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Cruz v.

G.R. L-32213 November 26, 1973
Ponente: Esguerra, J.:

1. The CFI of Cebu allowed the probate of the last will and testament of the late Valenti Cruz.
However, the petitioner opposed the allowance of the will alleging that it was executed through
fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, and undue influence. He further alleged that the instrument was
executed without the testator having been informed of its contents and finally, that it was not
executed in accordance with law.

2. One of the witnesses, Angel Tevel Jr. was also the notary before whom the will was
acknowledged. Despite the objection, the lower court admitted the will to probate on the ground
that there is substantial compliance with the legal requirements of having at least 3 witnesses
even if the notary public was one of them.

Issue: Whether or not the will is valid in accordance with Art. 805 and 806 of the NCC

No. The will is not valid. The notary public cannot be considered as the third instrumental witness
since he cannot acknowledge before himself his having signed the said will. An acknowledging
officer cannot serve as witness at the same time.

To acknowledge before means to avow, or to own as genuine, to assent, admit, and 'before'
means in front of or preceding in space or ahead of. The notary cannot split his personality into
two so that one will appear before the other to acknowledge his participation int he making of the
will. To permit such situation would be absurd.

Finally, the function of a notary among others is to guard against any illegal or immoral
arrangements, a function defeated if he were to be one of the attesting or instrumental witnesses.
He would be interested in sustaining the validity of the will as it directly involves himself and the
validity of his own act. he would be in an inconsistent position, thwarting the very purpose of the
acknowledgment, which is to minimize fraud.

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