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Nou AV lee DRAC is WV GLO KATALOG NOVCA SRBIJE | CRNE ( SORE 1868-1918 KOVNO RESENJE NASLOVNE STRANE IZDANIE AUTORA COVER PAGE DESIGN Dusko Paunovié akademski stikor FOTOGRAFISE / PHOTOGRAPHS Bratislav Lukic Ova knjiga je ostobodena poreza na promet na osnuvu mistienja Republickog sekretarijata za kulturu SR Srbij br. 413-438/73.02 od 18. 06. 1973 rodine STAMPA / PRINTED By ee Slobodan Jovic”, Beograd, Stojana Protica 52 Jraficko preduz Predgovor Na sastavijanje i objavijivanje ovog i kataloga podstakao nas je nedostalak numizmatiéke literature u nas i obradivala de zentiraju strani katalori, Broj apirnog, neobitne br7zo rasie, takode pogresni ili nepotpuni podaci koje pt sakupljaca domaceg novea, kako metalnog tako i ali su Ui sabiraci ostavijeni sami sebi, ili prepuSteni nepotpunim tabelarnim preple dima domace monete, Cesio bez najosnovaijih objasnjenja i tumaten, Metalni i papirni novac izlozen je ovde hronoloskim redom, prema godinama hoje se na noveima kao datum izdavanja nalaze. Nismo odvojili kovamice od novéanica, posto jedno i drago predstavlja jedinstvenu celinn kao moneta jedne zemlje, te ih nema smisla razlucivati Cene pojedinih novaca formirane su prema nijilovej vrednosti kom tréistu, Neki primerci, oni najredi, koji se ja numizmatnickoj pijach ne javijaju, obelezeni su sa jednim, dva ik ri ,.R", prema tome kolike je primeraka poz © 8 njihove cene su ljubiteljsk vuvenih komada novea, kao | 0 int akode, vodili smo racuna o broju nepo- su Koji 7 izvesne vrste novea viad Preface We have been prompied to compile and publish a catalogue of thi the lack of Yugoslav publications dealing with domestic money, and inaceurate or incomplete data contained in foreign catalogues. The number collectors of domestic coins and paper money is growing rapidly, bu collectors are left to their own devices or with nothing but mcom these surveys of domestic currency, often without essesttial explanation and inter pretation The metal and paper money is presented here in chronological ortte pradinig fo the dates of issue stamped on ihe money, We have not separ ys from paper money, since together they constitute a single whol untry, The prices of the individual coins and notes are for value on the numismatic market. Some specimens, the rarest, whi on the numismatic market, are marked with one, two or three Rs, a to how many specimens are known, and their prices are collector's pr have also taken into account the number of unwithdrawn pieces, and dhe interest prevailing in certain types of money. This catalogue is the first part of a work at present being compiled which will cover numismatic material of the 19th and 20th centuries 01 the onlire territory of Yugo: Sa Srbija — uvod ) Knjazevina Srbija 7 Kraljevina Srbija 41 Novac Srbije u periodu I svetskow rata Crna Gora — uvod Knjazevina Crna Gora 1 Kraljevina Crna Gora 63 Novac Crne Gore u periodu I sveiskog rata 1 Tumacenje znakova i objasnjenja 72° Literatura Contens 7 Serbi introduction 9 The Principality of Serbia 17 The Kingdom of Serbia 31 Serbian Money During the World War I 44 Montenegro — introduction 45. Principality of Montenegro 51 Kingdom of Montenegro 63 Montenegrin Money During the World War I Key to sings and expianatio 72 Bibliography Srbija Uvod Novéani sistem obnovijene Srbije poteo je da se stvara pred kraj druge viade knjaza