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Why develop a Predictive Model for Archaeology (PMA)? e008 anne eee BEL _-APMA mas created for the Consejo para la "TegtsEE Proteccidn del Patrimonio Arqueolégico Terrestre Rico (CAT).One of the main task of the CAT is to protect c national archaeological heritage of Puerto Rico. To focus t esource on areas with maré probabilityof finding archaeological site: MIA. The probability surFace ‘twas proposed the creat jenerated by the PMA was traduced ih archaeological sensitwvity w ‘eas with high probability ar more sensitive, and vise versa. Therefore, creating a probabslity surface helped the CAT to focus their resources af those areas with high probabilities Dependent variable bas ward umytronwental anal ancl The independent v variables. Vector li jere canverted to raster. Most of The dependent variables were categorized as positive and wvircrtmental variabbusrware-curived using digital snugation afte. [husy tis data wae tranaParnnod into binary, vation model ( his was accom O(na-sites) and | (sites), The positive sites in the proj soole. At the same time, it was atte such as the soils. Allthis are befoi srisficned into ranterueing th rea belanged to the pre-Colonial period. Thus, th ferent Remot e'the Spaniard (1499) and LISA (1898) colonization tised other cat reclassifying tol Teta pepe eee are The final output of the probability surface was created ee KR ser Calculator a within Model Builder. This lepine thefcoet ciants igitcart GicEe the LRM formule. This produced fhe probability lea lar lw probability wrose!far meals Alter selecting all v created ‘To accomplish this, twas used Composite Band Tools. After ands. ental vanabl surface having th Running the Logistic Regression Model (LRM) Pry ec with the chosen variables. The prod the logistic coefficients and the Probability Pos

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