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Good day sir,

I want to use this medium to reiterate that we started on a good note and with lots
of respect for you for the following reasons:
a. You came to my office for the first time with an open mind without any
prejudice despite ill comments about me.
b. You were impressed by my explanation and at the same time took to my
advice by carrying out necessary amendment required on the affected road
network then.
c. You made me to be relevant by giving me the opportunity to carry out the
design/ preparation of Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation of
virtually all the road network in which street lights were required.
d. You also extend good hands of friendship by your magnanimity to me when
the need arises.
2. The good relationship we had called for the rehabilitation of street light
installation along offa garage road. The sum of N4,700,000.00 was forwarded
which was later reviewed downward to N4,000,000.00. You can confirm this from
Mr. Hassan.
As soon as I was mobilized with the sum of N2,000,000.00 all necessary works
which involve:
- casting of pole bases
- changing of street light panels
- replacement of burnt underground armored cables were done even though
most of the cables were collected on credit.
Sir, replacement of poles and fittings were not included in my quotation with the
understanding that they will be provided by your company. As far as I am aware
these are the only components of works not carried out which was emphasized
when you called me to forward the final certificate valuation along University of
Ilorin road sometimes in year 2012. You will also recall that you have backlog of
work to be carried out within the defect liability period which you promised to
complete on payment. Out of my respect for you, I effected your payment but you
completely failed to fulfil your own part of the bargain.
3. It is quite frustrating that after you have paid the sum of N300,000.00 you are
now asking whether I have completed the job or not. I also gave you the latitude to
confirm from Hassan who is the only person that knows about the job and to my
utter dismay you have not called to say your position on the matter.
4. I am begging you in the name of God, please do not treat me with ingratitude
because I dont think I deserve such treatment from you. We have come a long
way to sustain the present relationship and bearing in mind the trust and
confidence I have in you; I did not exercise any fear of carrying out the job as
clearly stated in the Bill of Engineering Measurement and Evaluation.
5.It is quite worrisome that the first N100,000.00 and second N200,000.00 you
gave me were done after complaining bitterly about my financial situation. It is
never in my character begging for money. If I did not work for you, I will rescind
to my faith and look for money elsewhere to

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