Mihaila, Sredinom XIX veka u tetaju je bilo cetrd ir anim, pa sui Zitelji tadasnie vrste stranih novaca, koji su Cinili promer o: Srbije trazili da se stvori domaca moneta koja bi zamenila stranu. Jos jadi razlox bio je politicke prirode, naime, domaci novac imao bi vehki moralni mmacaj za remlju koja se za svoju punu nezavisnost jos dorila lako po hatiserifima nije dobio pravo kovanja novea, knja februara meseca 1868. godine po: u Beé da pregovara o kovanju prvih srpskih novaca, Najvisim resenjem od 15. marta iste godine, predvidena je izrada novea od bakra u iri apoena bv u predvidenom roku (maja) jedna, pet i deset para. Novae nije bio got vet maino kasnije, te knjaz Mihailo, koji je ubijen 29 maja 1868, nije doziveo da ga vidi u prometu, Prva isporuka domace monete i tek potetkom 1869 tamenjujuci postepeno austrijski i turski sitnis Stena 20, februara iste podine Mada je otkovano sitniga u vrednosti manjoj od milion dinara, ipak j godine emitovan je prvi srpski srebrn to bio ohrabrujuéi potetak. Vee 18 novac u apoenima od pedeset para i jednog i dva dinara, Oko naziva novtan: jedinice dugo se vodila diskusija. Predlog da se srpska mone nazove ,,srbljak” nije usvojen, a preoviadalo je enje nazove dinar” U godini 1879. izraden je prvi glatik (,.milandor"), te 64 ‘ nosti od dvadeset dinara, Isie godine otkovani su apoeni od pet, deset i pedeset para, i jedan, dva i pet dinara ako je Srbija za vrlo kratko vreme uoblicila svoju nacionainu monetu usvojivsi standarde Latinske unije Dve godine po pustanju u optieaj prvih srpskih bakarusa, podnet je na od skupstini u Kragujeveu zvaniéan predlog da se u Srbiji Stampa novac papira. Ministar tinansija razmatrao raznih institucija, ali zbog oprecnih odnosa bilo rezultata, Tek januara 1876. godine na tajnoj sednici Ministarskog saveta ee doneta je ajna zakonodavna odluka da se Stampaju i izdaju noveanice de vrednosti od dvadeset éetiri miliona dinar roskova u planiranom ratu sa Turskom. Tada je u inostransivu i nabavljen naterijal za Stampanje, a u toku kontrole kvalite if oko hiljadu pet stotina komada novéanica raznih apoena, Postoii miSljenjc a je nacrt 2a njih dao Dura Jaksié. Ova prva emisija nije ostvareny ahs Kraja, @ takode nije pustena u optical a, kao jedna od mera za pokricc a hartije i masina, izraden: Razvijanje privrede, povecanje inve: ticija i drzavnih potreba, uslovili esnivanje Privilegovane narodne banke Kraljevine Srbije 1884 godine taj nacin stvoreni su uslovi da Srbija potne sa izdav iste godine emitovana navéanica od sto d Bel; anjem novéanica, pa ara, plativa u zlatu, izradens Medutim, narod naviknut na metalni novac + nije imao poverenja u papir im bi grad imah bi je na drugom Salteru pska zvaniéna novéanica cirkulisala Istu sudbinu dozivela je i novéanica dinara, izdata sledece godine, iz 1885, plativa u srebru, opticaj fanin primio banknotu u banci, od zamenjivao za zlato, Tako je prva st samo u krui pedeset bangine zgrade. od fek je banknota od deset stekla poverenje gradanstva i osvojila noveani Serbia Introduction The monetary systent of the restored state of Serbia began 10 be created towards the end of the second reign of Prince Michacl Obrenovié (Knjaz Mihailo). By the mid—19th century, there were foriyt } joreige money in circulation. Since this caused difficulty it exchar habitants of Serbia called jo: a domestic eurreney that would replace even stronger reason for this 1 