Saturn
in Aries as it is learning about your own originality and how to give that to the world in a way that is stable and

Your Natal Venus in Virgo means that you have a strong appreciation for nature, which is part of the foundation
of your love for this world. You are dedicated to giving others your help and service, and this is how you impress
others, by your devotion, not your extravagance. This means that you highly value practical means of help and
when people are paying attention to you. I can also see strong potential here where there are sextiles running
from your Mercury to your Venus and Saturn, connected by a trine. This means that you have the change to
communicate your ideals and thoughts about the world and how it can improve, if you just work on actually
talking about it!

Your Pisces Rising and Virgo Descendant shows that you seem very understanding to others, compassionate and
lead by your emotions. You may try to change yourself to fit peoples perspective because you often believe that
others always have good motives and that you can always help them. You are very sensitive to the energies given
off by other people and you can usually tell when someone is not good for you when the vibrations you receive
exhaust and drain you. You attract people into your life who are helpful and realistic and these people are a key
helping you learn how to be practical and not so idealistic. You will discover that it is best to see the reality before
you create a fantasy world instead.

Conflictions in your planetary signs

Mercury Square Jupiter occurs in the 9th and 7th house once again. This means that specifically in this life, you will
have trouble communicating your beliefs as you experience all the small details, but when you attempt to
communicate it you are only able to brush over it briefly, giving the overall picture. When this happens you feel as
if you cannot communicate what you really go through and what you really think as there are always important
things you miss out. You may avoid talking about your experiences all together to avoid being misunderstood as a
result. I suggest trying to overcome this by speaking to someone close (7th house) who you find trustworthy, who
may also have things they want to share. When they can understand that you do not want to be misunderstood,
they should make more of an effort to understand you.

Moon Square Saturn occurs in the 8th and 11th house, which means that you wish to control and discipline
yourself but have trouble doing so. This is especially to do with your reactions. Perhaps you take things too
seriously or let them affect your too deeply. It is up to your Aquarian Saturn to get you to see the wider causes,
and not just how it affects yourself. This is difficult, but very possible and a very strong transformational energy
once it can work in harmony.

Lilith in Capricorn indicates that in this life, falling into your dark side can mean secluding yourself from
interaction, becoming melancholy or power hungry. The dark side of Capricorn is not a pleasant one, in fact most
mythologies represent Satan himself as a Capricorn. You might consume yourself with pessimism and deprive
yourself of anything positive. Capricorn is one of the most difficult signs to bring out of the darkness, so I suggest
taking preventative action as soon as you notice yourself slipping away.

Spiritual Healing

Chiron in Leo implies that in order to heal yourself in this life, you must believe in yourself! You are a star with
such high potential. You must never forget your worth or doubt yourself. Take pride in yourself and your
accomplishments, no matter how small. You do not need the recognition of others, only the approval of yourself.
Find solace and healing in spending time alone. Listen to yourself and know that you are worth everything.

Toughest life obstacles

Chiron in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius means that you face uncertainties when trying to heal yourself. Others,
especially authority or paternal figures, will disapprove of the time and energy you wish to spend on yourself to
heal, as it is in their expectations that you move onto more realistic methods. You may feel that you need to take
more control over your own life, while at the same time fix yourself from within. The choices you make in the
areas of friendship, family and relationships might always feel like it is your own. It is best to be honest about
what your goals are and how you wish to overcome them.

Jupiter in Virgo opposite Pisces Rising explains that you have trouble committing to anything unless you see it
being useful and helpful in your future. You have good judgement of others, but at times it is only from the
perspective of whether or not they are conventionally successful and in control of their life. You might cause
others to be careful around you if they are unsure of whether or not your motives are good to them.

Ruling Element: Water

You are very empathetic, ruled by your intuition and emotions. You connect easily to others and easily take on the
energy of others. You may want to be careful with the kind of energy you let affect you, and the people you lend
your sympathy too. Water signs have the tendency to be used for their compassion and emotional healing. Take
note that when you begin to feel drained it is best to spend time alone in order to reenergise.

Ruling House: 8 t h

Not on Pullen Table, but calculated by higher number of aspects in 8th house, and the prominence of the planets
in that house. Your life is ruled by the 8th house, the deep, secretive part of life where you begin searching for
information and sorting them out inside of you. This means that you are very masterful with resources and
capable of finding and holding many secrets.

Ruling Planet: Pluto

You are capable of such profound transformation and regeneration. One thing I have noticed is that Pluto is such
a deep behind the scenes planet, that those ruled by it are often unaware of the abilities they have to use its
energy so masterfully. You feel when you need a change, and you dont simply try to adapt, you change your
entire self and everything around you. This can be both a curse and a blessing so be careful to use this energy

Ruling Sign: Scorpio

You are very trustworthy and are very skilled at knowing whats behind the motives of others. You know who is
worthy of your time and energy, and you know who does not deserve to be part of your life at all. You are an
expert at figuring things out, due to your logic and intuition. In fact, your intuition has such potential to evolve
that you may begin to think of your intuition as only logical.

Ruling Modality: Fixed

You are you, and you dont change for anyone but yourself. You treat others equally and you dont try to adapt
yourself to please others. When you decide what to do, you stick to it until its complete.

Chart Shape Interpretations: Cluster

A very strong Indigo Child chart. Cluster charts are indicative of someone with many strengths in a few areas.
They can be very advanced in certain parts of life (indicated by your 8th and 11th houses) but lacking in others
where their service is not particularly required. Cluster charts show where a persons purpose is in their current
life and throughout their souls entire journey. Your souls purpose is predominantly a journey through the secret
parts of life, and revolutionising the worlds you are born into. This is a very strong purpose, one that is very hard
to avoid- being in the higher houses of the North hemisphere. As you have probably discovered long ago, and
already in this life, it is a tough purpose to be so unconventional, but your work here is greatly needed.

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