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Ananda Rogers 1/30/17

3rd English

What is the common purpose to martin luther king Jrs

A letter from Birmingham jail, Julia Alvarezs A genetics
of justice, and Eleanor Roosevelts On the adoption of
the universal declaration of human right? Human rights is
a right that everyone should have.
Eleanor Roosevelts claim in her speech,On the
Adoption of the Universal Declaration of human rights is
that The United Nations Assembly should adopt the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights because she
believed that everyone should have equity rights no matter
where you are in the world.Human rights are not privileges
and justice can be gained through speaking out against
injustices.Eleanor Roosevelt reveals her credibility/the
credibility of the universal declaration of human rights
thought the speech when she states,The United States
believes that this is a good document even a great
document and we propose to give it our full support.In
paragraph 1, Eleanor Roosevelt's specific word choice of
meticulous affects the meaning of text by emphasizing to
show great attention to detail that was given to the UDHR
which was meant to give people confidence to believe in
the document.
Martin Luther king jr. claim in his letter,I Am in
Birmingham because injustice is here. is that i am here in
Birmingham since you have been influenced by the view
which argues against the outsiders coming in king say
this becasuse someone ask king to be in Brimingham and
he wants to be in Birmingham because of injustice . king
believes that no matter what color you are you sloude get
Equal rights like everybody else. King alson states,

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