character as of a poli, domestic currency we ld further strengthen morale in a coun i strivin Jor its complete independence Although the Sultan's hatti-sherif did not give the r ONIN woney Prince Michael sent his finance minister Kosta Cukié to Vienna in February 1868 io negotiate the siriking of the first Serbian money. A decision of March 15 the same year provided for the minting of copper coins of th nations: one, five and ten paras. Since the mone ot ready by the agreed time (May), Prince Michael, who was killed on May 29, 1868 did not live io see it in circulation. The first consignment of darmestic m was not delivered until the beginning of 1869, and was pur m circulation on February 20 the same year, gradually replacing the Austrian and Turk mall coins Though the value ¢ the small coins minted came to les dinars, this was an encouraging start. In 1875, the first Serb in denominations of fifty paras and one and two dinars were issued. There was lengthy discussion about the name to be given te proposal that it should be called a ,srbljak" being finally reject avour of the name dinar’ In 1879, the first gold coin (,,milandor”) was mimted, weighing 645 grams and with a value of twenty dinars. In the same year coins oj five, ten and fifty paras, and of one, two and five dinars were A this way, within a short time Serbia formed its national currency adopting the standards of the Latin union Two years after the release of the first Serbian copper coin proposal jor the printing of paper money in Serbia was submitted tot assembly in Kragujevac. The minister of finance considered this matter aud asked for the opinions of various institutions about it, bui because of diff ences a devision was long deferred. It was not until January 1876, at a seore meeting uf the Ministerial Council, that a legal decision was passed avtih rizing the printing and issue of bank notes io the value of twenty-four millivr dinars, as one of the measures to cover the costs of the planned war iui AL that time the necessary printin Turkey material was obtained abroxd, aito while the quality of the paper and machines was being tested, about one thousand five hundred notes of various denominations were printed. It i believed that the designs for these were the work of the pain first issue was not completed or put in circulation The er Dura JakSie developing economy, increased investment and state needs led (o ing of the Privileged National Bank of the Kingdom of Serbia in 1884. This created conditions for Serbia to begin issuing banknotes, and i the year there was an issue of one-hundred-dinar notes, redeemable in gol printed in Belgitun. Ho vever, the people were accustomed to metal money and had no confi dence in paper. As soon as a person received a banknote in a bank, he we g0 straight to another counter and exchanged it for gold. Consequently, th first official serbian banknotes circulated only within the bank buildi happened with the fiftydinar notes issued the followin, jot until the ten-dinar note, redeemable ai paper money The same was in silver, was issued in J88 ined the confidence of ihe population and began 1 1868 1 nn tadi paste povlacer bier t 1876 tampano u I idut, Osnovna boj presvucen ion icor YUMONT ma naj Wot i nb t F the a » ri orp NH APA Gone ony pf vi ta 1879. Kovan “Ci Isse, A oO. INs3. | | Iss Iss a ea anette ie errmanat ie a an ara i ck aa 1890. eerie