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Advantages and disadvantages to study in the foreign

When a person decide to study in other country different to the country origin, he or she
should think in many things, there are advantages as: I could to know new places, new
cultures, new things that permit me development me better as person, could have better
oportunities to find job, I also could learn more idioms and finally I could learn to use of best
means the recursos

Advantages and disadvantages to study in the foreign

When a person decide to study in another country, he or she should think of many things,
there are advantages as: you could know new places, new cultures, maybe you have better
chances to find job, and also learn more idioms and finally you could learn to use the best
means the resources in your country, but also there are the disvantage as: time to adapt to the
other countries, the lonelisess since the people miss so much your family, also the money
because studying abroad is very expensive, and very burocratic, because always there are
many formalities to go out and study outside the country.

Ya te hice las correciones corazn pero adems sino me equivoco puedes cambiar los could
por cancreo =D

La parte en rojo, no se que quieres decir mi amorcito..como que no tiene sentido

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