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Thinh Tra
Ms. Holt
English 1 P/ Per 6
6 Nov 2016

Lets Live Together in Harmony

Kofi Annan once said, We may have different religions, different languages, different

colored skin, but we all belong to one human race. Some people like the Zootopia movie, they

think that all animal can live in harmony even though they are different. Individuals can find

common ground due to equality, diversity, compromise and accepting others.

People can find common ground due to equality and diversity. In the article, A Quilt of a

Country, the author states, America is an improbable idea. A mongrel nation built of

ever-changing disparate parts, it is held together by notion, the notion that all men are created

equal, though everyone knows that most men consider themselves better than someone

else(1). Quindlen says the idea of America is that all men are created equal and that we are

united as one. What is understood here is the idea that everyone, no matter their culture, skin

color, religion, or sexual preference can be treated as equals. This helps us find common

ground because if people didn't care about the different things of other people, they can live

together without hating or being afraid of one another. Also in the blog Making the Future

Better, Together, the author states, Americas genius is to give its diversity of citizens a state in

the well being of the nation.(6). This quote shows the readers that many people can come

together to make a new nation. This helps people find common ground because diversity means

many cultures come together and it accept different people from different country. If that nation
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has diversity, it will make the country better. People can find common ground due to equality

and diversity.

People can also find common ground due to compromise and accepting others. It ain't

much, but it's all I got in the world and Im putting it in your hands. Im telling you to be the head

of this family from now on like youre suppose to be.(86). This quote is from the play A Raisin

in the Sun in act 2 scene 2 and this quote is about compromise. In this example, the audience

learned that Mama does not want to put money in Walters dream but instead, she puts money

in his bank account. She believes that Walter will use the money in the right way. What is

understood here is mama tried to keep the family in peace and not take sides. In act 1, scene 2,

Beneatha said Asagai-Joseph Asagai. Hes an African boy I met on campus. Hes been

studying in Canada all summer. (29). The main idea of this quote is that he was from Africa

studying in Canada and the people there still accepted him. This shows the readers that even

though Asagai is African, he can still live with people that are different from him and he was

accepted. People can find a common ground due to compromise and accepting others no

matter who they are.

Everyone should acknowledge that people can find common ground due to diversity,

equality, compromise and accepting others. The article "A Quilt of a Country" explain how

people are equal and the same even though they have different skin color. The blog "Making the

Future Better, Together" shows how different people can make the country better. The play "A

Raisin in the Sun" suggest that people can get along with each other without fighting by

compromising and accepting others without judging them by their skin colors. It is essential for

people to recognize that all people are equal and they need to come together, to stop judging

others by their skin color and to get along with each other to make the the country and the future


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