bu naa Senne we rRanege 1904. Bay 1 BOP MY BAY OPE 1 iy ode Au HAELOBANA ‘ , KPAMpEBHHE 6) 1912. Novae Srbije u periodu prvog svetskou rat Lsbijanje prvog svetskog rata izazvalo je pomeiniu w novear pticaju kraljevine Srbije. Odmah sc osetila oskudica sithog noves, narocito seebrnoy Banka je pustila u promet skoro sve svoje rezerve sre ali kako 0 nije bilo dovoljno, poruceno je pocetkom 1915. v« » Francuske) stu brnika u apoenima od 2, 1 i 0,50 dinara, u vred pete ont dinara Kasnije poruceno je niklenog novea u apoenima od dead ii pet para u vrednosti od deset miliona dinara. Kao godt haznagena je 1917, Od ovih emisija u opticaj jo usto velo male Pojavili su se i neki kurioziteti ovih novae ysu 5, WN 28 wan u qlatu. Takede je u opticaju bio i zlatnik od dvadeset ra xbinoin 1917. Cinjenica je da su ih imavci doncli iz Soluna 191 podii a kovani i po cijem nalogu, jos nije razjasnjeno Narodna banka je tokom pryve ratne godin 1 pla svoje rezerve novéanica, Da bi se abezbedila za slucaj zacin pore atk nota iz Franeaske, Narodna banka je 1915. godin veu od dvadeset dinura izdatu 1905, godine, koja je bila plativa ou ¢ mice isic vrednosti, ali plativa u srebru. Prepravka je ena dostunpawan jen reéi a0 srebru” i luénim scéenjem uglova (zaobljavanic ustova) eduyre ment emitovana je i novéanica od 50 dinara, plativa usrebii, za kuin je act dala Beta Vukanovic U toku povlacenja srpske vojske, u praveu juga isao je i ica, Giji je pologaj bio vrlo tevak. U Prizremn je organizoy Zi pomoc nevoljnima u ratu, koji je oktobra 1915. godine od 0,50 dinara plativu u srebru, koja je izbeglicama deljena da b a) se snabdevaju najpotrebnijim stvarima, Za vreme boravka u Grékoj, Vlada je porudila u Francushoj 1 od 3 dinar, plative u srebru. Stampanje je pucelo 1. septembra tine, po francuskom sistemu, Sto znaci da je Sampanje veseno ng daa, a i2tie dene novéanice nosile su datum onog dana kada su otSipane Postedai dan izrade ovih noveanica je 18. 9 U okupirano} Srbiji uzlavnom se u opticaju salasi lipacion; novae krune, marke j levi. Da bi konstatovale kolicimi srpskihy novcanic eat i da bi eventuaino sprecile uvos novi: bankoota, « naredile su da se izvr$i pecacenje dinarskih novéan:ca, Ovo pecacen je veseno je ovalnin pecatom Ciji je tekst: ,K. u. K, MTLITAR GENERAL GOUVER- NEMENT IN SERBI KREISKOMMANDO", Dux don jc ice ph je ime mesta gde je pecacenje izvrseno. Pecat je staviian s , Do danas je poznato dvanaest mesta u Kojima je 2igosanje 1 Serbian Money During the World War 1 e uutbreak of the First World War aused a disiurbance in meney cir he Kingdom of Serbia. A shortage of small coi licuct articularty siive felt. The baitk pur in cirew Hits reser ait almost or dmoney, but since this was not sufficient, at the beginning of 1015, sily Solus of 2. Land 0.5 dinars, to the value of fifteen million dinars were orders hater On, nickel cuins of 20, 10 and 5 paras 10 the valie of tv million Mis sere ordered, The date of issue stamped on these nickel cofns is 1917 Very few of these issues were put in circulutioy Certain curiosities among these coins have appeared: 5, 10 and 20 pur coins struck in 4 gold coin of 20 dinars was also in circulation in 191 Where and on ¢ orders they were struck, und the fact that own Prought them from Salonica in 1948 have not yet b en explained, During the cart War years the National Bank more ur less exhausted it monetary reserves. Taking