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Anthony Sotelo

Mrs. Stultz

English 1P; Per. 6

3 November 2016

Can People Live In Peace?

War means fighting and fighting means killing Nathan Bedford Forrest, Military

Commander, said that in war there is killing which will lead to death. A topic of debate would be can a

nation live in harmony. Most of the time the public can not, citizens cant go a day without yelling,

fighting, or even protesting. Society cant really live in peace if people are always fighting or arguing.

It is difficult for the society to live in peace without fighting or killing each other. In Bill

Clintons Address to the Oklahoma Bombing Memorial he said, This is a terrible sin that took the

lives of our American Family, innocent children and people were in that building. In this example

the act committed in Oklahoma took many innocent lives and it hurt our nation. The evidence suggest

that people cant always get along peacefully. Furthermore, nobody really knows that our first

president owned slaves. In Making the Future Better by Eboo Patel it says, The man that

welcomed the Jews and Catholics into a nation was a slaveholder. This shows the readers that even

the man that welcomed people into the nation had slaves that worked for him. The first president

owned slaves and he couldnt live with others equally. This demonstrates how not everyone could live

together as one or be equal in our nation because the first president owned slaves. As a result most

people can not live in peace and harmony.

Society shows that people have problems with others who are of different religions, race, and

who have different beliefs. In the book A Raisin In The Sun Karl Linder says, Our association is

prepared, through the collective effort of our people, to buy the house from you at a financial gain to
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your family. Karl Linder says this because the community doesnt want them to move in because of

their color. A conclusion that can be drawn is that white citizens felt threatened when colored people

moved into their neighborhood. Furthermore, money can tear people apart. In A Raisin In The Sun

Walter says, It was your money and you did what you wanted with it. So you butchered up a dream

of mine- you- who always talking bout your childrens dreams. By looking at what Walter said he

was hoping Mama wouldve given him the money for the store. This demonstrates how Walter was

haunted with money and wanted to buy the liquor store. As a result, it shows how people fight or

argue over money, a particular race, and beliefs.

One should acknowledge that people always cant live together in unity. It is clear that people

fight over money, race, and beliefs. This leads to people getting hurt or even worse killed. The point

remains that a nation can not come together and live as one.
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Works Cited

Hansberry, Lorraine. A Raisin in the Sun. New York: New American Library, 1966. Print.

"Oklahoma City Bombing." Encyclopedia of Terrorism (n.d.): n. pag. Web.

Patel, Eboo. "Eboo Patel on Interfaith Youth Cooperation." Tikkun 24.1 (2009): 74. Web.

Anthony,you have what you need to have here (based on requirements from the essay template) but
challenge yourself to expand insight on your matters sentences. Go deep! You have good ideas so
expand on them and do not stop short --dont settle for the minimum! Feel free to ask me for help on
how your paper can be even better! Next time, you can continue to work on up-leveling your
vocabulary or expanding on ideas. (Works Cited - Times new Roman size 12 throughout for MLA
format, btw!)
Score: 86 -1 MLA format - 85

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