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Clnica Psiquitrica Universitaria

Three forms of Intuition in Eugne Minkowski.

J. Vliz 1, M. Ugalde 1 , P. Catrifil 1
1 Clinica Psiquitrica Universitaria, Hospital Clnico J. J.. Aguirre, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Introduction: .

Eugne Minkowski is one of the greatest authors of

Structural Phenomenology in Psychiatry. However, his
influence has been primarily concerned with the study
of schizophrenia, but the scope of his research is much
broader, even addressing issues that attempt to
illuminate the way life and humans are established.


It is interesting to think of him as an author whom

emphasizes the importance of intuition, at a multiple
level, giving an epistemologically dignified rank, in the
constitution of Being (Soi-mme), in psychopathology,
and even in Ontology.
Intuition in Eugne Minkowski

It is shown that Minkowski's research on intuition is

understood as a study of a symptom called autism, Psychopathologial Ontological
Symptom: Autism
diagnostic method approach
understood as a radical loss of vital contact with reality,
as a psychopathological diagnostic method called
empathy, which studies the experience of being-time ,
and even as an ontological approuch that purpose of Time-becoming
Loss of vital Study on the relation and
the study Time-becoming, a his the relationship with the contact with reality experience of time configuration of
configuration of the Soi-mme the Soi-mme


Reconstruction of the uses of the notion of intuition in

the work of Minkowski.

Results: Bergson, Henri (1956) La pense et le mouvant. Essais et confrences. Paris:

Bergson, Henri (1970 [1888]) Essai sur les donns immdiates de la conscience.
These three pathways appear clearly at different levels, Paris: PUF.
all complementary, pointing not only to a clinical trial, Bergson, Henri (1957 [1907]) volution cratrice. Paris: PUF.
but also to metaphysical aspects. Minkowski, Eugne (2001 [1927]) La esquizofrenia. Psicopatologa de los
esquizoides y los esquizofrnicos. Mxico. FCE.
Minkowski, Eugne (1973) El tiempo vivido. Mxico: Fondo de Cultura
Conclusions: Econmica.
Minkowski, Eugne (1966) Trait de psychopathologie. Francia. PUF
Ferrater Mora, Jos. Diccionario de filosofa. Barcelona: Ariel, 1999. 4 v.
We are highlighting how Minkowski thinks intuition not Molina Enrique, (1944), La Filosofa de Bergson. Concepcin. Ediciones
only as a way worthy of understanding human suffering, Universidad de Chile.
Husserl, Edmund. El artculo FENOMENOLOGA de la Enciclopedia Britnica.
nor the establishment of knowledge, but a necessary
En: Invitacin a la fenomenologa, Paids, Barcelona, 1992.
notion for a sound clinic, and even an approximation to Husserl, Edmund. Investigaciones lgicas. Ed. Alianza, Madrid, 1985.
who we are. Husserl, Edmund. Lecciones de fenomenologa de la conciencia interna del
tiempo. Trotta, Madrid, 2002.
Lanteri-Laura, Georges. Psiquiatra fenomenolgica : fundamentos filosficos.
Troquel, Buenos Aires, 1965.
Jaspers K, Psicopatologa general, Mxico. Fondo de Cultura Econmica, 2006.

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