precautions in case that the ordered hankitote Som France should be detivered tate, in 1915 the Natioual Bunk altered th “tar note issued in 1905 which was redeemable in gold. keepin 1) apie denomination but making if redeemable in itver, The altecat pas wade bY overpriniing the words ui srebrié* (in silver) aad tie, aluided corners. In the meantine, a Sidinar note was issued, redeamabh tm silver, designed by the artist Beta Vukanovie i the Serbian anny retreated southward, ix was accompanied by a larn Minber of refugees who suffered great hardship. In the town of Pricrc & Local Commitiee for Aid to ihe Needy was sec up, which a Detoben 191 issued 0.50 dinar-notes payable in silver. These were. distribused amore th refug Wiute it was in Greece, ihe Goverument ordered a in silver, in France. Printing began on Sepicmber 1, 1916. ucenrili French system, which means thai the notes bore the date of ihe da they were actually printed. The last 18.9, DIL, so that they could purchase essenstats. dinar note, redeemabl on which day of printing of this issax In occupied Serbia, we upation money was mainly in cirenl marks anid levs To establish how fon: crowns much Serbian money was in the prevent the possible import of new banknot rbia ordered the stamping of notes. This was done with an cvot a np ie he text: K. U.K. MILITAR GENERAL GOUVERNEMENT. IN. SEfe BIEN. KREISKOMMANDO”. Along the lower edee was the Where the he stamping was performed countr the occupation authoritt mS name of the pluve The stamp imprint was placed on botl is known to have stiles of the notes. Stamp been carried ont in tel iota. Stampano uu jubicasta, Plativo u srebs 1915. 0 dinara 166 Kovano u Parizu in Pari para (Ag I dinar \ Gr I 1. mt au, Nacrt od F Design t DU ROYAUME | “ num, datum SCHWARTZ, Lepu graver — SCHWAK DE SERBIE 1915. Ivrada noveanice iavisena u Prizver a Theva 5p $2 Cepia KAN MECHM O/J6OP 3a nowh Neoasmna y pamy nsaha rower ‘ous! vez kymowa AAWHAPA 0, 50 ¥ GPEBPY. Ovmotpa: J Hpag exypa eat, ponded: copped Br 57. 0,50 dinara (15 = 78mm, datum: (date): oktobar t Ri Broj, serija i potpis ispisant su ma u nalazi se osmougaoni peéat sa inicijalima S.M.D gonal stamp on the wates bears the i SME 1915. Siampano u Parizu. Mesto presiampavany y i boja isti kao kod br. 42. Vazenje u srebru Printed s. Place of overprittti v7 and colour the sa sno, 42, Redvemabl. 58.20 dinara 158 x 96 mm, datum: 1, 19 hoy : tica zaobljeni. Prestampana recima Tops of notes rounded. Overp ‘ 1916. iv monarhije, ispod koga jc mesta gel ic pisalo .Kou. K. MIL NERAL GOUVERNEM N. KREISKOMMANDO”, Jedino na pecatu B MMANDO"” stoji_,,BEZIRKSKOMMANDO". Bo. KATALOSKI BROS 2 « « ® so 7 CATALOGUE NUMBER 7 5. 1 1905. i prestanpan ; WU og as9a. 8. yw, WS ow epeopy 5. 1 1906 J MESTO: tar, Ht ek te i 2GOSANIA, ois wt the ponte . rie | Es THE, NAME OF st ve one Ohi” me corour ' Sez vere rie | Ort to prsana, 20 pINARA sop. 19D SEG staurinc was “STAMP { gf" PeRFOR WD : se « . . : Sz = CENA PRICE 4 ReOGRAD ie & 7 10 30 oR RRR RD 2 meets Hjubleasca TAND) ae RO yO RRR RAH © exeak an) Rw 120 380 00) RR ORRR Ro MO D eneak km qa RR ORR R28 black otal ba Hjubisoata MIIANOVAC ater Ro 10 WO wo ORR RRR OR D280 sjubicas Fr xrvcuievac MM Rm 0 3 om ORR ORK RI 280 G RRAGUIPVAC ; he 150 280 450 MO ORR RRR ORR 28D 880 Hh wKReEsPvac aaeL ® 390 9) RR RRR 280 Hubleast ronovirwan 1M he ino 20 aw DORR RRR RR HO) Ue Hubleasta ce ve . slot Nubieasta x oswepreeve 'M Rs m0 3H 6S) ORRR ORI 1 SMEDEREVO a R 100, 370 180 RR RRR KR M428 ubleasta . , saunac oe R19 0 oR RRR Rg plova A sanac ts RR 1m) 200 MO MO RRR RR ORR 20 Uubieasta ounce Rw mw WO ORR ORRR Ro 2H roe P unice a R100 10 1D 7 RR RRR \ k vaLteNo. ae R91) 350 ORR ORE OR 0 witht net su mreateom Wint'net CENE SU_DATE 74 PECATE PRVOG KVALITETA. AKO SU 1 PECAT 1 NOVCANICA PRYOG KVALI TETA, CENATE FIURITEUISKA, THE PRICES ARE EXPRESSED FOR STAMPS OF THE FIRST QUALITY, IF THE S®AMP AND TUE NOTE ARE OF TIE FIRST QUALITY THE PRICE 1S COLLECTORS 40 1917. 1917. panv u Francuskoj. Graver nepotpisar 6x 79mm, datumi razlicit » 12.191 MIS. Stamp. Pariza. Graver neporpisan. Vodoznak Mil Engra rk: ih ‘ min alumi razlici | ». 1918. I 43 Crna Gora Knjagevina Crna Go: sopsiveni no} a, jako od Berlin ac dobila je tek pocetkom 2 cirkulisali su strani nove 119 veku raz ucetkom 20. uglavnom austrijski. Istina, jos nirao da jada novac i udari temelj ernogorskoy moneti, ai ¢ otkova nije se otislo Prvi novei, od nikla i bakea, Kovani su na osnovis u ' 11. aprila 1906, godine, dok je Zakon v novcu donet tek decombra Njime je orvaniceno veziva nogorskog perpera £1 ,,kiwisk nye crnogorskih novaca po krunskom tecaju, a ne po pravilina | orijentisanosti Crne Gore prema Austriji a to vrem a i po liénoj volji Knjazevoj. Dalje, navedenim Zakonoms usvojenu je datni mogly je ustediti bd vazenje i potvrden perper kau nevéana jediniva Novae od papira Crna Gora dobila je 1912, godine. Odinah trot wit paénju na Cinjenicu da Crna Gora nikada nije imala novanies niti honksow vee samo uputnice. Medutim, ove uputnice u svemu su igrale uloge noveanwa i kao takve primane j zamenjivane. Slucaj je Nico da kav j kod pryib papirnil hovaca Srbije, povod 2a Siampanje bude pokrivanje dela iroskova valu sa Turskom. Ove uputnice nije izdala Banka, vec Ministarst nansija gradevina 43 Crna Gora Knjagevina Crna Go: sopsiveni no} a, jako od Berlin ac dobila je tek pocetkom 2 cirkulisali su strani nove 119 veku raz ucetkom 20. uglavnom austrijski. Istina, jos nirao da jada novac i udari temelj ernogorskoy moneti, ai ¢ otkova nije se otislo Prvi novei, od nikla i bakea, Kovani su na osnovis u ' 11. aprila 1906, godine, dok je Zakon v novcu donet tek decombra Njime je orvaniceno veziva nogorskog perpera £1 ,,kiwisk nye crnogorskih novaca po krunskom tecaju, a ne po pravilina | orijentisanosti Crne Gore prema Austriji a to vrem a i po liénoj volji Knjazevoj. Dalje, navedenim Zakonoms usvojenu je datni mogly je ustediti bd vazenje i potvrden perper kau nevéana jediniva Novae od papira Crna Gora dobila je 1912, godine. Odinah trot wit paénju na Cinjenicu da Crna Gora nikada nije imala novanies niti honksow vee samo uputnice. Medutim, ove uputnice u svemu su igrale uloge noveanwa i kao takve primane j zamenjivane. Slucaj je Nico da kav j kod pryib papirnil hovaca Srbije, povod 2a Siampanje bude pokrivanje dela iroskova valu sa Turskom. Ove uputnice nije izdala Banka, vec Ministarst nansija gradevina 43 Montenegro fatroduction Though the Principality of Moutenegro (Crna Gora) had been inde penile Congress of Berlin in 1878, it acquired its ow y morey only the 20h century. Up till then foreign money circulated on 1 nthe 9th century, of various states, and at the end of the 1 id bevinning of dhe 20th centiaies — mainty Austrian. In she iid 19th fny, Bishop-Pritce Petar Petrovic Njegos