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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN

Name: Mustafa Dursun Date: 06/06/2017

Instructional Project 3
Download and read the following article:

Castronova, J. A. (2002). Discovery learning for the 21st century:

What is it and how does it compare to traditional learning in
effectiveness in the 21st century. Action Research Exchange, 1(1), 1-
12. Retrived from
After reading this article and conducting additional research, answer
to the following questions.

What is discovery learning?

Discovery Learning is an instructional model and the methods that focus on active, hands-on
work for students. It promotes the development of students' critical thinking and problem
solving skills.

How does this form of teaching compare to traditional, teacher-centered


It is a student-centered instruction. Students are not passive learning like in teacher-centered

instruction. Students and teachers interact equally. Students do interest-based hands-on activities in
this learning process. Learning is process-based rather than fact-based. Feedback is necessary and
failure is essential.
What educational theories support the discovery learning model?

John Deweys Democracy and Education, Jean Piagets To Understand theories support the
discovery learning method.
What is the most important thing you discovered about discovery learning?
The most important thing for me is students are learning through exploration and problem-solving
students create, integrate, and generalize knowledge. Students are learning and paying attention
more if they actually do hands-on activities based on their interests.

How can you apply this method to your future classroom?

I can apply it in my chemistry class. Students can discuss and study the chemical reactions in our
lives. They can do experiment and they can do also research about it like where the chemical
reactions take place in daily life.


Select one of the following chapters to conduct research: Chapter 2,
3, 5 or 12. Review the chapter and respond to related questions for
that chapter by conducting your own research.

Chapter 5- Using Classroom Technology

1. How does technology enhance the teachers ability to plan instruction? Use
one of the available search engines to explore the web for technological tools
such as lesson planning software, worksheets and puzzle tools, poster and
bulletin board production tools, and time management tools that will assist you in
planning. Share your findings with your class.

Technology gives visual sources to classroom. I find especially animations very useful to teach
the chemistry concepts such as atoms, electrons that students are having hard time to imagine in
their mind.

2. Technology offers tools that can help students learn. To what technology
should students have access? Do you have any educational concerns about the
use of these technologies in schools? If so, what are they? If not, why not?

In my chemistry class, I use Plickers that is a great tool that. Using Plicker, I am able to collect the
data that helps guide teaching within an ongoing class. It is cheap and students do not need use
any technology devices but I need to install the app in my phone. I also need to print the students
plicker card that has a unique number; they need to keep this card that assigned the individual in
their science journal. Each of the Plickers card side has an answer choice. After I scan the
plickers by using my phone, all data in my phone and it takes less than one minute. I also use
KAHOOT game in class.

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