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Lecture Quiz #4 (1/2 lengthwise)

1-5 Five cardinal of inflammation (Greek words)

6. Predominant cells in acute inflammation
7. Predominant cells in chronic inflammation
8. Consequence of iron deficiency
9. Deficiency in Vitamin C can cause?
10. An inflammation that has extensive outpouring of watery,
low-protein fluid derived from either the blood
11-13 Three Classification of inflammation according to duration
14. Give one Classification of inflammation according to character of exudate
15. Scientific term for nosebleed
16. Vomiting of blood is called?
17. Blood is sputum is called?
18. Give one example of exogenous pigmentation.
19. Congenital absence of melanin from skin & eyes
20. It refers to the deposition of crystalline urate in the joints, kidneys, cartilage of external ear
& eyelid.
21-22 Two examples of endogenous pigmentation
23-25 Three major types of shock
26. It refers to the congestion and excess of blood in the body
27. It refers to any structural/functional disorder present at birth.
28. It refers to the inherited disorders that run in the families.
29. Excessive uterine bleeding during menstrual period
30. Uterus bleeding between menstrual period
31. Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity is called?
32. Formation of a solid mass/blood clot, within heart/blood vessels during life.
33. Necrosis of tissue caused by interference in blood supply.
34. Deficiency in Vitamin D can cause?
35. An inflammation that produces large amount of pus or purulent exudates.
36. Cardinal sign for pain
37. Cardinal sign for heat
38. The suffix that means inflammation
39. Accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity is called?
40. State of collapse that follows severe tissue injury.
41. Kidney stones is also called?
42. Gallstones is also called?
43. Stones in the substances of the lungs
44. A type of tissue repair in which a new type of tissue develops that eventually causes scar
production and the loss of some tissue function

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