had planted io bsuc nroney hiv the foundations of @ Montenegrin monetary system, but tis prot > fuvstrer than (uk wnetinsy The first coins of wicket and copper were siruck on the order of Priv Nicholas (Kujar Nikola) issued on Aprid (1, 1906, the Law on Money not bets passed until December 1910. This officially linked the Montenegrin per ith the .crown course”, The minting of Momenegrin coins according to aid not according to the rules of the Latin anion may lave b causequence of Momienegro's orientation towards Austria at ihat (00) i ene erhaps also of ihe prince’s personal wish, The mentioned law coi ed it an the gold stundari perper as the Montenegrin monetary anit and pla 1 she 7 never had banknotes but ouly bills of pa Montenegro aquired puper money in 191. ni. However, th Monieneg vere accepted and exchanged just as if they were banknotes. Ay was vith the first issue of Serbian paper money, in Montenegro it was first printed ‘0 vover the vosts oj a war with Turkey. These bills were not issued by thn Bank bur by the Ministry of Finance and Building 44 1906, 1910. cise bnae } CAL NO. VALE Se 1 perp Wd 1 perper Be. 1 perper 20. 2 perpera 20a, 2 perpera 20b. 2 perperu 2c. 2 perpera (isto kav br. 19b., sane isto kav br. 19, sania se preti sane wf 1914. isto br. 19d., samo. pon Bad a - Boja jc (130 = 85 nm, Colour dark + {isto samu ponisieno sa d to kao br. 20, same sap: roa.”) samme as no. 2U, bar overpre (isto kao br roa") [same as no. 206, by 19a. 19. Harti a 10 perpe neoznagen. Sasiay metals kao kod ranijih idan ma, Bay “ ou stlver ' 1's mark, Composition of metal the saitte as iit previo cy me 1,66 xr 2 ' > Cu 19 mm 333 er i , sv mm Ser in iN 4g 18 A » ( Mi 46mm 24 pep 50 120) Datum: 25. 7, 1914, Dimenzije svih naveani Date 1914. AN same dimensi 1 LOT nine dour: light blue). Scries A,B, B, 10 2 ( isto kaw br. 36, samo ponisteno jednem rupor (same as no. 36, bat cancelled with one hate) 10 i 0 bez serije i bro} {neither series nor numb 80 50 it bojs: crvena). Serija A, B, B, I (colour: red), Series A, BB, 0 4 ) Gsto kao br. 37, samo ponisteno jednom rupom {sante as tno. 37, but cancelled with one he Br 4 Hoan. Boj Imm, Colours yrey-blac Novae Crne Gore u periodu I svetskog rata Montenegrin Money During the World War | saath ta osaaineeeeimnaeinaienn sao pans Easraetaenenreb pasnevny ame iyrun 10 RECET RDEPIEPA Cepuja f ‘OF fp PEeATS THE TYPE THE STAMP cen 1 run }IZDANIE 1914 TISSUP [ord KATALOSKI ROL . . CXRALOGEE NUMBER MEsTO PEEACENSA. rope wt DIMEN NAVY awstat Bos " ereata ; w " ‘wo coLoun wire tae Orne STAMPING Was STAMP A hom rN bow PA BE wk wt ad PrREORMMD AND. min NStoxs ae ne 1m cen — : 1s 5 16 1S ow , ns tt ceri Wes a ha ee Vane ve cerns Hubicant ten ' ww wR mw wm wy N18 356 9) ceuins crvena ttm 11S 1 1S 20 26 BS HBS 2s OS HSH SH AME HE red ea HPP 2mm — 15S 15 1S S10 » Su Mio 158 8 - plava WeK Ginm TN www Wiss 2 200 808 9 to) cua eee ge sw ee Tao toed NuKste phova 2112 PAT Pw Mw Wo a0 SSH OH Simm ts ue ieenes wee 9 was 5 x sm 900 450-300. “ S15 2S m9 49 sy 2s 80 plava ee eae 2M 2s 35 85 WSS se SH tw aNe Nikste Wubi ye ap os wa wo oe ww am aw ate sa im se 2k Se : PLevi 1m 10 WW 10 0 AS HS 20 18 20 By 25 20 Sa WH ve PODGORIEN Hi om mw HM 1 50 a 180 (rm violet ” Popeorsc Habicastn "Siam Ww Ww was 1s wm Sm 0 400 He siotet SraRr HAR Hubicasta , tent 1519 18 AS 2B 2 2 Hs 2 50 0 50H sot SraRt nar Hupicasta Tea 1S 18 mY ww 0 awed) ea ste SrA BAR rvena im 22 WW Ww ys Ow ODD R fei SU parE 44 AKO SUL TEEAE L SOVEAMIEY HHSOG BYE CENATE CHUB PRICES ARE PXPRESSED FOR StaMMS OF THE Lutet guMLtiy, 1h Hie Si Awe ND “BR NOTE ARE OF TH HIRST QUALITY THI PIUCE fs COUEC ORS TIZDANJE 191 KATALOSKI RROD : CXTALOGEE NUMBER Mesto PEEACEN veweries NAZIVA MESTA Tm BON . . : at be THE NAME OF | PREAEN 2 gok Sine tows) mun coroun Bae wane var “or tir GEE SIAMPING Was “STAMP Sv oT Sv ts ‘ ss Bee “yilvorsey oe AND SE pie Nsions rans pie FE tN mim A cern Iiubieasts 4 ; reas Him sitet : B cerning: seven yoy 8 wow ww ue 30 ter rad © enren Nubieasta 0 ' ” ro lomm iat . b ceria even ‘ oO 6 wos wy se ro tenn red 7 . Eevee | oOo a3 5 4 0 en) tea lave . PEK 2mm 53 w 6 ‘ 0 a © KOLASIN Hnicasts ee ene van isle 1 KoLAsIN oN Hiubicasta PATE violet 1 Nikste Mubiewts gg : by 018 Wear oie ) NIKSIC plava Pe er ec e108 win hoe : K Nikste Hubicast 22s 6 6 " 0 1S violet 1 Nikstc plava . ake i wo mn 1S ce blue . . Me PLEVLE Vubieasts gy gy oe me Seach slot : : N PODCORICY ee aos sop wos c ' 0 © Poncaraes ‘ish aa a x 1" P START BAR ete 5 8 Bp 8 @ mM Mo ‘0200 Ro OSTARI RAR eae 22 5 3 1 #0 STARE aK “ 5 w oo 0200 T BELGRAD niet sv sveria 1 tawny Pou Dawe CENE SU DATE 74 PEEATE PRVOG KVALSTETA, AKO SUL PECAT £ NOE NAICS PhwOt KUALE ETA, CENA HE LAGHITELISK THE PRICES ARE PXPRESSED FOR Staves OF THE FIRST QUAI Ey 1 ciEe SEA AAR tHE NOTE ARE OF THE FIRST QUALITY PHY PRICE Is COHIDCTOR'S ——————————— FONE MONZPERPER FONF KRONEN, mm. Datum: 20. X11 3 prnamentalai ram, sa sivem m. bo a Tumacéenje znakova i A rebro Au — slate Cu = bakar ili bakarna teva Ni — nik? ili tegura niki precnik, promer prednja strana povea Revers — zadnja strana novest Kovnicka oznaka — slovn, skraceniva ili stika 7 wk) novac kovan u odredens) kovnic Miesiva ua noveanici — 0% u boli preke pov ankih paralebih linija, srafura ili Filigranske; obigno se golim okum tesko uocayan, nanosenic posledicu stvaranie ilusiie da je hartiia u boii Plativost: nuvéanice uw srebru je u srebi 4a Srebrni novae istog iznosa, a 2a slain san Plativost novéanice u data ~- vaienie u atu. N. dlatnu moneiu bez ikakvill odbitak Cene su date n dinarin Key to signs and ext diannes Obverse — the frant side of @ cai Rever he back side of a coir Mint mark — letter or piciure a 4 particular mint Net oit banknotes ing of fitte parallel lines, wavy lines of fille net is Hy difficulr to distinoutshy wit gives the illusion that the paper uself ix colunsrd Note redeemable in sity tid an silver. 1 silver money of the same amount, but for x0 rain percent Note rec without any dedue The prices are ¢ ° Literatura Bibliography dauonied, wor, MLA (19129, god. XLIT 9145. Ti VII tom, Zagreb 1956, 1968 en Jttgoskawiens ab TAS mii Serbiew tm Montenegre Hvanavic Dusan, Metalni novel Srbije, Cre Gore i Jugustavife, Bev Koudic dr Vladimir, Novac a Beograda, Be 1967 De Kapa Mihaly és Ambros Béla, Mayvarorsciy papirpe Bu dapest, 1964 Naradna banka 1884—1934, Beograd, 19M Novakovie Dorde, Eutisija voveauih Crue Gore tz 191 Pick A., Paptergeld Katalog, bavopa seti 19 Srhske novine 18-09, 186 Srpske novine, 137, 151 (1916. Uvrigi€é Miodrag, Nove gostavije, Beograd, 16 Walter 1, he banconote d'kuropa, Regno Serbia, Montentcyra, Coma. 1995. Wieser B, Contributions to the monetar Yavostavia, London 1965 Zivanovic Liv. Politicka istoriza Srbije, Beograd 1923

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